Poetry competition CLOSED 7th November 2014 5:12pm
case28 (Alexander Case)
View Profile Poems by case28



poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

see below for details...
one entry each, new only

any style poetry or prose

Write hyperbole, the rest is up to you
under 200 words, please

A hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration used to make a point. It is like the opposite of “understatement.” It is from a Greek word meaning “excess.”

Hyperboles can be found in literature and oral communication. They would not be used in nonfiction works, like medical journals or research papers; but, they are perfect for fictional works, especially to add color to a character or humor to the story.

Hyperboles are comparisons, like similes and metaphors, but are extravagant and even ridiculous.
A boring story can come to life or become comical with the use of a hyperbole. Some examples of hyperboles include:

“I’ve told you a million times”
“It was so cold, I saw polar bears wearing jackets”
“She is so dumb, she thinks Taco Bell is a Mexican phone company”
I am so hungry I could eat a horse.
I have a million things to do.
I had to walk 15 miles to school in the snow, uphill.
I had a ton of homework.
If I can’t buy that new game, I will die.
He is as skinny as a toothpick.
This car goes faster than the speed of light.
That new car costs a bazillion dollars.
We are so poor; we don’t have two cents to rub together.

A great example of hyperbole in literature comes from Paul Bunyan’s opening remarks in the American folktale Babe, the Blue Ox:

“Well now, one winter it was so cold that all the geese flew backward and all the fish moved south and even the snow turned blue. Late at night, it got so frigid that all spoken words froze solid afore they could be heard. People had to wait until sunup to find out what folks were talking about the night before.”

Another example comes from "As I Walked Out One Evening" by W.H. Auden:

"I'll love you, dear, I'll love you till China and Africa meet,
And the river jumps over the mountain
And the salmon sing in the street,
I'll love you till the ocean
Is folded and hung up to dry
And the seven stars go squawking
Like geese about the sky."

short hyperbole from literature:

The skin on her face was as thin and drawn as tight as the skin of onion and her eyes were gray and sharp like the points of two picks.
It was not a mere man he was holding, but a giant; or a block of granite. The pull was unendurable. The pain unendurable.
People moved slowly then. There was no hurry, for there was nowhere to go, nothing to buy and no money to buy it with, nothing to see outside the boundaries of Maycomb County.
It's a slow burg. I spent a couple of weeks there one day.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 22nd June 2014
Forum Posts: 27


She was an ogre of a woman
Standing ten feet tall in her stockings
With breath like the billows of a forge
Daily, she did force me
To write and recite my ABCs
And now I know how to spell 'hyperbole'
And use it with ease

Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333

Jack The Ripper

I jackhammer drilled her so hard
her ovaries exploded
the front door was left agape and unhinged
oozing her pearly elixir down her thighs
the back door hidden behind two thick fleshy cushions
was broken into by my thunderous thief
I stole her dignity
yet she swallowed me
because I made her feel like
heaven had a heart

poet Anonymous

thank's Maenad and BoFantastic for starting us off!

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14589

Cum shot

I came so hard
that it shot her throat
out the back of her neck
through the wall
and killed a pedestrian

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 2awards
Joined 16th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 67

youre a million miles away
it seems.
so that i can only see you
in my dreams.
its been forever since
we first met.
summercamp. is it time again
ill always love you, your heart
is my home.
so until we meet again, the world i
shall roam.
id do anything for you
my dear.
climb the moon, and face
any fear.
and when im finally in
your embrace,
theres no fear or hardship that we
cant face.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


                      ODE TO SHIT

Chicken Shit
                     Pig Shit
                                  Horse Shit

But there’s no Shit
Like your Shit
“And God Knows I’ve Had My Full!”

King Sammy
Thought Provoker
Nigeria 9awards
Joined 2nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 203

A keg of Pride

I was so hurt that the pains  turned to heat and boiled antarctica.
My anger wrinkled my face that the devil got scared and fled.
I was so right; I felt like the sinless Jesus.
Saying sorry was as difficult as counting the sand on a sea shore.
She pissed me off like discarded urine.
Her words were as topless as a stripper, despite me dressing up mine like a monk.
She gave me hell, but because of my love for her I eat the flames.

She felt I was the devil and I felt I was the angel
So, who was gonna accept the crucifix and say sorry?
Not me,
I guess not her too; a saint she was.
I was drunk with pride, she was high on egoistic volumes.

The fear of losing each other was hidden in the keg of pride.
We kept on taking sips forever.
Perplexed like I switched my brain with that of a turkey, she was even worse.

In the greatest world wander, she smashed and crushed her keg of pride to dust, walked up to my emotions and said:
"Sek, my whole being is deeply sorry for the pains I've caused you"
I was amazed and ashamed of my self that I had to go back inside my shell like a tortoise, but my Joy exploded the shell.
I replied in repentance:
"I'm so sorry baby, I was just emotionally stupid"
Then, the journey of a happy ever after of love took the wheels.

poet Anonymous

It was with a pound of fear weighing down upon his chest
That down and over he moved his hands
Typing up letters so quickly they bunched together like snow in a snow drift
And he knew what it meant to be so cold hearts froze to ice
He asked him one more time
With a thousand eyes upon his words
If before he left
Their lips could meet
With the heat of a billion suns and the strength of a hundred armies
Tongues would meet, slowly
Like saplings pushing through earth
Then quicker, as he gained bravery of a lion
To kiss the boy he had so wanted for months
Kiss him with the desperation of the Revolutionary Men
Fighting to tell him
In a hushed voice
With weight that of the moon
"I love you."

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084

the physics behind obsession

schwarzschild says she loves and adores you, oh-so much
that every electron in her body
is charged with a love that will span a universe

but then there's gravity

if you ever turn schwarzschild down and inside out
the mass of consequential reality will trigger a reaction
of negative repulsion and hate
and when hate is applied with such incredible vindictive force
the protons in every atom of her body will consume her
transforming schwarzschild into a black hole
preventing you from escaping with the light in your eyes
leaving you hanging in space
without the energy to love another schwarzschild again

written by Alexander Case

poet Anonymous

These all have their merit and I enjoyed reading each one. Thanks to all who entered and congrats to Mr Case :)

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084

Thanks miki for another cool comp and well done to all the entries. Special thanks to JR for giving me the inspiration by introducing me to Nassim Haramein... random information and discussions all filters down into creativity. Cheers.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Schwarzschild sounds like quite the girl.  I  wonder if she has a sister?

Thanks to AC I'll have the name schwarzschild knocking about my head, like a lost nickel in a dryer, for the next several days.

Great job AC, and thanks to the mikimoondancer for sponsoring such a good competition.  All were enjoyable reads, save Maenad's, who's terrifying poem brought back the horrific memory of my 3rd grade teacher, "Miss Alice 'the Goon' Doberstein"    

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