The Letter
Joined 30th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 170
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 170
Poetry Contest Description
Write a letter to your younger self
Pick the age you want to write to, any style of your choice, just write something to a younger you
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
Here I go again. Every time I see a competition I’m tempted to start things off. I just can’t seem to help myself. This will be the last time, in a long time, I’ll jump the gun. But please forgive me because I find DU to be so much fun
Okay, I’m 17 and freshly graduated from high school. I’m working on a mushroom farm when from a dark corner, a young woman asks, “hey Snugglebuck, wanna share a joint?”
Dear Dumbass,
What the ‘Hell’ is wrong with you? Just because you grew up outside of a small Western Wisconsin town, doesn’t mean that everyone you encounter has some clandestine motive to steal your innocent soul.
Despite what they taught you during ‘drug awareness day’, that cute little hippie chick is not a pusher who wants to get you hooked. She’s a hot blooded young woman who wants to make out. Don’t be such a square. No wonder it took you two more years to lose your virginity.
Yours Truly,
You, Without Any Hair
Okay, I’m 17 and freshly graduated from high school. I’m working on a mushroom farm when from a dark corner, a young woman asks, “hey Snugglebuck, wanna share a joint?”
Dear Dumbass,
What the ‘Hell’ is wrong with you? Just because you grew up outside of a small Western Wisconsin town, doesn’t mean that everyone you encounter has some clandestine motive to steal your innocent soul.
Despite what they taught you during ‘drug awareness day’, that cute little hippie chick is not a pusher who wants to get you hooked. She’s a hot blooded young woman who wants to make out. Don’t be such a square. No wonder it took you two more years to lose your virginity.
Yours Truly,
You, Without Any Hair
Joined 20th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 18
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 18
This is a letter for my 14-to-be-15-year-old self.
Dear Little Miss Heartbreaker:
You think she is the one for you just because she has been with you through thick and thin on her last year in highschool when your stepmom caught you going to school 3 hours late because you had sex for the first time.
I know you know better than this, or at least, when you do, it will be too late. That's why I'm writing you this letter. DON'T GO BACK TO HER! As a matter of fact, don't date her classmate either; she might be hot and remind you of your very first love, but it will only end in tears and you will ruin your heart.
If you ask me what you should do then, study hard. If you like a chic, great! But DO NOT jump into the relationship as quick as you know how to do, and for the sake of life DO NOT SAY THE L WORD! You will not find out the true meaning of the word until you go back home so there's no point in saying, you'll only break their hearts and Karma will come back straight at you. Trust me, I'm paying your huge ass bill.
And if anything else fails, DON'T GO BACK TO HER! You've hurt her enough already. Let her be happy even if you are misserable, you'll find your bit of happiness when you come back.
Dear Little Miss Heartbreaker:
You think she is the one for you just because she has been with you through thick and thin on her last year in highschool when your stepmom caught you going to school 3 hours late because you had sex for the first time.
I know you know better than this, or at least, when you do, it will be too late. That's why I'm writing you this letter. DON'T GO BACK TO HER! As a matter of fact, don't date her classmate either; she might be hot and remind you of your very first love, but it will only end in tears and you will ruin your heart.
If you ask me what you should do then, study hard. If you like a chic, great! But DO NOT jump into the relationship as quick as you know how to do, and for the sake of life DO NOT SAY THE L WORD! You will not find out the true meaning of the word until you go back home so there's no point in saying, you'll only break their hearts and Karma will come back straight at you. Trust me, I'm paying your huge ass bill.
And if anything else fails, DON'T GO BACK TO HER! You've hurt her enough already. Let her be happy even if you are misserable, you'll find your bit of happiness when you come back.
Joined 30th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 170
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 170
This is amazing
Joined 31st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 190
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 190
hey you. i know that you are only 13 now and things are hard as it is with mom.but hings are going to get harder. people are going to use you and others will never believe you. you are strong and eventually you will say that you would rather have it happen to you then some other little girl that couldnt have handled it. and it wont be the last time. but keep everything it will come in handy. some people wont believe you and that will make you cry. but remember that they arnt worth it. you will find that perfect person that you love and want to be will all be worth it in the end and all the shit that happens wont matter when you sit down with the one you love.
Forum Posts: 10
Lost Thinker
Joined 29th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 10

Ignore the voices
Focus, instead on choices
And what might propel you ahead
Rather than listening to what they said
Don’t let people dictate what you do
Or the temptations of evil tempt you
You should matter to yourself first
And forget that feeling of being cursed
At the age of three, you faced a fate so bad
When you were ripped from your dad
No longer was your safety in tact
Your mother did what she thought was best and that is a fact
In the years to come, you will become independent
Continue that journey, it is strength heaven sent
Do not allow people to convince you
That they know the answers to what you should and shouldn’t do
Sure, you will grow up without a dad for your entire life
And it will tear at your heart like a serrated knife
Now that you are a teen
Realize and understand what I mean
When I say to love yourself when
No one else cares to, time and again
Just when you set a goal for yourself
It will be pulled up and put higher on a shelf
Out of reach, some things are not meant to be
Never knowing your dad is one of those things, you see
You are entitled to hold your head up just as high
As those girls who gave life a try
You have wasted enough time
Life is short and can turn on a dime
With a newfound courage, when you are older
You will be able to take risks and you will become bolder
Do not let anyone, anything, or words stand in your way
Keep pushing through each and every day
There will be boundaries set in front of you
They are there as teaching moments, for you to pursue
Learn from mistakes, everyone makes them
Don’t beat yourself up, just don’t make them again
Go with your gut and do not do what you know is wrong
Because before you know it, your life will be long gone
Speak your voice, to those who seek to break you
You will gain more wisdom, and it is important what you do
If you stifle, and remain as a pawn
In this life, your self-esteem will be gone
Then you will have nothing, to draw strength from
If you don’t have your own back, no one else will get things done
Focus, instead on choices
And what might propel you ahead
Rather than listening to what they said
Don’t let people dictate what you do
Or the temptations of evil tempt you
You should matter to yourself first
And forget that feeling of being cursed
At the age of three, you faced a fate so bad
When you were ripped from your dad
No longer was your safety in tact
Your mother did what she thought was best and that is a fact
In the years to come, you will become independent
Continue that journey, it is strength heaven sent
Do not allow people to convince you
That they know the answers to what you should and shouldn’t do
Sure, you will grow up without a dad for your entire life
And it will tear at your heart like a serrated knife
Now that you are a teen
Realize and understand what I mean
When I say to love yourself when
No one else cares to, time and again
Just when you set a goal for yourself
It will be pulled up and put higher on a shelf
Out of reach, some things are not meant to be
Never knowing your dad is one of those things, you see
You are entitled to hold your head up just as high
As those girls who gave life a try
You have wasted enough time
Life is short and can turn on a dime
With a newfound courage, when you are older
You will be able to take risks and you will become bolder
Do not let anyone, anything, or words stand in your way
Keep pushing through each and every day
There will be boundaries set in front of you
They are there as teaching moments, for you to pursue
Learn from mistakes, everyone makes them
Don’t beat yourself up, just don’t make them again
Go with your gut and do not do what you know is wrong
Because before you know it, your life will be long gone
Speak your voice, to those who seek to break you
You will gain more wisdom, and it is important what you do
If you stifle, and remain as a pawn
In this life, your self-esteem will be gone
Then you will have nothing, to draw strength from
If you don’t have your own back, no one else will get things done
Joined 30th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 170
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 170
Loving these

Hey there Cruey of little
Need to answer my riddle
My thoughts caught in the middle
Of why I am so brittle
I would love to comfort you
But there are thoughts I accrue
All the things you put me through
It’s enough to make me stew`
Now your thoughts I’ve disputed
You thinking you are stupid
Wish my thoughts to be lucid
But they are deeply rooted
I want to escape your mind
And all you left behind
So I’m trying to unwind
On how my life was defined
So what were you afraid of?
Fighting emotions I shove
Shouldn’t be afraid of love
Searching for help from above
Afraid of disappointing
These thoughts I’ve been appointing
My path I am enjoying
Verbal spat I’ve been coining
Change my personality
Expand ingenuity
Quote orginality
Deep Underground Poetry
Hey there Cruey of little
Need to answer my riddle
My thoughts caught in the middle
Of why I am so brittle
I would love to comfort you
But there are thoughts I accrue
All the things you put me through
It’s enough to make me stew`
Now your thoughts I’ve disputed
You thinking you are stupid
Wish my thoughts to be lucid
But they are deeply rooted
I want to escape your mind
And all you left behind
So I’m trying to unwind
On how my life was defined
So what were you afraid of?
Fighting emotions I shove
Shouldn’t be afraid of love
Searching for help from above
Afraid of disappointing
These thoughts I’ve been appointing
My path I am enjoying
Verbal spat I’ve been coining
Change my personality
Expand ingenuity
Quote orginality
Deep Underground Poetry
Forum Posts: 3645
Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645
that was pretty good there D.....can you do it for real?
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14604
Guardian of Shadows

Forum Posts: 14604
Miracles notwithstanding
We're getting used to it now
the thoughts of the thing anyway
a few days of supping beer
helped flush out those awkward conversations
and make way for wistful reminisces
one morning, the sons will rise
but the father will keep his eyes closed
time, it seems, is of the essence
there's lesson to be had here
We're getting used to it now
the thoughts of the thing anyway
a few days of supping beer
helped flush out those awkward conversations
and make way for wistful reminisces
one morning, the sons will rise
but the father will keep his eyes closed
time, it seems, is of the essence
there's lesson to be had here
Joined 24th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 125
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 125
*Change the course*
such beauty and brains
dont let him hit you
your only 10 years old
beating you wont help
stay happy and sweet
you are child
please stay strong
depression will come over you
in a matter of years
but he is gone
turning yo the dark
it didnt hurt you
but inside it had
your young
your inspiring
but your not going
i know on
septemeber 15th
you tried to kill yourself
my love you see now
it was worth it at the time
but it wont help
i know he hits you
but he will be gone soon
sweetie stay strong
dont let the big bad man
bring you down
you arent going anywhere
you will have some heartbreaks
you will think
of many ways to die
depression will over take you
but sweetie
you will overcome it
so change now
before it gets the way
i write to you now
please change
grow up and dont
let all the death
get to your heart
it made me cold
but riht now your heart soul
and bright
is slowly fading
so change
its for the best
such beauty and brains
dont let him hit you
your only 10 years old
beating you wont help
stay happy and sweet
you are child
please stay strong
depression will come over you
in a matter of years
but he is gone
turning yo the dark
it didnt hurt you
but inside it had
your young
your inspiring
but your not going
i know on
septemeber 15th
you tried to kill yourself
my love you see now
it was worth it at the time
but it wont help
i know he hits you
but he will be gone soon
sweetie stay strong
dont let the big bad man
bring you down
you arent going anywhere
you will have some heartbreaks
you will think
of many ways to die
depression will over take you
but sweetie
you will overcome it
so change now
before it gets the way
i write to you now
please change
grow up and dont
let all the death
get to your heart
it made me cold
but riht now your heart soul
and bright
is slowly fading
so change
its for the best
Just G
Forum Posts: 920
Just G
Fire of Insight
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 920
Dear Munchkin,
If you're reading this you know you made it through;
though I don't want to fill you with false hopes.
You're too smart for your own good and it's
In the future, you'll be smart enough to know
what you don't; can't; never have.
You'll experience trauma and loss
You'll be praised for being so strong
In the future, you'll be fighting for everything
know when to give up and move on
or in the end you'll be fighting yourself.
savor the smallest of things
hammocks between weeping willow trees
-Beyond S.
If you're reading this you know you made it through;
though I don't want to fill you with false hopes.
You're too smart for your own good and it's
In the future, you'll be smart enough to know
what you don't; can't; never have.
You'll experience trauma and loss
You'll be praised for being so strong
In the future, you'll be fighting for everything
know when to give up and move on
or in the end you'll be fighting yourself.
savor the smallest of things
hammocks between weeping willow trees
-Beyond S.
Austin Rura
Joined 6th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 327
Austin Rura
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 327
Dear Younger Self,
goddamn it it's been a trip.
I was gonna write and fib,
and tell you not to do a whole list of different shit.
It's just now i cant help but just think and sit,
and ponder all the reasons you gonna one day turn out to be the meanest son of a bitch who ever lived.
So instead of tellin' you what not to do ima tell it to you just like it is and how i know you know it was.
To older bro pokin' inside of the fridge to mom outside catchin a buzz,
but you gonna learn that it's all in the biz and you gonna do it for us.
If you soak in what im showin' you gonna be goin' to the top of the list from the back of the bus.
Son you gonna be rich and have every thing, but you must
just remember golds the only thing you WON'T miss... It's the only love that don't turn to dust.
~Sincerely Yours
more words you simply cant trust
goddamn it it's been a trip.
I was gonna write and fib,
and tell you not to do a whole list of different shit.
It's just now i cant help but just think and sit,
and ponder all the reasons you gonna one day turn out to be the meanest son of a bitch who ever lived.
So instead of tellin' you what not to do ima tell it to you just like it is and how i know you know it was.
To older bro pokin' inside of the fridge to mom outside catchin a buzz,
but you gonna learn that it's all in the biz and you gonna do it for us.
If you soak in what im showin' you gonna be goin' to the top of the list from the back of the bus.
Son you gonna be rich and have every thing, but you must
just remember golds the only thing you WON'T miss... It's the only love that don't turn to dust.
~Sincerely Yours
more words you simply cant trust
Joined 6th July 2013
Forum Posts: 121
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 121
I’ll wash my brain and dirt my feet,
I’ll dance in mud and skirt packed streets,
I’ll live and die before my hair turns gray.
I said before I settled down,
pretended love and hid my frown,
and wrinkled up to die of cold old age.
I’ll wash my brain and dirt my feet,
I’ll dance in mud and skirt packed streets,
I’ll live and die before my hair turns gray.
I said before I settled down,
pretended love and hid my frown,
and wrinkled up to die of cold old age.