Poetry competition CLOSED 13th July 2013 2:16pm
View Profile Poems by Magdalena

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Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about witches, sorcerers, spells, potions & black magic.
Competition Guide:

1. One poem only with a limit of 666 words, old and new poems accepted, no collaborations.
2. The poem MUST include a spell or potion that is to be cast or taken at some point of your dark tale.
3. The title of the poem MUST be the name of the spell or potion used in the poem... be creative.
4. The poem can be set in the past, present or in your own fantasy world.

Bonus points will be awarded for including a one liner dissing Harry Potter or any other vanilla do gooder wizard or witch.

You've got 2 weeks!!! So gather the virgins, fatten the lambs and raise the dead. Its time to conjure up your dark side and write a poem of the blackest magic.

Bad luck to you all.
Alexander Case

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

"The Huthion' Battles of The Shape Shifter!"

I thought in this dream I was amongst my friends at
my local sanctuary.  When in fact I was in the Blackest
Corridors of Illusions and allegory.

I followed whom I thought would lead me out of this realm safely.  For it was a brimming den of iniquitous demonic witches drinking poisons.  For as they seen me.
My presence entertained them greatly.  

I didn't realize this but I was to meet with.  The darkest shape shifter of the underworld and time.
For he had longed to imprison my essence.  And harness the powers of my untold rhyme.

These unspeakable powers he already wielded were
beyond supernatural comprehensions.  Bending the  
the fabrics of integrity and forthright formidable intentions.  

I battled with this beast.  As it seemingly had no
weakness using mind over matter and denial.  Finally
it believed that I was succumbing to its powers.
For its inner pestilence being so persistent as well
as viral.    

Finally near a great cliff we battled.  And its hands were wrapped tightly clenching my neck.  I whispered if you do not let go this will be your final reckoning and regret!!

I teetered at the edges of that great pulpit.
Below were the mag-magma fires of Hell and brimstone.
Fear began to grow in this once darkest of mages.
I realized I had within my pocket a vial of bubbling orange
looking crystal fluidized orbs.  I pulled this out and at the
sight of it.  The demons eyes grew ever fearful and mad.
I then recalled who gave me this in this dream.  And old friend
that we no longer talk in the real World.  But none the less.
He still helps me now so it seems.  I said "In the name of
Huthion' Fortitude!  And the inner and outer powers of reality.
Before you die I Cristen you with this anointing.  And it shall scorch your skin and burn both your eyes.  I uncorked it and threw it upon him and he cried and yelled painfully

Then I told him though Harry Potters a huge pussy!
You would bring him even greater disgrace you damn wussy!!!
Finally we both lost our footing and flew off into
the empty space.  

Racing towards the fiery pits below.  And the darkest of a terrible fate.  I awoke smiling now.  For I had
rubbed it in that demons face.  Putting fear into its darkest illusions.  And for now sealing its worthless

poet Anonymous

“The Stone’s Throw”
(A Character Poem about Dark Love and Black Magic)
By nature,
I’m generally loving,
but she’s gone too far,
has turned me
from Spring
to Autumn.
It's a continuous story,
not unlike many others,
one party smothered
for their weakness,
I am a sorcerer,
Gandalf's not
even this jaded.
Once my colors
ran true-green,
I was serene in my gait,
they now burn brown,
I wear a frown constantly.
I’m wrinkled inside,
cracked at my edges,
I’ve fallen into
a dark abyss.
She kisses me with her
I know she has hexed me.
I can’t wait for tonight,
I need a release from
her torturous-grip,
the asp-poison
in her being has
infected my soul,
I pray to be whole,
conjure dark-magic to do so.
In utter-secrecy,
it’s the only way
to seek my deliverance,
so please don’t tell.
Later at midnight,
the witching-hour,
I am visiting the river
near the old church,
a foul-deed I must do.
Now, I have
the knowledge,
the power
to vindicate myself,
to reap vengeance on her
for her evil-ways.
She must,
she will pay
for the pain
she gave me.
Oh, I hear the running waters,
the owls hoot with delight,
the tigers of the night!
I do cast this jagged-stone
into the swirling black-waters,
they foam with dark-forces.
I scream from my bowels-

“It is not a stone which I throw,
But all the fortune here below
Of Clara Belle as the waters flow
And, as they roll from this river’s share,
May her happiness pass for evermore!”

Pray tell,
I need to awaken
from this sad sad dream,
one of broken-heartedness,
sheer bitterness,
the deepest sorrow.
And, I beg
for tomorrow morning,
the beginning of one day
without her.

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084

vortexman thanks for breaking the ice with your dark realm.

Strider you've definitely set the benchmark high with this dark brooding piece... nice and early too.

Thank you both for your submissions.

Guardian of Shadows
United States 91awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5731

A Spell To End All Spells

Alive, my name was Jezebel,
I was the wife of Ahab as well.
An evil queen before my death,
I was thrown to the dogs, they ate my flesh.

For I wrote a letter that stoned a man,
To death, and then I took his land.
I spoke against the Lord as well,
I’m still alive, but here in Hell.

I’ve seen my actions for what they’re worth
Deceived, I caused insufferable hurt
And since there are no aetheists in Hell,
(They believe like me, now, as well)

I’ve decided to try and end the pain
And turn some losses into gains.
I’d take it all back, yes, if I could
So I might as well try my witchcraft for good

And see if I can send from Hell
A reversal spell to end all spells.
Some of my hair and some of my blood,
Poured into my heart, I’ll mix it up

In hopes that this elaborate notion
Will congeal into the very potion
That when poured across the world
Will show the true God’s glory, unfurled,

And cancel out the sins of the past,
Today, tomorrow, and everlast,
To halt some on the path I took,
And save their faith from being forsook.

It is but a small offering, you see,
For alas, I, Jezebel—it’s too late for me.

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

A Haunting

To him she cries

staring eyes wide into the night sky
each tear drop stings a salty river
angry, sad, lonely, unsure
creating madness like a cold harsh shiver

she silently chants

"the mist is slowly creeping in
blanketing you and seeping within
enveloping your body and mind
wrapping you tighter your thoughts entwined"

~she says to him~

do not push me to a reason beyond thought
do not tempt me into places I would once fear
make me despise you to a wanting hate
you will make your sorry life a lesser here

I can overcome anything I wish
I can breathe an honest sincere morning
your breath freezes on each contact of air
like a solid piece of nothing
"a warning"

~silent chant~

"haunting whispers flow over you
your conscience escaping and blowing through
exploding and cracking as you choke
the haunting whispers the mist invoke"

~she says to him~

do not haunt me I do not exist in your world
a figment of your never was imagination
a dream manifested in your hollow mind
a mind that is lost in deprivation

~silent chant~

"your subconscious blows apart in your brain
as the mist creeps in and drives you insane
the haunting is here will you survive
your conscience escaping as it eats you alive
visions flashing behind your eyes
subconscious thoughts upon your cries
breathing it in breathing it out
the mist envelopes you as you shout
your haunting is now it is your time
you stepped to far across the line"

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084

MadameLavender thank you so much for your dark tale.

Magdalena, Magdalena... I should have known you meddled in the dark arts with that dark angel inked on your leg. Thank you for your very creative piece.

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

those eyes of hers can summon the dead and intoxicate the mind with her powers of persuasive undying beauty.  yow zaaaa......

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

You're welcome and thank you both.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 100

The Lock to End this Lifeforce

My bloodline is strong, back to Salem and before.

Been burned at the stake....
Stoned to death and tortured for my witchy beliefs...

Healing....   Conjuring.....
No denying multiple abilities....

Modern day inquisitions that end up in straight jackets...

Being reincarnated to a new and improved body, time after time.
Takes such a toll on my mind and my soul.  

Trying to cope with these gifts without losing my sanity,
Going thru these lives not knowing who to trust.

One life, a millennium ago,
There was a battered cabin, in the overgrown woods.

People wouldn't come near if they were alone.

The brave ones who dared to tread down my path, always came for the same evil reasons.

To take out a cheating lover.....
Revenge against political rivals....
Fathers seeking vengeance for their pregnant daughters....
Requesting demons to drive their foes to insanity....

These brave few are scared;
I can smell the fright; it smells metallic...
But their hateful determination and bloodlust passion, overcomes the fear.

So gathering my herbs potions and tools,
I take her back to the most secluded room....

As I draw the pentegram on my dirt floor, my visitor sucks in her breath and shivers violently, as I look in her eyes.

She doesn't understand it hasn't even begun yet...doesn't realize that she's been deceived, sent to her own imminent demise.

She was tricked into this deed by a spiteful enemy...the lass who sent her, just wants her betrothed lover.

As i finish the steps to finalize her death... I snip off a lock of her long blonde hair....
The candles are lit and the chant begins...

"Here is the lock to end this lifeforce, let her soul whither and blow away like ashes in the wind"

I blow out the candles....this poor lass crumbles to my dirt floor....her blonde hair has turned ghost pale white....

As I watch, I see her spirit rise and scatter to ashes.

I feel it in my bones, that this is the last,   when my deed becomes known, I too shall be burned....

Till nothing is left but ashes and dust, to be flung thru another life.      

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 27th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 194

nefarious crafts

Before i target a nation,
that's hoary,
first i cast a form of abrasion,
and sorcery,
to make the lay folk weep,
than sleep,
to seal their fates,
witlessly their self hate,
arose from the dark arts of malign saints,
wherever i wander and roam,
decadent energies are sown,
you breath it in the air like a plague,
the dark arts are vague,
as it slowly disperse,
through the village,
like a curse,
than we pillage,
i approached the coven,
was greeted as if i was their demonic summon,
treaders of the left hand path,
causers of untold wrath,
they taught me the various casts,
and deleterious crafts,
under this galactic dominion,
heirs, besiegers and ruthless kinsmen,
whole guild of ghouls,
programmers of worlds,
absorbing prana from their souls...

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084

Thank you everybody for your poems.... for everybody else who is thinking about having a crack at the BLACK MAGIC, get a move on you've got 1 WEEK TO GO!!!!!

poet Anonymous

Nails of Destruction Spell

The garden was a vision at midnight.

In the waning moons glow
I broke a thorn from a rose stem
letting my blood trickle over it
from the dainty wound inflicted
while protesting its fate.

Smiling, bathed in starlight
I rolled a lime through my palms
releasing the juices.
The blood tipped thorn tattooed your name
across its thin bitter flesh
right before I opened it
filling it with salt.

The breeze was gentle
as I raised my energy
pictured your face
transposed your dark heart into my poppet
and drove two rusty nails through it

The Watcher in the East bears witness
the Watcher in the West bears witness
the Watcher in the North bears witness
the Watcher in the South  bears witness

as you have caused pain, receive it
as you have caused harm, receive it
as you have inflicted others, be afflicted
as you have dealt destruction, be destroyed.

Your eyes are filled with  grave dirt
your hands are empty
your path is barred
your feet tread no more.

May the earth rejoice to hold you.
So mote it be.

Mother moon shimmied in her halo
as I dug a grave beneath the rose bush
and buried my handiwork, spitting to seal it.

I slept like a baby
until the day I heard of the strokes
that could not be explained.

I grinned and bit cold lips
when I leaned over your corpse
and pretended to kiss you goodbye.

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

The Magic White Pearl

Living as a hermit far from judging eyes
in a mountain cave not far from the town,
afraid of his own shadows, afraid of the light;
My grandfather had chosen this lifestyle:
surviving on livestock he raised by himself,
and on food crops he planted outside the cave.

His life was gossamer of lies and deceit
full of mystery, enchantment and magic—
believing in the powers of his amulet,
he said he could summon beautiful girls
to come and make love to him
every time he desires!

He would chant for hours
mumbling words out of this world
Told me such prayers were food
for his magic white pearl
hidden in his tonsils to keep
black magic at bay--the winged creature:
called the Aswang, whom he had captured.
Using his magic white pearl and magic
and his own doze of courage,
white magic against black magic
in perpetual eerie chants
had saved me while I was
still in my mother’s womb.

His stories of fairy tales and magic
to my young mind I didn’t care,
even if there was no logic…
for it was so fascinating
especially when he told me
about jars of gold hidden in the cave
guarded by a beautiful nymph.

I did not believe anything he said
until his final days and dying hour—
he summoned me to come to his bedside
wanting me to inherit his precious amulet.
Scared to come closer, I did not oblige
His relentless wails were so frightening,
as if they were coming from hell,
until his friend arrived and purged him –
a white round object the size of a marble
came out of his mouth, and only then
did he die – a tragic and painful death!

(My grandfather's last name was Perlas, meaning pearl in English. So my middle name is also Perlas from my mother side.)

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625


“Darkest night, blackest sight
I conjure you
Prince from afar, The Morningstar
Show yourself to me
Sulfer smell, Lord of Hell
Grant me my wishes
Lightning rod, The dark god
I will give you my soul.”

Thunder sounds, throughout town
All goes silent
The wind flutters, candles shudder
Shadows play upon walls
Sounding bell, brimstone smell
They come from the dark
Blood of lamb, Pentagram
I can hear his laughter

“Tiny itch, sorry wretch
What do you need?
Desperate one, the lowly one
Speak your desire
Little slug, kneeling bug
Bowing on the floor
Sneaky cat, loathsome rat
I will gladly take your soul.”

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