Poetry competition CLOSED 17th June 2013 6:34pm
View Profile Poems by Deathpuppy

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Types...the 4 at least!

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Pick a type-see details below All welcome to enter this competition.
Personality-according to one school of thought, can be divided into 4 types. Descriptions of each type follows.

I'd like you to either-

A- pick one type and give me 100 -150 words
B- write a short poem (approx 50 words) on each one, totaling 4
C- find your own personality type and write on that from the perspective of introspection

title your work
one entry per writer
inbox any questions to me
one week

Type A personality traits
Type A personalities are competitive, high achievers and have a high sense of time urgency. As a result of these combined traits Type A's are always found to be busy working on their own projects. Type A's felt insecure at one point of their lives and so they decided to fight the insecurity by changing their lives and making achievements as fast as they can.

Type B personality traits
Type B's are the opposite of type A's. They are relaxed, laid back and not easily stressed. While type B can be achievers too still they won't be as competitive as Type A's. Tybe b can delay work and do it in the last moment, some of them can turn into procrastinators which is something that a type A can never do.

Type C personality traits
Type C personalities love details and can spend a lot of time trying to find out how things work and this makes them very suitable for technical jobs. Type C are not assertive at all and they always suppress their own desires even if there is something that they dislike. The lack of assertiveness results in tremendous stress and sometimes in depression. Type Cs are very vulnerable to depression compared to type A and type B.

Type D personality traits
D stands for distressed, Type D's have a negative outlook towards life and are pessimistic. A small event that is not even noticed by type B can ruin type D's day.
Type D might become socially withdrawn as a result of fear of rejection even if they like to be around people. T

Type D's are famous for suppressing their emotions and this makes them the most vulnerable type to depression. In my book, The ultimate guide to getting over depression i said that one of the famous causes for depression is suppressing your emotions for long periods of time without venting them someway.

Thank's..have fun :-)

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

I’m a Poetic Type of Engineer

My essence lies in my mind,
as I try to analyze everything
in a calmly fashion--
without any rash actions
before making decisions...

Honestly, I'm what I am -
but could be anyone
you want me to be
I could see things in a different way
other people might see otherwise,
but always I say it, as it is -
cold TRUTH based on facts,
and well analyzed conclusions,
for I believe that PEACE and ORDER
could still be achieved
in this dying, chaotic world,
only if we learn to listen
to our inner voice,
and love one another
as brothers and sisters
regardless of:
sex, color and religion

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1744

O.. type

None of these types
describe me..

a girl can dream/scheme

which team
to tackle.
would that be an over achiever?

a true believer
or a

terrible leader

follow me
to the

sex, drugs and
roll play
lost days and

wanna be popularity craze

either way
i'm no lover
far from laid back

walk the track
from time to time.

and i am
looking for myself
so if
you happen to find me

tell me to wait..

i just might make it back
at some point.

poet Anonymous

Thank's Engr and Devilish :-)

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1744

OOoh miki had i known it was for you .. matter fact. let me withdrawl that entry and come at you way fucking better than that .. i'll be back..

poet Anonymous

Lmao..ok Devilish lady..I'll wait for you You're always worth the wait -thank's dear!

poet Anonymous


I guess I am A all the way

Extremely competitive

Always in a hurry

Everyday my mind spins

With new ideas

I am multitasking

So much in a hurry

I can seem indifferent to your needs

How did I get this way?

I am puzzled myself

My mother was so easy-going

My father kept to himself

Not pretty enough

Worshiping Madame Curie

In my high school yearbook

Stated that I wanted a Nobel Prize

Spent my life proving that I was good enough

But my own inner critic was the worst

No matter how much I achieved

It would never work

Type A's will work themselves to illness

And that is what I have done

My advice for Type As

Try to have more fun......

127 words

This is the complete long version - more than 150 words:

poet Anonymous

good stuff, Thank's, Kitty.

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 17th May 2013
Forum Posts: 306

The task at hand

A large steel door confronts the castaways
A tells them all "I can see the top we just need to scale over"
D reply's" and get ourselves killed"
C tell him "that looks about 70 feet tall.70 ladder rungs 150 feet of twine"
B tells them" I'm gonna sit down and think about that for a while"
A "No we all have to work together to cut down the trees and make the rungs"
D "did we vote you the leader without me knowing about it"?
C "we only have about an hour and a half of daylight left".
B "why would someone build a big steel door on a island"?
A "you heard the man we only have so much daylight let's hurry up and get this over with".
D "well if she's not doing anything then I'm not going to"
C " the thought of sleeping among the rats, snakes and ants makes me crazy"
B "what makes me crazy trying to remember my Spanish class"
A "what are you talking about"
D "ya what are you taking about"
C  " I know Spanish"
B "The whole door is covered with letters if you stand back far enough".
A "so what does it say"?
D "ya what does it say"?
C "warning this is the Devils cage never open never enter"

poet Anonymous

Not entering, but just have to say that in my book, this is a winner! Love it!

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 3awards
Joined 14th May 2013
Forum Posts: 106

Four Rooms and a Riddle

In four rooms sit four people
In chairs at small benches
On them, some paper
Which contains a hard riddle
These rooms are sealed up
No one can go in or out
Til that riddle is solved,
Or they die locked inside

In room one is a lady
Who starts right away
And sits down at her table
To work out that problem
She concentrates hard
And refuses to yield
Until she’s come up
With at least 15 answers
That could let her out
Of that prison

Room two has a young man
Lounged back in his chair,
And he has no sense of urgency
Or fight within him.
He seems rather content
To sit back and dream
While occasionally glancing
At that paper for a
Second’s contemplation
Then sits back once again
To continue doing naught.

A middle age woman
Sits in the next
And she is getting frantic
She had focused her time on the door
And tried to get it open
Now panicked by her conclusion
That there is no sure way out
When she finally gets to the riddle,
She focuses on the
Grammar and structure
Instead of a solution

An old man sits ramrod in the last
No effort made on the riddle
For he has decided
There is no way out
So what is the point of trying?
He has checked the door
To no avail, and couldn’t
Figure out the riddle
In a few minutes.
So he sits there waiting
For his fate to come
Rather than making an effort.

In four rooms sat four people
Trying to solve a riddle
Which ones got out
And which didn’t,
Well that is for you to decide.

Word Count: 282

My word count is a little high, I hope that's okay I just needed to add some sort of intro and ending to tie the four poems together. Fun contest!

poet Anonymous

thank's everyone, for entering. I liked all of these entries.
Going with Deathpupy-creative entry, intelligently written. Congrats!

The Word And Verse
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 26th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 149

Well done, interesting comp, mikki.

poet Anonymous

Thank's! Nice to see you around again, Muggle :-)

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 17th May 2013
Forum Posts: 306

Thank you for the great competition. This was fun for me

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