Poetry competition CLOSED 16th March 2013 3:24am
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Worst fear

Ghoul Queen
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 11th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5

Poetry Contest

Describe your fears in poems. Have fun!
Be creative!

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 12th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 708


Fear is a lonely grave.

Weather worn,and overgrown.

Unable to read the name,

that's etched upon the stone.

Ragdoll Raven
Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 26th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 86


in this phantom prison where i find myself
losing all hope all will to keep living in this hell
with every breath i take i make a dying wish
it gets harder and harder to see the point of all of this

this life, the broken existence that i call home
has deepened the sorrow of the seeds that i have sown
i can't erase or take back what is in my heart
i want to finish this, one swift cut, before yet again it starts

solutions of my own breeding become insufficient once again
there is no false illusion of this threat that surly reigns
as i break the vessel unleashing all of my screaming pain
fates walls shattered, written with my darkened pen

waiting to hear the inner call signaling the end, i slowly fade
with it comes, ready or not, no attention will be displayed
the sorrows of the waning soul will all be signed and made
the price cheap, when i cease to exist it will be paid

now i have reached the end, the bed of my final sleep
on my knees, praying that forgiveness will be mine to keep
aware of devouring parasites that crawl and creep
with failure driven in with nails falling upon my sleep

Thought Provoker
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 204

(I could write something on a more commonly feared topic, or on a more shocking topic, but I pride myself on never lying; this is honestly what I fear most..Perhaps it's a little vain, perhaps a little childish, but here you have it;)

On my descent

I need to be a snowflake, because if I am not then I am but a bit of falling ash;  

spewed not from the soft wet embrace of passionate clouds

and instead from the violent and uncaring explosion  

that created the harsh and uniform gray blanket that covers this world.

I feel myself painted with the soot that has surrounded me my entire fall

but surely if I wash it away there will be sparkling whiteness underneath?

Surely under this monochromatic veneer is an icy faceted core?

I need to be a snowflake, because if I am not then I am like every other bit of ash

that thinks itself special.

poet Anonymous

misery loves company

Firstly - no it doesn't.
We're born miserable, casual creatures
who have no time for stupidity
and all of its pretences,
its insufferable puns and red tape;
who the hell has got the time
for any of that anyway?

I'm cynical and sinfully happy,
five feet of hormones
and three and a half pounds of brain
I dust off daily
and I don't need anybody
because I want the 'quiet life'-
the holy grail.

I'll accept a kiss some days,
lips on the back of a neck
suppress a mouth;
stops it talking with ritual longing
muttering words it does not mean,
promises it cannot keep
loves that are never seen

It happens more and more these days
covering hope like a loose black veil
opaque and fluid,
the fear that I may die alone-
while my sadness waltzes
with the loneliness
of everyone I've ever known.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 16th Dec 2010
Forum Posts: 319

I feel it beckon me
I sense its hunger
It's snapping at my heels'!
(It want's me again)
The exorcised shrieks and squeals!,
It'll never overtake me
I run and fight along the way!
Cursing it's immortality!
I will never re-live yesterday!

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 16th July 2012
Forum Posts: 9

My only fear is the torment of my beckoning death
But still i welcome it with open arms
It could be neverending pain and sorrow swirling in my mind
Or it could be a holy bliss
I fear it in the name of a untimely end it my life
But also i welcome the end of pain
Sorrow sadness neverending torment in a sleepless death
Or dreams awakend for me to hold
I think the only real thing i fear is the possibilitys
Of what will be for me after me

Chantelle S
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 11th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 12

There is only one fear from which every other fear is born.
It is the fear of not being good enough- the fear of being torn
This brokenness will soon subside, but the memory remains.
You were once whole, but death took the reigns.

First comes murder,then comes shame
then comes everything too wild to tame
The wildest of all is your own mind
It tells you you're not good enough..
all the fucking time

poet Anonymous


Cowering in the moth spilled night

Remembering evil fairies who are out of sight

Sinking with each new wave of panic

Smell the death in this attic

Creaking footsteps one by one

Slowly surely there they come

Blood is seeping from under the door

The hatchet manifests as before

Only this time he will find me here

Trembling and crying shaking before dying

All of a sudden the gruesome stops

Puts down his weapons sits on a log

Shapeshifts to being the angel who cares

The light of the Pharaohs

The Kings of Light

Have come back

To save me all right

I drift off to sleep

Up to ascend

Where fears never go

Where rationality never ends.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 23rd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 25

The Worst of them all

surrounded by darkness
Pitch black
Locked away with no key
Forgotten and all alone
As the tomb im in
No air, Lungs filled with nothing
Closed in my box
panic Hijaching my mind
Taking over my body
Beating against the Walls
futile in my attempts
Secluded from the world
parania Switching on
Box Shrinking in size
Curling into a ball
My only remaining move
Sweat dripping into my eyes
Four walls, Coming to close
Clausterphobia, my only doom.  

Danielle Nicole
Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 6th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 337

Silence in an empty room
A branch scratches a faraway window
Her body slides down further in the corner
All alone she sits
No one to hear her cries
No one to care for her pain
Sitting by herself she realizes
If this were the moment
That she was to die
She would be doing it all alone
Cringing at the thought,
She stands up off the floor
Walking to the wall
She opens the door
Letting in the light
That kept her in the dark
For all the while
She was alone
Her angel
Stood just outside that door
Waiting to relieve her of her fear

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 15awards
Joined 24th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 241

I've seen many cry
I've seen many turned down

Unfaithfulness,deceit and lies
I've seen smiles turn frown

Poems,gifts and flowers
makes little or no sense

When the recipient is not appreciative
It's often thrown over the fence

Imagine doing everything you can
to express your innermost feeling

Only to wake up one morning to find
that your sacrifice had made no meaning

I humble myself and share in God's pain
Alive my fears come

For there's nothing I fear than loving...
but not getting love in return

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17092


Trapped within the room
where I am
Knowing but not knowing
where I am going
Trapped within thoughts
Inarticulated through words
having thousands of opinions
just bubbling beneath
but without vents
Trapped within memories
so sweet and tender
memories that tear
one's heart asunder
Never knowing which one
comes before the other
Spirit trapped within a cowl
With full knowledge of then and now
But waiting for decay
to kill the prison
Once loved and cherish
as a vessel of the soul
And that is my fear
Although the years may be far yet
Until such that this disquiet
fill up my days
The fear is there
and there is fear.

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

Your Death: My Death

Your sharp tongues sliced through my heart
Numbed my senses and paralyzed my body
They deafened my ears until they bleed
If tongues could kill, I would be dead by now...
I stared back at you with flaming eyes
They melted your tongues until they burned
Engulfed your whole body back to ashes
If eyes could kill, you would be dead by now...
The deafening silence that ensued was eerie
The moon that was watching us left in a hurry
Nothing moved not even our shadows
If silence could kill, we would be dead by now...
Death comes in many forms sometimes uninvited
Leaves a trail of woes and a rainful of tears
Your untimely death would be my greatest fear
For your death is my death and nothing more...
      Photo source: wikipedia.org

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 3rd Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 61


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