Poetry competition CLOSED 30th October 2012 7:51pm
firedaughter (StayAwayFromTheNutcase)
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Strange Creature
Joined 1st Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 2

Witch way is up,if you fall down you get up,if you are a black person this is easy,born down,so do what you do,you fall down you get up.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 22nd Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 39

bayouman1 said:Witch way is up,if you fall down you get up,if you are a black person this is easy,born down,so do what you do,you fall down you get up.

born down? See it is teaching children foolish things like that, that are keeping them from succeeding.

I mean why try if everyone is against you? am I right?

OR why trust anyone if you have been force fed the lie that you were 'born down' as you say?

I think the reason why a lot of people who just happen to be a different color than me fall into a life of crime is because they have the mindset that they don't owe anyone anything because everyone is out to get them anyways; even from birth.

Yeah keep teaching your kids to don't even fucking try because you are 'born down'. THAT IS A SICK LIE, AN EXCUSE TO BE A MENACE TO SOCIETY!
The kind of lie spread by numerous rap artist; the kind of people who promote the 'thug life' in the name of 'freedom of expression'.
All in the pursuit of the all mighty dollar. Without the slightest care for the damage they may be doing to hundreds of youth who have been told there whole lives that they can't; because they happen to be a different color than me.

How can we ever stop racism if it is continued through teaching kids that they are born with a disadvantage based on their color?
Yes rasisme exist, and yes it is a problem, but consider that it is not exclusive to white people alone.
You may find this as a shock but rasisme in the US is a double sided coin if you will.
Asshole white people and asshole black people.
White people because they were taught to be that way by their parents. and black people because they were taught that way by their parents.

BUT consider this kind of racism too. Some people express rasisme because they themselves have received it so much from others.
In other words; they learned habits and suppositions (IE: all black people are out to get me) gained through personal experiences and thus lash out on those groups.

It does not matter to these people if not all black people are racist bastards or if not all white people are racist bastards; they have been abused so much that they can't see past the ugliness they have received from others.

This is why it is so important to be candid with children (white and black) because if you don't explain these kinds of things to them, and if you allow them to hear lies like 'born down' than they might just begin to believe it.
Instead I would say we need to teach kids that they CAN, and that not every person who is a different color than them is out to get them. And that the ones that are might have been mistreated themselves because of their color so try to show some kindness to them. Try to turn the other cheek. You might just change a persons life.

Fortunately I have come to see this realisation at the age of 13 because of an amazing man who lived next door to me. I came home one day after getting jumped by a bunch of black kids. (because of my color mind you).

I went upstairs to my dad and this man was sitting near him. I was telling my dad with tears in my eyes and a bloody nose and bruises. "I hate them dad!" I said through clenched teeth. "stupid black kids! they are such asshoes, I hate them!" I said again, this time with clenched fist.

I was so distressed that I had not noticed the old black man sitting quietly near me.
Then I saw him and was ashamed. But you know what he did?; he put an arm around me, wiped the tears out of my eyes and said something that changed my life.

"son" he said "Don't pay those kids no mind, they don't know what they are doing. They have been told there whole lives that white people are out to get them, they blame a lot of there problems on white people. They did not grow up when I did, they don't know what real racism is about."

Then somehow that made it all better. He kissed my forehead and told me not to hold it against them. And I don't, but I will not stand by idly while you spout garbage that leads to the kinds of hate crimes I went through.  

I do not find your 'joke' if that is what it is?, even remotely funny.

Feel free to report me I dont give a fuck, I am speaking from the heart and completely out of love for mankind and I will not be silenced out of fear that I may be kicked off one single website.

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