Poetry competition CLOSED 16th October 2012 11:55pm
diddi (StephenPaul Summerscales)
View Profile Poems by diddi

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Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 4th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 149

Poetry Contest

DARK CORNERS IN THE MODERN WORLD Last night my daughter and a friend were mugged, assaulted and robbed outside a night club.


Men pretending to be ~ Security ~ asked to search their bags. Once the bags were offered up and opened these (men?) ripped the bags from their arms and after an unpleasant altercation ran away.

If you would like to recount any experiences you know of that would help paint a picture of these dark corners that lurk in our modern world then your entries are most welcome


Twisted Dreamer
Philippines 4awards
Joined 31st May 2012
Forum Posts: 79

Devils from within...
They were stuck in a frightening situation,
Feared by their thoughts and shadows of themselves...
Stirred mind walking in great passion...
Demons of hell, shouting thy name,
"Hail the master of evil!"
They scream until they get insane...
They were like vampires, craving for the blood of the master evil...
They suck, they crave and they sip for they thirst...
They tried to unleash their burdens...
They tried to unshackle themselves but they failed to conquer the thoughts of hell...
As they wipe the pain of hatred and deceive the people of the master were killed
by the devils from within....

this is my old poem way back 2009, it doesn't have any connection with the title of your competition but the meaning conveys something; somehow related to it. We (HUMANS) are in a world full of evil. We crave for material things and we ended up doing evil things.. But in the end; after we realize everything, it's too late, there's no turning back.. we've been killed by our own demons... :(

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 4th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 149

Forbidden ~ Thank you, this comp title may be interpreted in any way a writer wishes. Thank you for giving this comp a life. well done

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Epitaph For The World    

Avalanches of time rocks gather
in ancient lime state flocks
as the violin sky unlocks
releasing its corrosive weather .

The spinning , burning
flaming , war fire ring
how long
before its man kinds last rite song
how long
before the final analogue dong
the sound of the eastern gong .

Oil, ticking
the toil
starts slicking
mad Colonels are sickening
upon this rock
we just wait for the wave of shock .

hostage holding
rebel fists
sunburst colours crash through the mist
desert soldiers lie dead in the dust .

Broken bricks
burnt out wicks
a child stands crying in the eclipse
a world sits sighing
at TV's of blitz .
Vacant baby eyes
of sufferage
no yule tide surprise
at the orphanage .

An abandoned teddy bear
against a blood smeared kerb
a distant unclear
perturbed, smouldering Serb .
Artillery fire balls burning the air
in a glare
to sadden
Armistice or Armageddon
could it end or will it happen .

Freedom fighters
IRA bombers
semtex lighters
standing outside Harrods .
No more seas
and weathered rocks
ageing trees or building blocks
theres just the stagnant shattered faces
of a world and its dead clocks .

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 4th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 149

Diddi, I’m honoured, thank you for your entry.

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

You're welcome

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608


what kind of eyes
can look at a child at play
and see anything but a small child playing.
that's the thing about eyes like that
wicked warped eyes
be aware they come in many a slick guise
with equally slick mouths
to do their bidding.


Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 4th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 149

Lepperochan, many thanks for your entry

Fire of Insight
United States 14awards
Joined 5th July 2012
Forum Posts: 230

Crimson Balkan Snow

As I lie on my back, glancing up, I see the flakes    
Falling like downy feathers, blanketing everything    
Feeling the warmth of my friends beside me, I smile    
Remembering winter playgrounds of our youth, till ...    
Looking down I see the flow, warm and scarlet pooling everywhere    
Melting the snow all around me, all around us school girls    
Suddenly I am back here, to this moment, to this hate    
The smell of cigarettes and gunpowder burns my nose, sulphur    
Silently I lament my crushed innocence, plundered womanhood, torn and trampled, why me, why this ethnic cleansing    
My life the last thing to be taken away from me, drip by drip    
Fleeting thoughts, sensations, where is my little sister  
To never know love's sweeping passion, marriage, a daughter of my own
Drinking, shouting, laughter from my violators, formerly friends and neighbors    
Reveling in my defilement, our desecration, dirty Muslim whores    
Closing my eyes, I keep very still, hold my breath    
Finally, I am overlooked, dare to inhale, though I know it is too late, total numbness    
Rolling over on my side, I start to cry, then I notice my pretty shoes    
All covered with mud, I curl up, frantically wipe them clean    
Graveling sound, the shovels fill, tossed one by one    
Over me, over everything that I am, an earthen blanket, peaceful slumber  
(Inspired by my discovering a mass grave in Kosovo back in November 2000)  

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 4th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 149

Colonel ~ Thank you for supporting this comp

poet Anonymous


Smoke lingers...
Fire dancing...
Dorment cinders...
Souls crying...

The roost of the infernal
cemetary to every lost mind
a dark doom eternal
the laugh of the fiend


Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 4th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 149

Victor ~ Thank you for your entry

Jamie Rhodes
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 8awards
Joined 20th Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 1426

I was thinking about this today.
Mainly how I was meant to jot something down
about the woman who had made my baguette.
Nothing exciting, just tuna mayonnaise with
sweetcorn, lettuce and cucumber
on brown... please darling.
She was blonde had the makings
of an attractive woman in her fourties.
Sadly both her eyes were heavily bruised
and her lips torn ragged.
Stress had aged her badly.
The sandwich was okay,
but it tasted different from the one the other day.

Just tonight, walking home with a colleague,
I had to explain to her why, even I,
wouldn't walk home with my headphones in.
She told me the music was never too loud,
so I asked her to stop talking.
She couldn't hear my footsteps.
I showed her the place where a girl was dragged
from a busy night on the town
and raped no more than 50 yards from the high street.
I'd keep all my senses open, is what I said.

I hate to end the evening on a dark note,
but everything from the bicycle gangs
and the lack of real love
is starting to kill me a little.
Protect yourselves... And the best way to do that
is reduce how easy you look.
Don't wilt to these fuckers.
Keep your face
in these dark times
as influence doesn't offer alternatives
to break the flow,
but instead panders to the greater numbers.
The greater numbers of cunts.

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 4th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 149

Panama ~ My thanks to you for taking part in this comp

poet Anonymous


Congratulations graduates

You finally made it

You got your degree

Even if you faked it

Now what do you do?

HP just announced so many jobs it will lose

Every week some company decides

People are too expensive to hire

The banks replaced their tellers in the 1980s

You get to talk to a stupid machine

Who cannot do power-of-attorney banking

When you phone any business

You get a choice of 1,2,3

Then a choice of A, B, C, D

Then a voice telling you

Please go to website www.confusion.com

What makes you think you are better than a computer?

They do not need insurance and other benefits

Computers never phone in sick

They have no sick children or sick old parents

As a human, hiring you – is a major inconvenience

So as you throw your cap in the air

Remember how few jobs there are out there

Where did the jobs go....overseas and Mexico

Where workers toil in filth and long hours

No unions, no rights, sleep in dormitories

Many just kill themselves, they cannot go on

There will be a few who get a job

The workplace has changed, NO SECURITY

A hundred people want YOUR job

Willing to do anything to you, steal it

Those TV shows about the cosy workplace

Have omitted the knives, the spies, the lies

So welcome to the world of work

You young and idealistic person

Come back and visit with me in ten years

If you still have YOUR job, if you still have A job

If you are temporarily unemployed

If you have been replaced

By a computer

Or someone, nasty, young and scheming

I will hold your hand and counsel you

Leave the land of NO OPPORTUNITY!

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