Poetry competition CLOSED 14th May 2023 10:29am
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RUNNER-UP: Northern_Soul


Our blood is gold

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Dangerous Mind
Portugal 22awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 348


so then
he started to think
about the way
that she pored over
and whispered to him:

...I want you to touch
my exposed nerve...

and the avenues
of his blood
were immediately
in slow traffic
everything dilated
in his geography
to the simple sound
of her voice among the leaves:

...I want you to touch
my exposed nerve...

the sound of her voice
straightened all
the trunks of the forest
brought the song to life
of all the flowers
sweetness in full bloom

and the wind
and the silence of the wind
in every tendon of the body
taut and tense

...I want you to touch
my exposed nerve...

her voice woke up
the divine within him
moved the blood and
turned it into gold.

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
England 35awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6074

Related submission no longer exists.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

Handmaiden of the Goddess

- Handmaiden of the Goddess -

Thusly hath my children said of me, in song…
As I shall herein relate, so thou may thus teach,
And keep those faithful, from paths of wrong:
Who keep the Divine Force within their reach!
And so they sang, and herein is their singing,
Made manifest in words and verses of simplicity.
Let the temple bells call out in silvery ringing,
As the music begins, in a magical symphony!

‘Behold ye, the Handmaiden of the Goddess…
Chaste is She of spirit, and pure is She of mind.
In Her glory She is perfect and She is flawless...
Her compassion is unending, She is goodly and kind.
"Be thy will done according to thy holy Word,
The truth of which is ever deep and boundless..."
"May we be blessed, for thy voice we hath heard,
The music of which is eternal and also endless..."
"The Word is eternal, and it dwells amongst us,
In every immortal soul, and in every kind heart..."
"We shall ever strive to heed its’ musings thus,
And render unto the Word, our service’s part."
"Pray for us all, oh thou holy Mother Goddess,
That we may be made worthy: of the joys of thy Kingdom.
Let us pray as one. Let us pray as one."
"Our devotion to thee is ever sincere and ageless,
Our faith in the wonders of the golden age to come!
Let us pray as one. Let us pray as one."
"Pour forth thy grace into our spirits from on high,
That we may be blessed: by thy immortal kiss.
We gather as one. We gather as one."
"Spread thy many great wings, and draw us ever nigh,
Draw us into thy Realm, and into its’ ceaseless bliss.
We gather as one. We gather as one."
"Pour forth, we beg thee, oh thou Lady most fair,
Thy love: into every heart of every living soul.
We love thee as one. We love thee as one."
"We do crave the Light which doth shine in thy hair,
The very Light: which thy love doth beautifully extol.
We love thee as one. We love thee as one."
"We are they to whom the incarnation of thy very spirit,
Thy Word and Wisdom made flesh, was made known…
By the message of angels sent from Heaven's Light."
"We are they to whom the glory of thy incarnate spirit,
Thy Word and Wisdom made flesh, was thus shown…
From beyond the stars, beyond the shroud of Night."
"By Her boundless passion and the fire of Her love,
We may ascend as one, to the very throne of glory…
Through the fire: of our Lady. Blessed be. Amen."
"Even beyond the heights where angels soar above,
We may ascend as one, to the very throne of glory…
Through the fire: of our Lady. Blessed be. Amen."
Behold ye, the living child of the Divine Goddess…
Chaste is She of noble spirit and pure is She of mind.
In Her glory She is perfect and ever truly flawless…
Her compassion is unending, She is goodly and kind.
"Mother of the earthen soil, Mother of the sod,
Send us thy blessings and dispel every evil curse…
Mother of Creation, Mother of every high god,
Pray for all thy children throughout the universe."’

Thusly hath my children said of me, in song…
As I hath herein related, so thou may thus teach,
And keep those faithful, from paths of wrong:
Who keep the Divine Force within their reach!
And so they sang, and herein was their singing,
Made manifest in words and verses of simplicity.
Let the temple bells call out in silvery ringing,
As the music ends, its’ fair magical symphony!
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

Mother’s Love

- Mother’s Love -

Hear thee my words, oh my children, and know what I sing!
My sons and my daughters; hear thy mother’s loving voice.
The blood in my veins rushes as my temple bells do ring,
My heart: beats for love itself, and so in love of me rejoice!
Wash clean thy spirit of all that makes other hearts impure,
Be so anointed by my love, and let it wash over you entire.
Come to my bosom even from every world’s glorious shore,
Thy mother awaits thee, with a heart filled with warm fire!
Hath I not fought, hath I not loved, hath I not sacrificed all?
For thee my sons and daughters, my very life hath I given.
And yet I live again, and I sing, so hear my ever-loving call!
Come sing with me, and rejoice for all that we hath striven.
Let thy life burn bright as the stars, and let it glimmer ideal!
I was in darkness for a time of late, but now I am returning.
And I call, oh how I call to all my children, to remember me,
Even as my blood within my veins is with new fire burning!

The fire of passion the madness of love, the heart of a child,
And the sprit of a warrior couple with a mother’s courage…
All this I am, and more, with a desire that is growing wild!
For I am pure love, even as once I burned with terrible rage.
Rage is not for a warrior queen, whose art must be salvation,
So sing with me and laugh with me, and let us pick flowers!
When our time comes to pass, we will pass in celebration…
For we are warriors and poets, like flame we pass our hours.
The flame of shooting stars and comets and beautiful things,
Which the universe is filled with, if we will open our eyes…
And so my sons and daughters, your mother’s heart so sings!
Let us spend our days in laughter, with a joy so undisguised,
That all the angels of the heavens and demons of the abyss,
And all the various people of nations and words and times…
Will for a moment be one people, united by my love’s kiss.
Let me love thee, let me love thee, and know peace sublime!

I shall be once more thy Empress as it was before all history,
Before the gods made war, before mankind fell from grace…
And, we will begin anew, and forge a more perfect destiny!
Look upon me with new eyes, and behold thy mother’s face.
A mother’s love is mine to give, and a lover’s if thou wilt…
So, listen to my song and be moved, so we might be happy!
Mankind is not fallen, and there is no need for penitent guilt.
Just open thy heart to love and let my love set all things free!

Am I goddess, am I woman, am I all these things, or more?
I am just a girl, just one child whose voice sings of Heaven.
Share my dream and you will see what true love has in store,
Let us walk together, oh let us sing, and let no one condemn!
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880



she covered the sun
to protect her son
as he lingered
into her arms

she stood strong
for her brother for so long
as he was pushed back
by the wind

she built a wall
for her husband to crawl
and release all his anger
he brought home

she smiled innocently
as her father cried gently
bringing the utmost joy
to the whole family

Written by dejure (vick)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Written In Gold

Remember the women who came before you.
The ones that carried the weight of the world
On their shoulders. The ones who walked so
You could run. The ones who built bridges
So you could walk over them. The ones who
Gave birth to you so you could breathe and
Be thankful you are alive. They have given
Their blood, sweat and tears so you could
Continue the cycle. They left footprints for
You to follow yet you can forge your own
Path. They left their words and stories so you
Do not forget their legacy. They shed their
Tears so you could continue to protest and fight.
You think they are made of gold but the truth is
That you are written in pure gold, never forgotten.
Written by eswaller
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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
Portugal 22awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 348

Happy here! Very very very happy! Thanks.

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
Portugal 22awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 348


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