Every storm runs out of rain
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6088
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 6088
Poetry Contest Description
Write a poem based on the picture quote

I would like you to write a poem based on the picture quote. How do you interpret that thought? Make it a poem.
•New writes only
•Up to 2 entries per human being
•No limits on length
•No erotica, please
•Audio/video/visual allowed
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 918
It rained cats and dogs.
The dogs died, could not survive the drop
From such a great height.
The cats lived.
They do have Nine Lives.
It is at its fifth one
That Malcolm started to get worried
Because it hurt falling on the grass
Falling on its paws even from the first floor balcony,
No longer having the flexibility of youth.
So he was careful
But the scent from the trashcan across the street
Was toooooo much.
Hit by a car, yet he survived
A few bruises, nothing more
Which left him with number seven
Not too many more in the bank
But how was he to know the outcome
Of what was in store
As he lay quietly in his favorite and smashed up cardboard box
Not caring a bit about the very expensive cat tree next to it
Indeed having not a care in the world.
The dogs died, could not survive the drop
From such a great height.
The cats lived.
They do have Nine Lives.
It is at its fifth one
That Malcolm started to get worried
Because it hurt falling on the grass
Falling on its paws even from the first floor balcony,
No longer having the flexibility of youth.
So he was careful
But the scent from the trashcan across the street
Was toooooo much.
Hit by a car, yet he survived
A few bruises, nothing more
Which left him with number seven
Not too many more in the bank
But how was he to know the outcome
Of what was in store
As he lay quietly in his favorite and smashed up cardboard box
Not caring a bit about the very expensive cat tree next to it
Indeed having not a care in the world.
Written by robert43041
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Forum Posts: 106
Fire of Insight
Joined 7th May 2017
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3056
Momma zed
Every storm runs her course
Broken bones mend in time
Life will pound away
where the light don't shine
just as scars reveal what lie beneath
Even a wise crow sung
"It can't rain all the time"
Some feel it
some just get wet
Take the high road
Take it on the chin
Take it like a man
Written by Carpe_Noctem
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Joined 2nd Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 98
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 98
After the Storm
I've never understood the phrase "calm before the storm"
There is no calm before a storm
Those moments are fraught
Twisted and tense
Filled with anxious dread that makes your stomach churn
I am calm once the storm has passed
When I run out of rain
When I have raged, and cried, and sobbed
Until there is nothing but the space my storm occupied
That's when I find calm
It's where I find clarity
A storm is a story
A sequence of events
It is the release of pressure
Like most stories
It is best understood at the end
There is no calm before a storm
Those moments are fraught
Twisted and tense
Filled with anxious dread that makes your stomach churn
I am calm once the storm has passed
When I run out of rain
When I have raged, and cried, and sobbed
Until there is nothing but the space my storm occupied
That's when I find calm
It's where I find clarity
A storm is a story
A sequence of events
It is the release of pressure
Like most stories
It is best understood at the end
Written by HarleyQuinn
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1879
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1879
Silver Linings
A Quatern
Because every storm runs out of rain
The dark will not last a long time
Eventually you will feel that the pain
Will subside into the back of your mind
But it will serve as a reminder
Because every storm runs out of rain
You’ll have to be your own pathfinder
Even if you go against the grain
At times you’ll feel like you might go insane
When the hard days seem to be so long
Because every storm runs out of rain
In the end when you become more strong
This kind of weather doesn’t last forever
All that you have suffered will not be in vain
Silver linings wait in each endeavor
Because every storm runs out of rain
Because every storm runs out of rain
The dark will not last a long time
Eventually you will feel that the pain
Will subside into the back of your mind
But it will serve as a reminder
Because every storm runs out of rain
You’ll have to be your own pathfinder
Even if you go against the grain
At times you’ll feel like you might go insane
When the hard days seem to be so long
Because every storm runs out of rain
In the end when you become more strong
This kind of weather doesn’t last forever
All that you have suffered will not be in vain
Silver linings wait in each endeavor
Because every storm runs out of rain
Written by wallyroo92
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Joined 7th Mar 2021
Forum Posts: 285
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 285
Storm to Storm
Every form is a
Every storm has it’s time,
Has it’s rhyme
To prevail over precedent
From moment
From form to form,
In an unending
From face to face,
Subject to the laws of domain,
The laws of
The norm,
From frame to frame
Written by Cipher_O
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Joined 4th Dec 2018
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Tyrant of Words

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Joined 8th May 2012
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Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 512
Category Five - Direct Hit
A nail from a
missing shingle
caught my
as I watched the
bloated carcass
of my neighbor’s dog
drift past
the rain gutters.
I could hear survivor
cries in the distance
and I added my
voice to theirs
in some vain
hope that
was real.
Beneath my cold
lies the
remains of
a life.
My grandpa’s ashes
bobbing in the living room,
the linens I’d gotten
on sale,
and the
shoes I didn’t,
the couch I hated,
the pans
I never used,
my cat’s
food dishes…
The life.
For whatever it was worth.
My life.
Caught in the riptide
behind my front door.
I stop yelling for help
and watch the water
creep closer.
Too heartsick
to feel more
than a vague
desire to
a vague desire
that I wouldn’t tread
water and struggle;
that when it washed
over me
I wouldn’t fight the
damn good fight,
eyes open,
struggling for
strength and breath,
that I’d just
The rain stopped;
it always does.
But the danger
isn’t in the rain
it’s the flood waters.
And they’re still rising.
Written by Betty
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Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 525
Deifying gravity
When you were allowed
to walk
they took your legs,
stitched your lips
until anger dripped
through the corners
of your mouth.
A dead planet, pulled at
by a burnt-out sun.
Murder came with every season
I feel the shock wave
as you collide with yourself,
fake flesh splitting
from your form,
microcosms of humanity
erupt as light,
new worlds are being created,
as you grow ideas of a life
never seen before.
to walk
they took your legs,
stitched your lips
until anger dripped
through the corners
of your mouth.
A dead planet, pulled at
by a burnt-out sun.
Murder came with every season
I feel the shock wave
as you collide with yourself,
fake flesh splitting
from your form,
microcosms of humanity
erupt as light,
new worlds are being created,
as you grow ideas of a life
never seen before.
Written by Razzerleaf
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Forum Posts: 52
Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 52
nuclear winter
I curse the gods in the heavens
as the storms rose from my mouth
and the earth quake
threatening to break underneath me
swallowing my angry tirade
then flooding the land of Nod
where the peoples were groomed as sheep
and food for the wolves
gravity forgot his manners and begin to harvest out of season
the grounds shift and people scream
fire fell from space
they ate good that day
I swallowed my hate
drank my rage
then ran out of time
the waters froze
it's nuclear winter in hell where I now dwell
I ravaged even space
until the atom ate the nucleus
and not a particle was left
Written by smackdownraven
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