Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd September 2021 4:28pm
View Profile Poems by Adzy
RUNNERS-UP: Razzerleaf and down2dirt

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Rhyming poems only but if you are my fav then any

Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 364

Related submission no longer exists.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 22nd June 2021
Forum Posts: 278


Pleasure is a dish best served
hot and steamy
drizzling senses
with thoughts so creamy

flows long blocked
on the verge of being freed
hidden desires stiffening
parting clinched knees

suppressed subconscious thoughts
resurface in sheets of nightmare fits
once more demanding a vote
the people vs prudence: use it or loose it

nakedness alone in no mans land
waves it’s banner: be of a cheerful giver
laughing eyes line the battlefields
rattling sabers: stand and deliver!
Written by down2dirt
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Strange Creature
Joined 24th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 4

I love the depth of which you took my mind~

Thought Provoker
Belgium 2awards
Joined 13th May 2019
Forum Posts: 27

Dying Light

last night
i saw a star die

it wasn't beautiful
or brave in any way

it caught my eye
with its soft glow

and just as suddenly
it went

a light turned off
years ago
Written by delanee
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1879

To Rhyme or Not to Rhyme

To rhyme or not to rhyme – that has always been my question
But I’m guilty of this crime whenever I freshen up with a session
I like to remove the slime and grime every time I write a primal line
And make the sum bitch shine and sign like a sighing dyeing mime
                       …even if it’s color blind
With a skilled quill I’ll spill ill frills and grill it until I’ve had my fill
Because the will to drill these goldmines has always given me a thrill
Even still after the pill has killed my itch to pitch and pen a perfect ten
I find fun times with puns and rhymes like gems every now and then
                        …over and over again

I like to spit sick because I have this big dictionary and thick thesaurus
It’s no bull (or taurus) but I used to thumb through ‘em like it was a clitoris
I’d read for hours gaining powers and devoured poetry when I was sprung
To shower and deflower the ears of peers with my young cavalier tongue
                        …but my stutter left me stung

Now I just twirl and swirl but I can’t reverse the cursed verse when I hurl
I spew a slew of new whoop-de-do just to screw around and give it a whirl
I can hear an inner voice telling me to steer clear of everything I’ve feared
But it’s my alter ego praying saying “I’m nuts, but this motherfucker is weird”
                        …”and the rhyme is badly smeared”

So yes, from time to time I’ll rhyme with extra chimes to enhance a line
It’s all intertwined and combined designed to make my pine feel divine
I jam it, ram it and cram it, but got damn it don’t you dare and spam it
My rhyme may not be prime but a silly crime so I think I’ll just Instagram it
                        …so excuse me while I slam it
Written by wallyroo92
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Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 214


my tough old girl,
will nothing chase you
from my world?

will counting breaths
or taking pills
finally knock you
off my hill?

will sessions with
a shrink tame you
even when
his payment's due?

i just can't take
you any more
i pace so much
the carpet's wore

i lay in bed
and watch the time
while you put worry
in my mind

i think sometimes
i'll tie the noose
an early out
for this old goose

but ain't no use
for i can see
that you, my sweet,
are part of me

you'll prob'ly
follow me to hell
to cuddle in my
fiery cell
Written by javalini
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

like the wind.

as if thine own feet wing'ed and lighter than this heady wicked air    
as fast as a blue leopardess in all her ferocious steady stare      
from toxins, that sear and singe upon once tender, now burning flesh      
in an ardent purpose driven by a claimed honor all but repossessed      
as drops of curdled blood pulse from eyes that blur with tortured sting    
as reddened sputum streams out a mouth which once, such glory sing      
with a chest exploding in implosion of all truths eroding      
so... far .......   far... away from here, where the pain of excruciate    
no longer reverberates so crystal clear    
Written by Bluevelvete
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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 22nd June 2021
Forum Posts: 278

Congratulations Adzy! And thank you Zaynab_kamoonpury for a fun competition.

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