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Official DUP NaPo/GloPoWrimo 2020 Competition

Dangerous Mind
United States 24awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 930

i of xxx


Words bubble up
To form a membrane,
Keeping burned patches
Of the soul
From drying out.

On your own
You dress
And wrap them-
Firm but gentle,
Tape it tight.

It’s inevitable-
We end up hurt
And confused
In these times
Of isolation,

Called upon
To be the nurse
In the emergency room,
To take things
One trauma at a time

With no promise
Of forgetful
At the end
Of the day.

   +    +    +

73 words  
58 unique

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 890


The Every Day: Voice-Over

Seven a.m.
Awake. Blurry eyed. Bombarded
by Pirates and Bill Clinton.


“Argh matey! Are ye gonna stand
there and watch me die?” Aye, avast ye scurvy dog!”
{incoherent muttering}
...something something about
non sexual relations with
some woman.

His headset and mic are the
great artifacts of a big dream.
Hours of practice; voice-over
currents running through
tiny wires, exploding inside of
a pixelated world entrenched
with god knows who.

I listen.
Awake. Some pipsqueak sound
sputters through an excited  
narrative. I can’t place it.


“I got a pirate Schip!”

...there it is. His 3 year old
self, unwrapping his Playmobil
pirate ship on Christmas.

I spend the morning listening
to his renditions and creations-
collecting a memory.

He’ll leave soon to make his
own way and
my mornings
will become silent.

* NaPoWriMo 2020*
91 unique words
136 total words

Thought Provoker
Scotland 4awards
Joined 25th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 200

1 of 30


Are we an amalgamation of yesterday's?
If we are, how much are we, the steps we’ve still to lay?
How much sway does the day still have to play?

What does the choice we have yet to make have to say?
For our tomorrow to be ascertained from what we have attained this day;
How can it be that we so often fail to see, just what’s going to be our memory?

Just how free are we to be what we want to see?
How free are we to make the most of what we are, for what we need to be?
From the interspersed cast of our subjective memory, its roll call of habits, the role of facts and the ethics of our morality?

How are we in fact, free to act, upon a choice brought wholeheartedly?
For by their precursor are we cursed so blessedly
To read the scripts of yesterday amidst the crypts of memory

Is it by the claws of our cognition we can see the scenes omission
That by letting go, we can grow to accept our flaws admission
That to react by stepping back, we are in fact, stepping forward to enact..

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 18th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 274


Fools in April

Childish jokes
Begets mindless pranks
Ritual hoax
Early Halloween thanks
Endless turmoil
Begins celebrated folly
Holiday spoil
Precedes fruitless jolly
Dedicated games
Dance among virals
Sarcastic flames
Engorge intimate primals
Ridiculed satire
Satisfies heartless gesture
Social admire
Squabbles helpless measure
Resistant smiles
Radiates with joys
April’s trials
Free as toys

Unique words 50

Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
Joined 20th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 5573


[ NaPo 2020 ] In So Many Words


Idled at a crossroads, he's
eyed the old, posted
sign-age; scene: faded

painted on arrows
still tacked up
but where these
lead as of late
who knows?

I honestly couldn't tell you

other than a home
skirting suburbia far
removed from Hell
and civilization too

with space enough
between stanzas of poem
to hear himself think

And even though
I call his name
seems I can't interest him
in much of anything besides
a hot bath, wine for drink

in this dwelling he resides
In quiet of Solitude

he decides to not acknowledge me


No ... it's just that

in so many words

he's grown weary of Life's noise

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Lost Thinker
South Africa 2awards
Joined 7th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 36

Delightful confusion

Was I duped
...maybe roped
Was this ring the chain on which I will choke ?

Something's not right here
Why would you choose me ...
Could it be happiness I fear ?
God ,I'm weak ,above and below the knee


Could you? ,would you ? or better yet ....
Still my heart and my head .
Just say yes
I'm sure Confucius never had to face you in that dress.

Just say yes ...
I first saw the answer in your eyes
Sparkling like a star against your flesh...
Wrapped around your elegant finger  ...

How could my heart beat this hard and not give in ?
Too soon ,crashing my stupor the words
"let's congratulate the bride and groom"


poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Tyrant of Words
Canada 10awards
Joined 18th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1168


Will I survive a global pandemic
without sweet red oblivion in my veins?
The sameness of days,
of work from home –
once a blessed perk,
now a bloody curse –
four tiny walls pinching my psyche
as teenage elephants galumph over my concentration
descending like locusts upon the kitchen
leaving naught but crumbs and sass…

There’s no separation from day to eve
no “5 o’clock somewhere”
no friends to see
just the NaPalm of daily poetry
exploding in my brain
a silent commotion
of wordless emotion…

The muse begs for a drop
to loosen the tongue…
Will I survive in this dry land?
It’s doubtful…

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 31awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6698

1 of 30
Day 1: 01/04/2020


The Chaos keeps building and building
rising to a never reached climax
the only thing that breaks is my mind
too many walls of data
too much confusion
the senses are assaulted;
Zen is a state in name only
Replaced by a writhing screaming mess:
Out, out, damn you!
What should be simple and second nature
becomes a discordant removed chore
it is all too much
-   and I cannot even convey such.
Information overload and I am no machine
I want to feel before I think

The cup of knowledge overflows
Yet still I have to drink
gurgling, choking, drowning
the endless muggy sense
has mugged me of clarity.

Unique words: 83

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 30awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1878

#2 Of 30

We Fight Extinction

Is forever
A fleeting breath
In an expanding universe
Watch stars burn

Light began from darkness
Everything dies
But life prevails
Eden can survive
Through these times

We fight extinction
Surely destruction
Will be staved off
Clasp hands
Let us pray for salvation

Or should sacrifices
Dance naked
Around fires
To subside fear

Total Words: 55
Unique Words: 55

Dangerous Mind
United States 28awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 735


Warming Her Pearls (A Pearl Moon)

Your love was a pearl
never to be found.
In its shell, the heart of everything
is never fully round.

The full moon was a pearl
of yours, of mine,
of worlds shared in sleep.
You were a secret I'd always keep:

Mistress, watching over me;
white wings, white shoulders,
still as solemn passions
running deep.

The world and I do
covet you, beautiful she;
milky and full, her love
burning away the aches I keep.

Slow and steady,
persistent and deep;
My longing for her
runs on in my sleep.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577

autumnal miscellany {&} minutiae iii ~

imprison'd in your skin
trying to fit myself into
the paisley swirls ov french blu licking across the ceiling
a blissful eyelid peel'd from thought {&}
the pretense ov civility torn away from hands
grasping famish'd gasps___ breath twixt greedy fingers
crawling into the crevices, a pale snake
bleed dry

roll ov spine, the oil'd hinge at which you pray
a rust'd godhead
rock'd in the cradle ov inhumanity; the hush ov lips
screaming braill'd acquiescence along nodes
ov higher mind
hind-brain at the fore
{a primal birth/death/fuckingcataclysm}
shiver'd within:-
persistently swallow'd, an unexpect'd nourishment
lick'd from thoughts
i would rather not analyse

the ravening which quivers in my songbird throat
makes my eyes turn godward
{pain & tenderness
your merciless pulse
a mouthful ov honey'd psalm ~
the cup from which i drink to

Twisted Dreamer
United States 4awards
Joined 25th Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 151



I feel like I am waking from a long held slumber
Moving my limbs, beginning to lumber
Breathing deep into my lungs a new breath of fresh air
Shaking away the numbness that had all gathered there
Slowing raising my consciousness from its comfortable nest
Rubbing my eyes of sleepiness so as to perform my best
In front of this crowded room that has seemed to appear
With spectators looking on from both far and near
Time to dust off this brain to come up with ideas
For a monthlong competition, without complications or fears
Rise up and put your pen to the scroll
Rise up come along and get ready to go
And so I arise to take part as I have before
It’s time to do this, challenge my limits once more
Awaken my muse and come forth once again
For today, this is all, hello all my old friends.

Total words: 152
Unique words: 108

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14630


[ NapoWriMo 2020 Collection ] Survival

Qinghai,Tibetan Plateau
Guliya Ice Cap, 12,979 BC

I. Forward: Roof of the World

On margins of the plateau
repeated glaciations were abating;
a Pleistocene Epoch, surrendering
to the Holocene, sacrificed its own
venerable mass to swelling sea levels—
save bodies, containers
for microscopic parasites
dormant in permafrost soil

Homo sapien rule had evolved—
rooting all cornerstones of earth;
a near-extinct Denisovan hunting party
tracked yak across the mesa—
its high altitude buffeting lungs;
thoughts fueling their drive:
insulated fur, rich, red meat
and the smell of blood—

needed to survive
. . .

Words: 95
Unique: 71 (Italics not counted )

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