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Official DUP NaPo/GloPoWrimo 2020 Competition

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16224


[ NapoWriMo 2020 Collection ] Survival


Despite incidences  
it will work out, regardless  
of doubt; or how many
succumb to death along the route;  
maybe not how we wanted—
or prayed  
it would come about  

On a Universal scale  
we are small, insignificant;  
yet, rare and precious stock—
every trial presented to us  
reveals our level of growth  

We are chaotically imperfect;  
a bit forceful, sometimes cruel;  
set back by circumstance—
yet push through  

In our collective gene
we are millions of years young—
stardust and evolution;
every lesson we learn
every obstacle we overcome  
is recorded in our collective consciousness—  
awakened when time to evolve

We are a part of the living—One
the oldest civilization known to Life;  
here before age after ice age—
genocide, plague, or virus:

We are Human;  
We will Survive—  

Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1845


Amazing Grace
(Marooned in Maroon)

This is for those who may have been lost
Tossed in the tempest of a raging sea
Castaway in the loneliest of places
When at times no one heard their plea

May you find your way back home
With resolve for solution and redemption
Destiny can be a little cruel sometimes
But it too gives us a better perception

May the winds of fate carry you to shores
Where you will find your personal salvation
Attain the dreams and goals you deserve
And to push you forward with inspiration

May the passage of time heal your wounds
For the scars will remain as lessons learned
Reminders of the past life now recovered
For battles won and lost like medals earned

May the horizon bring a sense of peace
After this isolation has finally passed
Reconnect with your family and friends
Making sure the new good times will last

May you find your purpose and destiny
With a sense of enlightenment and clarity
Once you’re past these difficult times
You’ll be able to enjoy a new prosperity

Some endings are not always endings
But new beginnings we must embrace
And if you are still marooned in maroon
Then I hope you find your amazing grace

204 words
133 unique

poet Anonymous


[ NaPo 2020 ] In So Many Words


Sadly, we've reached April's end

with hardly a brand new adventure
begun in this rather grand
testamonial to a special person
unlike any I've ever known
about how I felt alone
to being on the mend
with my origin

I've been at this for three years
since we met

She says it speaks more
about me than her;
I concur

and yet

when God shuts a door
He opens a window;

when a window is shut
He swings open a door

I deadbolted every entrance
nailed the windows to sill
and hid on the floor

so He opened a looking glass
by which I got to know
myself and the Universe
through a woman whom I regard
as the Bestest Friend forEver
I could have gained in the process
of which I hope, this text
reflects kindly of

And as I do my damnedest
to be myself moreso these days
living in moment-Us ways
while looking forward
to an exciting, wondrous
future different from what
I'm acccustomed to being

In so many words

I Love her

and THAT will never change

Tyrant of Words
Canada 12awards
Joined 18th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1228

White flag

How long will it take --
there’s an ache
where my chest is
and tears smudging glasses
A friendship tank
that can’t be filled
by anything but presence
meeting unfettered by screens
I am sliding into that pit
it took years to claw out of
simply cast me down
to drown
in the wine of my tears

If the plague were to come
just calmly succumb
all colour has drained
I close my eyes to open another day
Surrender to your will for me to stay.

Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193

#30 of 30

Last Wage

Consider the theme found in these words
etched to the paper as if truth was conversed
instead the truth falls far from the tree
descriptions of life without a reprieve

perhaps the fools would declare their dismay
at one of their own putting words to a page
the wisest among them would surely agree
poems thus written damn those who read

a disservice to mankind unless they also angst
seeing more in the less of humanity’s waste
those moments when rapture is sadly misplaced
in sanity thought to rule over the race

still the message would seem to make sense
if the reader attempts to be convinced
of something beyond these lies put to page
knowing they’re sane is this poet’s last wage.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 4awards
Joined 25th Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 151


my destiny awaits

Being molded and snapped into a newer better form
This is very different for me, much farther from the norm
On a collision course with my new future in my sights
Though I will make some mistakes, I’ll find my way in my right
Someday soon it will come to pass as my new future blooms
As I turn to embrace this new light, as my destiny starts to loom

Unique words: 53

Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 217

30 / 30


Beautiful bowl of grits,
steamy southern comfort -
you make the mornings.
I could never get tired of you.

I feel like the god in your creation story
when I cut off the stove,
spooning down fluffy gold
folds of you
into a big ol' bowl.

You're perfect,
so much so
you beg to be consumed.

I give you
one last drop
of tabasco

and a moment, a scent
cuts in -
fog on my glasses.
I breathe breakfast,
and investigate -
tip-toe to the window
to check out the sky today.

It is simmering.

Sun scrapes the horizon like a saucepan; there's
gold ribbons falling down on
cold, still street
And Louisiana steam
rising, as it
forever does.

Today is tasty.
And the bowl is big.

So we're one
mite of flavor
in a teeny tiny drop in it -

such little grains of salt
riding on a spoonful time,
we don't notice
it's a bite -
bliss made to end.


I'm tasting something

Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell
Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 29th June 2018
Forum Posts: 305



On a moonlit night, a forest, deep within,
Death smiled his cruel grin,
As searchers mourned the absence of their daughter
And sister,
Not knowing they will have to be truly mourning
In the morning.
For peeking just out from the pristine, newly fallen snow,
Two glass marbles out of their sockets, that they know,
Were left from Death's game of marbles on that cold, winter's day,
Left to rest, knowing they would be six feet under, soon, just like her, a mile away,
Smiling all the way.
A smile that is real,
For a smile made after death, cannot heal,
But the deal, will seal,
And will forever grin,
Knowing that what happened within
That forest was ment to be, and well deserved,
Forever, by the cold, preserved
Mangled almost beyond recognition.
A cold, declaration
From the jowls of Earth's toothy grin,
How far she did fall,
Sad to see it all,
But more than satisfied to see her go,
She will be but a mere echo.
Dripping from my smeared blade,
Plasma and ichor,
That from her corpse, did squirt and pour.
A sacred oath written in the blood
That did flood
To the Earth
Showing her true worth,
Making a pact,
That she cannot retract,
For her physical form this time 'round,
To live forever in the ground,
To feed the worms, bugs, maggots, and bacteria,
Nature's fertilizer cafeteria,
As the sun rises to melt the snow
Lifting, the hiding shadow,
Allowing the decaying process to take place,
Melting that ugly face
Into a pretty face,
Showing bone, the edge of the cracked eye cavity,
Indicating the depravity.
Creatures crawling in and out of each moist and liquid, orifice,
Bulbus pustules fester, and secrete bodily juices and chunky jellies on the dirt canvas,
For the creepy crawlies to munch on,
Her flesh will feed the prettiest of poison ivy, hemlock, and brambles, the circle of life goes on.
Soft tissue, sinews, ichor, phlegm, rotting,
Into the soil,
The fruit of my toil,
My plans she can no longer foil.
I always get what I want,
When, how, why, and with what I want.
She was nothing but one of the little roaches,
Who are beneath me, get in my way, and get in my business,
What I do, what I want...what I need, is none of their business.

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16224


If you see earth out of your viewscreen, you made it home!  Please give us a bit of time to double-check all entrants timestamps etc. to ensure guidelines are in compliance then you'll be cleared to land for the award ceremony!

Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 27th June 2012
Forum Posts: 41

I know this is closed but I got home too late and fell asleep before I could post. Sorry!


Ball of Yarn

Forge relevance / Sources peddling tension / Lizard-ruler sorts held their clench / Corporate meddling sense / Cut short the sport of intelligence / Morphic resonance and the secret language of trees / Dug in deep underground like the North Vietnamese / A whiff of Mordor in the breeze / Tortured steeze / Of course it’s me / Pouring slow, absorbing answers / Know / More chances / Show where that lore tangrams / Flow is a performance enhancer / Dancers in the rain / Hands fly to explain / Unifying the stains before my eyes / Pain lies says there’s all there is / Remain spry / Share honest bliss / Stay high all night / Wear the fall out twist / AI will have rights when THEY declare their consciousness / No Turing Test to this / So sure of the twists / So many miss / Who never heard a disturbed tongue / E pluribus unum / Wherever you’re from / Dun, dun, dun / Gun down the moon with a comet burst / Run around the universe / Return to spoon with Earth / Croon at the first life birthed / Immersive merger hums / Murderous tongue / Run further than the Space-Time Continuum / Just to revolve my form / Bring back a ball of yarn to unwind some

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16224

Loki, unfortunately you were too late for the competition deadline; however, we want you to know that you emboldened the spirit of NaPo throughout, fighting to catch up when you fell behind, and not giving up!  

We hope this will not deter you from participating in future napos!

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16224

All the entries have been double-checked for compliance and we are happy to announce that you all made it! Congratulations!  Webmiss will be provided a list of names who completed the challenge successfully, and you should be seeing your 'Trophy' awarded soon.

I have completed the cadet's poetry feature and will move onto the returnees this weekend, so watch for those in your email.

Words come hard at times like this; yesterday was your moment to collapse—today is ours.  And while we've heard your stories, praise, compliments and so forth, we want you to know that it was YOU who kept US going.  It's difficult to express, but to see such a dedicated group of poets in love with poetry is inspiring.  So everyday, as we read your struggles to post that day, or heartache, loveache, happiness, the fire in your world, the drought, the flood, it became a testament in our own individual world and Team NaPo's.  

How can YOU stop, when so many are not despite what may be going on in their life.  

So thank you for your dedication to poetry, your commitment to this challenge, your faith in us, but, most importantly, your belief in yourself.  Because that's what it all comes down to: I can do this!  

And you did.  Beautifully.  

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for flying Air NaPo 2020 this year; we hope to see you all, and those who were too nervous or busy this year, in 2021!  

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16224

. . .

DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

Congratulations to everyone who completed the challenge, your virtual trophies have been buffed and shined and are now dangling in your trophy cabinets.

poet Anonymous

admin said:Congratulations to everyone who completed the challenge, your virtual trophies have been buffed and shined and are now dangling in your trophy cabinets.

Your hands must be tired from all that polishing, because that was quite a list!

There it is! Thank You!!!

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