Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 540
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 540
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 540
Verse 1
Looking back at my life, I know where I screwed up
Chasing a stupid fantasy that soon went corrupt
My lilac-tinted glasses obscured my clear view
Next thing I’m broke and with bills that are overdue.
Is this supposed to be my happy ending?
Never could keep a job, but I’d say yes to spending
I always thought that I could buy happiness
Yet that’s not the case with my bank account in minus.
Chorus 1
I’m an unwanted jailbird stuck with this stupid curse
Just like a floating iceberg there’s more to me below the surface
All I wanted was to pursue my happiness, but now I’m stuck in a rut
Cuz I’m an unwanted jailbird and most would say that I’m f*****.
Verse 2
Between you and me, I can honestly say I have no regrets
Sure I screwed up now and then, but with all due respect
This is the most excitement I’ve ever had in my life
I’ve actually learned what it means to feel alive.
Chorus 2
I’m an unwanted jailbird stuck with this stupid curse
Just like a floating iceberg there’s more to me below the surface
All I wanted was to pursue happiness, and I’ve succeeded
Just because I’m a jailbird doesn’t mean I’m stupid.
Looking back at my life, I know where I screwed up
Chasing a stupid fantasy that soon went corrupt
My lilac-tinted glasses obscured my clear view
Next thing I’m broke and with bills that are overdue.
Is this supposed to be my happy ending?
Never could keep a job, but I’d say yes to spending
I always thought that I could buy happiness
Yet that’s not the case with my bank account in minus.
Chorus 1
I’m an unwanted jailbird stuck with this stupid curse
Just like a floating iceberg there’s more to me below the surface
All I wanted was to pursue my happiness, but now I’m stuck in a rut
Cuz I’m an unwanted jailbird and most would say that I’m f*****.
Verse 2
Between you and me, I can honestly say I have no regrets
Sure I screwed up now and then, but with all due respect
This is the most excitement I’ve ever had in my life
I’ve actually learned what it means to feel alive.
Chorus 2
I’m an unwanted jailbird stuck with this stupid curse
Just like a floating iceberg there’s more to me below the surface
All I wanted was to pursue happiness, and I’ve succeeded
Just because I’m a jailbird doesn’t mean I’m stupid.
Written by LunasChild8
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Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 540
In His Smile
After going through each stressed-filled day
His smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds
It’s the ultimate golden dream and it paves my way
A voiceless declaration of contentment and it’s loud.
The purest blessing I can get is his beautiful smile
It can cheer me up from even the darkest of moods
I could just sit and stare at him for a while
My constant happiness is proof that things are going right which includes:
Our similarities and our differences
Have brought us closer together
Our shared passions and equal intelligence
Make being around each other a true pleasure.
Our desire for one another is not purely physical
Our shared humor and affection for each other
Staring at each other wordlessly is often typical
Every day with him gives me new things to discover.
In reality, my happiness lies not in material goods
Rather in the emotional peace and stability that he gives
The secret to this Earth-bound paradise… it’s in his smile.
His smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds
It’s the ultimate golden dream and it paves my way
A voiceless declaration of contentment and it’s loud.
The purest blessing I can get is his beautiful smile
It can cheer me up from even the darkest of moods
I could just sit and stare at him for a while
My constant happiness is proof that things are going right which includes:
Our similarities and our differences
Have brought us closer together
Our shared passions and equal intelligence
Make being around each other a true pleasure.
Our desire for one another is not purely physical
Our shared humor and affection for each other
Staring at each other wordlessly is often typical
Every day with him gives me new things to discover.
In reality, my happiness lies not in material goods
Rather in the emotional peace and stability that he gives
The secret to this Earth-bound paradise… it’s in his smile.
Written by LunasChild8
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Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

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Darling do you know how happy I am?
I was slowly falling into a black hole
And you pulled me out in the nick of time.
Darling do you know how complete you make me?
We’re a match made in heaven
I thank God every day I have you.
Darling do you know you mean the world to me?
Waiting all these years for you was worth it
I can’t picture spending my life with anyone else.
Darling I always cherish your company
Your gorgeous eyes and your adorable Scott smile
And the feeling of your strong arms embracing me.
Darling thank you for being you
I wouldn’t have you changed for anything in the world
You’re my other half.
Darling do you know how I feel about you?
This lightness in my heart and the butterflies in my stomach
Are nothing compared to the peace I feel in my soul.
I was slowly falling into a black hole
And you pulled me out in the nick of time.
Darling do you know how complete you make me?
We’re a match made in heaven
I thank God every day I have you.
Darling do you know you mean the world to me?
Waiting all these years for you was worth it
I can’t picture spending my life with anyone else.
Darling I always cherish your company
Your gorgeous eyes and your adorable Scott smile
And the feeling of your strong arms embracing me.
Darling thank you for being you
I wouldn’t have you changed for anything in the world
You’re my other half.
Darling do you know how I feel about you?
This lightness in my heart and the butterflies in my stomach
Are nothing compared to the peace I feel in my soul.
Written by LunasChild8
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Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 540
When It Rains
Once the sun sets and the stars come out
I hear this incredible calling
Their presence in the dark eases my doubts
I feel like I’m flying instead of falling.
When it rains, I feel so clean
As if the water is cleansing my very soul
The grass is a vibrant shade of green
And for the first time I feel whole.
Once the sun rises and the stars go to sleep
I feel this incredible yearning
The one who holds my heart is a yes to keep
The passion within me is forever burning.
When it rains, I feel so clean
As if the water is cleansing my very soul
The grass is a vibrant shade of green
And for the first time I feel whole.
Rain, rain come on down,
Lull me to sleep with your peaceful sound;
When the sun comes out,
I’ll be feeling better; I will have no doubts.
So drench me, purify me,
Don’t be so shy, come and make me clean.
Rain, rain come on down,
Fill up my empty spirit so my worries will drown.
I hear this incredible calling
Their presence in the dark eases my doubts
I feel like I’m flying instead of falling.
When it rains, I feel so clean
As if the water is cleansing my very soul
The grass is a vibrant shade of green
And for the first time I feel whole.
Once the sun rises and the stars go to sleep
I feel this incredible yearning
The one who holds my heart is a yes to keep
The passion within me is forever burning.
When it rains, I feel so clean
As if the water is cleansing my very soul
The grass is a vibrant shade of green
And for the first time I feel whole.
Rain, rain come on down,
Lull me to sleep with your peaceful sound;
When the sun comes out,
I’ll be feeling better; I will have no doubts.
So drench me, purify me,
Don’t be so shy, come and make me clean.
Rain, rain come on down,
Fill up my empty spirit so my worries will drown.
Written by LunasChild8
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Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 540
Dawn of Tomorrow
I hear your calling in the wind
And my soul leaps in joy
I feel so warm deep within
When you set the sails and shout “ahoy.”
The ocean waves are at peace
And the sun lights up my world
The stars guide my voyage across the sea
Your soul is far more precious than any pearl.
Like the seagulls I cry out loud
As I’m freed from all my sorrow
I stand upon my ship, tall and proud
My hope lies with the dawn of tomorrow.
After many years we meet at last
Upon the golden sands of a tropical island
Looking into your eyes, a spell has been cast
Those blue orbs outshine any diamond.
My pain fades with your smile
As my soul sparks to life once more
I’d like to stay here for a while
And walk with you along the Maldivian shore.
Like the seagulls I cry out loud
As I’m freed from all my sorrow
I stand upon my ship, tall and proud
My hope lies with the dawn of tomorrow.
And my soul leaps in joy
I feel so warm deep within
When you set the sails and shout “ahoy.”
The ocean waves are at peace
And the sun lights up my world
The stars guide my voyage across the sea
Your soul is far more precious than any pearl.
Like the seagulls I cry out loud
As I’m freed from all my sorrow
I stand upon my ship, tall and proud
My hope lies with the dawn of tomorrow.
After many years we meet at last
Upon the golden sands of a tropical island
Looking into your eyes, a spell has been cast
Those blue orbs outshine any diamond.
My pain fades with your smile
As my soul sparks to life once more
I’d like to stay here for a while
And walk with you along the Maldivian shore.
Like the seagulls I cry out loud
As I’m freed from all my sorrow
I stand upon my ship, tall and proud
My hope lies with the dawn of tomorrow.
Written by LunasChild8
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Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

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March 21st
March 21st: the first day of spring
The bitter cold of winter's embrace finally melts away
Earth's inhabitants let out a sigh of relief
As the once frozen buds begin to bloom.
March 21st: the day of the ram's birth
Her cries echo loudly as the breeze passes along the sweet scent of nectar
The sun is shining bright and the birds are chirping
Even so small, the ram's presence is strong.
Little ram head dives into all of life's struggles
Emerging victorious every time
Her aura commands respect and attention
She's a naturally born leader.
Little ram is quick to react, yet easily forgives
She's unmoving and stubborn, but also kind and loving
She holds loyalty above all else
And values family and friendships dearly.
Now she's a big ram
Completely confident in herself and her abilities
She guides me through life based off of her experiences
Her internal fire lights up my night sky.
The headstrong ram is gentle and patient
As she coaxes me, the shy crab, out of my shell
To experience life at its fullest
And to never be bitter or cold.
Mighty Ares is a strong and just leader
But also a dedicated mother
Her love and protection both shield and reassure me
Of my self worth.
The bitter cold of winter's embrace finally melts away
Earth's inhabitants let out a sigh of relief
As the once frozen buds begin to bloom.
March 21st: the day of the ram's birth
Her cries echo loudly as the breeze passes along the sweet scent of nectar
The sun is shining bright and the birds are chirping
Even so small, the ram's presence is strong.
Little ram head dives into all of life's struggles
Emerging victorious every time
Her aura commands respect and attention
She's a naturally born leader.
Little ram is quick to react, yet easily forgives
She's unmoving and stubborn, but also kind and loving
She holds loyalty above all else
And values family and friendships dearly.
Now she's a big ram
Completely confident in herself and her abilities
She guides me through life based off of her experiences
Her internal fire lights up my night sky.
The headstrong ram is gentle and patient
As she coaxes me, the shy crab, out of my shell
To experience life at its fullest
And to never be bitter or cold.
Mighty Ares is a strong and just leader
But also a dedicated mother
Her love and protection both shield and reassure me
Of my self worth.
Written by LunasChild8
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Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

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The One
Verse 1
Gonna go hitch a ride, and head to town,
Where I hear all the fun is getting down;
That’s where I met you: a simple boy,
Who was more than likely easy to annoy.
So what’d you think? That a girl like me,
Would just give up on the first person that she sees;
I like you; it’s the truth,
You better watch out because I want you.
You can run, but you can’t hide,
No need to argue, you can’t deny
The mutual attraction.
Words are written, but never spoken,
And now you wonder why your heart is broken,
From a lack of satisfaction.
Resistance is futile; I have won,
You’ll never push me away cuz I’m the one.
Verse 2
If I was your girl, I’d give you peace,
Show you all the world and the seven seas;
I wouldn’t ever let you go,
Not when you’re the best guy that I’ve ever known.
Gonna go hitch a ride, and head to town,
Where I hear all the fun is getting down;
That’s where I met you: a simple boy,
Who was more than likely easy to annoy.
So what’d you think? That a girl like me,
Would just give up on the first person that she sees;
I like you; it’s the truth,
You better watch out because I want you.
You can run, but you can’t hide,
No need to argue, you can’t deny
The mutual attraction.
Words are written, but never spoken,
And now you wonder why your heart is broken,
From a lack of satisfaction.
Resistance is futile; I have won,
You’ll never push me away cuz I’m the one.
Verse 2
If I was your girl, I’d give you peace,
Show you all the world and the seven seas;
I wouldn’t ever let you go,
Not when you’re the best guy that I’ve ever known.
Written by LunasChild8
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Joined 27th Dec 2017
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Dangerous Mind

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Good Times
Verse 1
If there’s one thing I could wish for,
It’d be to bring back the good times;
Back when for less we got more,
And everything was alright.
Oh yeah yeah yeah, I want them back,
Those mighty good times;
These special memories are all we have,
Of the best times of our lives.
Do you remember the good ole’ times?
When we were very young,
We used to look up at the sky and say: “the world will be ours someday.”
We were at our best; well in our prime,
We passed around the bottle as we sung,
And then we’d look up at the sky and say “yeah, those were the good ole’ days.”
Verse 2
Now, don’t feel so low,
We can bring back the good times,
Just go with the flow,
Nostalgia is no crime, ohh….
If there’s one thing I could wish for,
It’d be to bring back the good times;
Back when for less we got more,
And everything was alright.
Oh yeah yeah yeah, I want them back,
Those mighty good times;
These special memories are all we have,
Of the best times of our lives.
Do you remember the good ole’ times?
When we were very young,
We used to look up at the sky and say: “the world will be ours someday.”
We were at our best; well in our prime,
We passed around the bottle as we sung,
And then we’d look up at the sky and say “yeah, those were the good ole’ days.”
Verse 2
Now, don’t feel so low,
We can bring back the good times,
Just go with the flow,
Nostalgia is no crime, ohh….
Written by LunasChild8
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Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

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Mysterious eyes as vibrant as the deep oceans,
Brilliant hair that outshines the sun;
Strong hands that are lethal with a blade,
Yet soft and gentle on my skin.
Tall and straight and full of pride,
His voice like music caressing my keen ears;
Incredibly fearless and full of wisdom,
It’s no wonder why I fell for him.
I surrender to this Godsend from above,
The very embodiment of true love;
My soul sparks to life in his presence,
In this cursed land he’s my piece of heaven.
I rise from the depths of the abyss,
To seek out the light that he emits;
I’m blind and scattered without his grip on me,
Warm seems the candle to one who has never felt the sun.
My heart, mind and soul belong to him,
I can’t imagine my life with anyone else;
He’s the one who makes my soul feel complete,
He’s my eternal light, always shining.
I surrender to this Godsend from above,
The very embodiment of true love;
My soul sparks to life in his presence,
Our bond grows stronger as I take in his essence.
Brilliant hair that outshines the sun;
Strong hands that are lethal with a blade,
Yet soft and gentle on my skin.
Tall and straight and full of pride,
His voice like music caressing my keen ears;
Incredibly fearless and full of wisdom,
It’s no wonder why I fell for him.
I surrender to this Godsend from above,
The very embodiment of true love;
My soul sparks to life in his presence,
In this cursed land he’s my piece of heaven.
I rise from the depths of the abyss,
To seek out the light that he emits;
I’m blind and scattered without his grip on me,
Warm seems the candle to one who has never felt the sun.
My heart, mind and soul belong to him,
I can’t imagine my life with anyone else;
He’s the one who makes my soul feel complete,
He’s my eternal light, always shining.
I surrender to this Godsend from above,
The very embodiment of true love;
My soul sparks to life in his presence,
Our bond grows stronger as I take in his essence.
Written by LunasChild8
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Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 540
Only in My Dreams
Only in my dreams am I truly at peace,
The moon is my constant companion;
My sweet Luna brings light to the darkest of nights,
Her soft glow lulls me to sleep.
Only in my dreams am I my true self,
I can be stripped of my dignity and face no persecution;
My body and soul are bared to be seen,
Yet I have no shame.
Only in my dreams am I truly happy,
My imagination reignites and runs wild;
My soul departs my body in search of adventure,
In the blink of an eye the universe is within my grasp.
Only in my dreams am I complete,
Love, peace and wisdom are the Holy Trinity;
Symbols flash before my eyes,
My mind translates their messages effortlessly.
Only in my dreams can I achieve anything,
Self-doubt and fear fade away into nothing;
I can be Superwoman, or I can be a dragon,
Or I could be at peace in your loving arms.
The moon is my constant companion;
My sweet Luna brings light to the darkest of nights,
Her soft glow lulls me to sleep.
Only in my dreams am I my true self,
I can be stripped of my dignity and face no persecution;
My body and soul are bared to be seen,
Yet I have no shame.
Only in my dreams am I truly happy,
My imagination reignites and runs wild;
My soul departs my body in search of adventure,
In the blink of an eye the universe is within my grasp.
Only in my dreams am I complete,
Love, peace and wisdom are the Holy Trinity;
Symbols flash before my eyes,
My mind translates their messages effortlessly.
Only in my dreams can I achieve anything,
Self-doubt and fear fade away into nothing;
I can be Superwoman, or I can be a dragon,
Or I could be at peace in your loving arms.
Written by LunasChild8
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Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

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Gather round for the tale of falling asleep,
Where you enter the world of hope and dreams.
Close your eyes, calm your breathing, fall asleep,
And enter the world meant for you and me.
Settle down, rest your soul after a good day,
Perhaps tomorrow you’ll have new things to play.
Go outside, watch the sun; enjoy your day,
Remember the memories that made you stay.
Lose your frown, it’s not worth your energy,
It’s easier said, but you’ll be free.
Loosen up, don’t be tense; release your energy,
Never lose hope; always believe.
In the promise of a new start,
Nothing can drag you from among the stars,
Where there’s gloom there’s glee; don’t be sore,
Release your wings, and up you soar.
Where you enter the world of hope and dreams.
Close your eyes, calm your breathing, fall asleep,
And enter the world meant for you and me.
Settle down, rest your soul after a good day,
Perhaps tomorrow you’ll have new things to play.
Go outside, watch the sun; enjoy your day,
Remember the memories that made you stay.
Lose your frown, it’s not worth your energy,
It’s easier said, but you’ll be free.
Loosen up, don’t be tense; release your energy,
Never lose hope; always believe.
In the promise of a new start,
Nothing can drag you from among the stars,
Where there’s gloom there’s glee; don’t be sore,
Release your wings, and up you soar.
Written by LunasChild8
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Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

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Verse 1
With each sunrise comes a new hope,
Making the pain easier to cope.
Just one look at your face and I feel,
That every wound of mine will always heal.
Chorus 1
Ooooohhh, ba-dum, ba-dum goes my heart,
My eyes are locked on you, and I can’t look away.
Ohhhhh, up above shine the stars,
Yet all I see are your golden rays.
Hope burns deeply inside my heart,
I’ll wish upon the falling star;
That we’ll live to see another day,
I’ll believe, and I’ll pray.
Verse 2
There’s no great toxin like regret,
All the mistakes I wish I’d forget.
There’s no greater drug than folly,
Pain that’d never happen if I had said sorry.
Chorus 2
Ooooohhh, ba-dum, ba-dum goes my heart,
My eyes are locked on you, and I can’t look away.
Ohhhhh, up above shine the stars,
Yet all I see are your golden rays.
Hope burns deeply inside my heart,
I’ll wish upon the falling star;
That we’ll live to see another day,
I’ll believe, and trust fate.
With each sunrise comes a new hope,
Making the pain easier to cope.
Just one look at your face and I feel,
That every wound of mine will always heal.
Chorus 1
Ooooohhh, ba-dum, ba-dum goes my heart,
My eyes are locked on you, and I can’t look away.
Ohhhhh, up above shine the stars,
Yet all I see are your golden rays.
Hope burns deeply inside my heart,
I’ll wish upon the falling star;
That we’ll live to see another day,
I’ll believe, and I’ll pray.
Verse 2
There’s no great toxin like regret,
All the mistakes I wish I’d forget.
There’s no greater drug than folly,
Pain that’d never happen if I had said sorry.
Chorus 2
Ooooohhh, ba-dum, ba-dum goes my heart,
My eyes are locked on you, and I can’t look away.
Ohhhhh, up above shine the stars,
Yet all I see are your golden rays.
Hope burns deeply inside my heart,
I’ll wish upon the falling star;
That we’ll live to see another day,
I’ll believe, and trust fate.
Written by LunasChild8
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Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

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Verse 1
They say “don’t play with fire, you’ll end up getting burned”,
But there was a spark of attraction that had me reeling in;
I’m just the type of person who never learned,
To run away from danger, yet I can’t help but grin.
You’ve lured me in, just like moths to light,
There’s something special about you, something unique;
All I knew was that I had to fight,
Please hear me out and let me speak.
I’d move the stars and the moon,
If only for the chance to call you… mine. Sweet Caroline.
I know that I’m impatient, love,
I know that it’s just a matter of… time. Oh my sweet Caroline.
Verse 2
You found parts of me I didn’t know existed,
And in you I found a love I no longer believed was real;
I’m grateful that back then I persisted,
To tell you exactly how I feel.
I love you so much, I can’t let you go,
I’d be a mess if you leave me;
Please be mine, don’t say no,
You complete me.
They say “don’t play with fire, you’ll end up getting burned”,
But there was a spark of attraction that had me reeling in;
I’m just the type of person who never learned,
To run away from danger, yet I can’t help but grin.
You’ve lured me in, just like moths to light,
There’s something special about you, something unique;
All I knew was that I had to fight,
Please hear me out and let me speak.
I’d move the stars and the moon,
If only for the chance to call you… mine. Sweet Caroline.
I know that I’m impatient, love,
I know that it’s just a matter of… time. Oh my sweet Caroline.
Verse 2
You found parts of me I didn’t know existed,
And in you I found a love I no longer believed was real;
I’m grateful that back then I persisted,
To tell you exactly how I feel.
I love you so much, I can’t let you go,
I’d be a mess if you leave me;
Please be mine, don’t say no,
You complete me.
Written by LunasChild8
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