Poetry competition CLOSED 11th November 2018 2:01am
Gahddess_Worship (Osomajestuoso)
View Profile Poems by Gahddess_Worship
RUNNERS-UP: Hepcat61 and JusTim_

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Erotic Personified

geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028

My dear Jade - what a great competition.  

I had so much fun writing my little villanelle.  I am humbled to be sharing the podium with JusTim_.  And I bow to Gahddess_Worship for his LONGTIME LOVERS, what a marvelous read.

Thank all who shared their words - and other things - with us.  And deep gratitude to you, our hostess, for the space to fill with our objects of affection.


Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 840

I apologize for my tardiness in response to this honor.  I bow low to you,  Jadey,  for a wonderful competition chock full of talented poets.  I bow just as low to my fellow participants and I share this win with you all.  Cheers!

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