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Official DUP NaPo/GloProWrimo 2018

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

Ok, I may have to drop out! Gah, I have just thought I leave for London tomorrow and then fly out to Montenegro Saturday. Can I spam write over today and tomorrow or should I jump ship?

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

ImperfectedStone said:Ok, I may have to drop out! Gah, I have just thought I leave for London tomorrow and then fly out to Montenegro Saturday. Can I spam write over today and tomorrow or should I jump ship?

I'd vote in favour of spam... On your behalf! There's only 5 days left. It's not worth jumping if you ask me.

;) you have my vote in favour

❎ marks the spot

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Much Ado About Nothing    (25 / 30)

Luvs, Darlings, Sweeties,
thespians, lesbians, and has-beens,
Tarts, Farts, and Passionate Hearts,
Dinner Suits, Boots, Old Coots,
Frumps, Humps, Those down in the dumps,
Seers, Queers, Sweet Old Dears,
Purists, Jurists, American Tourists,
Lords, Ladies, Gentlemen, Children,
all other members of the human race and Drama critics,

"What the Hell do you think you are doing?"

Sitting there night after night, paying inflated prices
to watch busty middle aged women and brainless
young men prance around in tights performing.
No, not as one might expect a right wing fund raiser
nor a live sex show at the Windmill Theatre,
not even the latest episode of Star Wars

"People are still going to see Shakespear plays!"

I remember my first experience of observing this drivel.
Our school arranged a trip to the theatre to see
A performance of " A Mid-summer Nights' Dream".
A trip to a hospital theatre for rectal surgery would have
been more enjoyable. I had misheard our cardigan wearing,
yoghurt making, right-on English teacher,
I thought that she had said that the fairy's
name was "Fuck" not "Puck": Fuck the fairy,
I thought, sounded like my idea of a good night out,
I mean it's not really gay if you don't push back
I was to be sadly disappointed.

"I mean what the fuck is it all about?"

It's obvious that William did not go to big school as
his grasp of English is somewhat lacking, his dialogue
rarely makes sense, his historical dramas are bloody boring,
his comedies are as about as funny as raging tooth ache,
his love stories less convincing than a Barbara Cartland novel,
in fact if the truth be known his complete works
are complete shite. However I do not blame him entirely,
Where was Mrs Shakespeare ? ,
why didn't she try to stop him?
a well placed agitated bayonet rammed
under the rib cage would have done the trick,
constant interruptions for tea and coffee
nagging about grass needing cut or
nagging that some shelves need putting up
would have at least reduced the amount a crap
he was producing. I would suggest that she was
in fact a theatre critic hence her inability to make
any physical movement without the assistance of an
electric wheelchair and copious amounts of heroin
her lack of enough brain prevented her from being
able to tell difference between arse and elbow.
What about his friends, sadly he only had a few friends
which he gained by joining a local voluntary organisation,
(S.H.I.T.S)Stratford Homosexual Illiterate Transvestites Society
to give it it's full title were very supportive to William,
supplying tights, cod pieces, frilly blouses and the occasional
pink taffeta ball gown, they also occasionally supplied costumes
to the actors as well. Sad though his life was, hardly an excuse or
justification for pages and pages of torturous bilge, for example :

" To be or not to be that is the question "

that's not a question, not a real question,
not like;
Are Muslim Butchers pig ignorant ?
Mr. Dick Spring, Irish politician or vibrating sex toy ?
Is Doris Day an annual holiday
If only 25% of road fatalities are caused by drunk drivers
shouldn't we outlaw driving while sober ?
These are real questions, important questions;
William Shakespeare, Literary genius or a talentless git ?now there's a question,

" Beware the eyes of March "

William proves his standing as one of the great illiterates
March, spelled M - A - R - C - H, Clearly there are no I's in March..

" All the worlds' a stage "

Flat, square and made of wood.
Obviously geography and natural history
were part of the William's "things I never did at school" list.
William was in fact a member of the Flat Earth Society  
And firmly believed that one could fall of the edge of the world
Into, I assume, the orchestra pit known as deep space.
If all the worlds' a stage where's the dressing rooms
more importantly where's the bar

" Frailty,.....Thy name is woman "

If this is so, I would like to have William's body exhumed,
jolted back to life with a 2000 volt electrical charge, and then
made to explain :
Myra Hindley
Margaret Thatcher
Gillian Shepherd
Rosemary West
and my sodden ex-wife and my bloody Mother-in-law

" A horse,....a horse,.....my kingdom for a horse. "

A cry one would expect from a mindless drunk sitting
penniless in the betting shop 5 minutes before the last
race at Ascot, Not from a disabled and deranged member  
of the Royal Family who's just had the shit kicked out of him.

"Friends, Romans, Countrymen,......Lend me your ears."

Mathematics and money matters were obviously
not one of William's fortes. It's clear that he had
not experienced the joy of being poor waiting for
one's welfare cheque to arrive from Social Security.
He had obviously attended the Gangsta school
of debt recovery techniques where cutting of ears
is a favourite method of encouraging debtors to pay up.
However he failed to understand that throughout the history
of mankind, hacked off ears have never been acceptably used
as a valid currency unless you were planning a vacation in Iran.

" Romeo,.......Romeo,........Where for art thou,..Romeo ? "

I've buggered off to join the French Foreign Legion,
this play is complete shite and I know how it ends,
granted you are truly a fair beauty and I like the way
you hang your breasts over the balcony, I even admire
the way you are able to lick out the cheese between your
toes and even although your ability to suck the flesh out
of a banana without breaking the skin is a complete turn on,
I am unable to remain, and trying to ply me with cheap
Austrian wine which smells like anti-freeze will not on this
occasion work, I know that you are afraid to sleep alone in
the dark but remember it is far better to sleep with the light
on than it is to wake with a hard on. So good-bye my love
I will always think of you fondly or is it think of you fondling,
anyway I'm off

" William Shakespear: Shall I compare thee to a summers day ? "

No, but I shall instead compare thee to Donald Trump another  
talentless arse who like you has about as much appeal as having
an internal rectal examination performed by Freddy Kruger

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347


Schrödinger's cat

Here, with my pen inside these walls, I sit
waiting, waiting,
neither in nor out, the air is still, the blue screens have been on too long,
the shower above as my partner washes off his workout,
not of the rich kind
and I
lay on the sofa
contemplating travel,
the symptoms of tonsilitus
and the importance
of these musings to me,
the importance of me to me.
Well, everyone has to have a priority but between keeping the kid laughing, the clothes washed, the writing on time, the house, the rich workouts, my health all seem to be taking a back step,
sitting somewhere muted and hazy
in the peripheral.
Never mind, such is life, soon all will change again,
the poetry will sink into it's box as a cat,
most likely dead,
the kid will be screaming while I mop the floor
and the rich workouts will resume
if only a little poorer.

Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
Joined 20th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 5573


You Are Poetry

she says to me

but I disagree

for without her
I was a neverending tale
poorly composed

a prosed existence of
the most understated kind
living out consecutive life
sentences question marked
always without fail
halting forward momentum
short of any accomplishments
accompanied with exclamation

chapters of a happily
ever after sequel

if not for being writer's blocked

The story of my life ...

until I met her

and she turned my pages

for Ahavati with Love


Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
Joined 20th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 5573

ImperfectedStone said:Ok, I may have to drop out! Gah, I have just thought I leave for London tomorrow and then fly out to Montenegro Saturday. Can I spam write over today and tomorrow or should I jump ship?

Post extra before you leave, in between or whenever you get settled.

Just make sure your #30 is posted AFTER April 29 ends and BEFORE May 1st begins in "your home's timezone".

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14535



Déjà vécu, we've already lived
lifetimes, vaguely remembering
faces, places, what was said

Experience haunts our Being
years attempting understanding

What Life was, or wasn't ours
to command, to retire adorned
in comforts of each other's smile

The security of Love so foreign
to most, their minds entertain
such an existence as false

For how could such rarity
exist if untasted first hand

Glimpses of light, whittled words  
conversations in part trickle
memory bank, safety deposit box

secure in a historical vault of Us

But still, we've been here before
duel keys in hand, the code waiting
to be unlocked by our next choice

Despite all odds, now and then
I stand with you in distance
holding space between this:

Treasure hunt of choices
a box of chocolates
never knowing with certainty

where it will lead --

only that it shows Us
moment to moment
where we are to be
. . .


For my J, with Love 💜

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14535

ImperfectedStone said:Ok, I may have to drop out! Gah, I have just thought I leave for London tomorrow and then fly out to Montenegro Saturday. Can I spam write over today and tomorrow or should I jump ship?

You can check out but you can never leave. 😉

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 12th July 2017
Forum Posts: 58


vape pen

“just press here, then
I coughed the first time,
tried to hide watering eyes
sour diesel
it tasted like rotten lemon
and definitely smelled
like pot

“I'm turning you
into a stoner...”
he joked
I'd always hated smoke..
a puff in his face –
“you bitch!”
he tickled me til I couldn't

we passed it back and forth
dark corner of the parking lot
he was worried about
getting caught
I got dizzy
he said it was in my mind
I got hyped up
and he said I'd had enough

he cuddled me a little
but he was tired and
wanted to take me
I asked if he'd bring more
next time; he didn't know –
he reminded me I was
still too young…

that had never stopped him before



the grown-ups

all night,
she'd been
eying those
bottles lined
up on the shelf:
red raspberry wine,
sweet pineapple rum;
they offered her a small sip-
yes! challenge accepted
brought to eager lips-
she wanted to do
what the grown-ups did.
tell me I'm a big girl,
she begged them to
see her for more
than just
a kid-
they laughed
at her silly antics;
never mature enough
no matter what she did-
but she knew she'd
prove herself
she wanted to do
what the grown-ups did

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Fire of Insight
United States 14awards
Joined 12th July 2017
Forum Posts: 271


She is

She is the wind, perpetually blowing
There’s no shelter to hide from her  
She’s gonna tear you apart
She’s a tornado

She is a wave
Beating against weathered rocks
She’s gonna erode you
She’ll drown you

She burns like a fire
Watch her flames grow
She won’t be put out
She is untamable

You can’t fight the storm
You cannot dance in the rain
Submit to the wind
She is in control of the weather

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Clandestina  *26/30

Yep, that’s my name, don’t wear it out,
It means one day, someday, we’ll meet.
It’s hard to say without my teeth.

Well I know we met yesterday.
I may be old but I ain’t dead - not yet.
You young’uns got life on a string.

Now when I was young this was farms.
Say, where do you think I was born,
On a turnip truck go’in to town?

Heheheh , aww, gimme a break,
I got corn pads older’n you.
I like sittin’ here when I ache.

You feel that? it’s startin’ to rain,
Y’know it’s that time of the year.
Let’s go in, I’ll fix us some tea.

Got ginger snaps, you might like some.
I’m so glad you came down this way,
Ain’t often I see folks these days.

Copyright©️Jade Pandora 2018.  All Rights Reserved.
*NaPo/GloPoWriMo 2018

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Mad Distraction

Not hot, warm
Warm humidity
Not sweaty, active
Warm active humidity
Bent over
Bent over the foot
Bent over the foot of the queen
Bent over the foot of the queen bed
Warm active humidity
bent over the foot of the queen bed
Not darkness
in the dark
Speaking to much
Not speaking
Testifying to life
Not life lived
life living

Warm active humidity
bent over the foot of the queen bed
in the dark
life lived
Not fear
Shaking in feelings
physical feelings
Not shaking

Warm active humidity
bent over the foot of the queen bed
in the dark
life lived
physical feelings
one last thrust
Not last
(for now)
leads to the scream
not scream,
Not howl

Warm active humidity
bent over the foot of the queen bed
in the dark
life lived
physical feelings
one final thrust
fingers ripping
not the whole finger
the nails
nails ripping bed sheets
not bed sheets
the floral cover
not floral, patterned

Warm active humidity
bent over the foot of the queen bed
in the dark
life lived
physical feelings
one final thrust
nails ripping
the patterned


Entry 26
Letters to Society, God  
& The Goddess  
GloPoWriMo 2018  
Posted April 26th

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

*exit stage left!*

Thank you kindly

Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
Joined 20th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 5573


In The Speakeasy Thread


tell us where you live:

City, Town or County + Country + Timezone

as soon as possible!


Please be sure to post your #30 Entry

AFTER April 29 ends and BEFORE May 1st begins

in "your home's timezone".


And make sure ALL of your entries are

numbered, titled and contain no less than 50 unique words.

( 🍟 = posted and counted since last update )

And we're holding steady at 18 participants!

Greetings, Poets! Welcome to DAY 26!

Less than a week to go!

Forget about traditional countdowns and ball drops; see how these cities drop instead; next with Boise, ID.

Four! . . .

In another state famous for a semi-round piece of food, Boise, Idaho hosts a New Years Eve party featuring a giant potato. This is a fairly new festival that began in 2013 and has already seen great success. The event includes a professional fireworks show, live music, and plenty of food. You would not regret attending this event and becoming what they call, "spec-taters."

What's "taters", Precious?  

Tuber or not tuber; that is the real question our participants have been asking.

🍟1. Ahavati - III✔✔✔✔
🍟2. JohnnyBlaze - III✔✔✔✔
🍟3. JadePandora - III✔✔✔✔✔
🍟4. Viddax - III✔✔✔✔
🔧5. Mel44 - III✔✔✔
🍟6. cloventongue89 - III✔✔✔✔✔
🍟7. David_Macleod - III✔✔✔✔
🔧8. rowantree - III✔✔✔
🍟9. ImperfectedStone - III✔✔✔✔
🍟10. MadameLavender - III✔✔✔✔
🍟11. RevolutionAl - III✔✔✔✔✔
🍟12. Hepcat61- III✔✔✔✔
🔧13. poetryaccident - III✔✔✔✔
🍟14. Thetravelingfairy -III✔✔✔✔
🔧15. MisfitPoet89 - III✔✔✔
🔧16. Samael - III✔✔
🍟17. Rosegold - III✔
🍟18. thepositivelydark - II✔✔✔✔✔✔

If your name isn't listed, it's because you haven't posted, and we haven't heard from you in at least three days!  

Well done with a side of fries, Poets! 🎊

Thank You for your participation!

And Thank You for ordering. Now please drive through and pay at the next window.

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