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Official DUP NaPo/GloProWrimo 2018

geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028

(in the 5-7-5 form of American haiku)
formule poésie érotique 19/30

leather straps remove
the warhorse lengthens its stride
that’s a hard canter

drop the riding crop
free hands in mane, adjust gate
how she loves posting
his response displays
knees high, thighs tense, softens seat
bareback is better

risen, rearing high
using “leg,” quick movements hold
amazing she’s upright

bucking, haunches fly
barely held between her legs
that hard-muscled beast

as fast as flesh can
in rise and fall, flash as one
Oh! mount and rider!

resting, riding done
how she curries his wet flanks
so much dripping froth

😇/😈 (as is the spirit of senryu)

Guardian of Shadows
United States 87awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5598

Library Book Sale

(NaPo #20, April 20, 2018)

Excitement of Thursday evenings
charges the air, like
aromas of popcorn
and syrupy candy at carnivals.

Some anticipate rides
and the hoopla of side shows
and crowds
while some anticipate a good book.

The carts roll out at six, and
basement doors fly open
to throngs of a different sort--
searchers of dollar movies, and
fifty cent paperbacks .

"Load a bag for a buck--take us too!"

Cry antiquated editions from hallway boxes.

Waiting lines at roller coasters
are no match for
itchy-fingered bargain hunters,
descending hawklike, upon
volumes and pages ,
armfuls of the written word.

I would write more , but
it's nearly six p.m.....

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 31awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6694


Polysyllabic Park

to Polysyllabic Park.
Come see our wonderful words wander about
brought back from obscurity
using thesaurus genes.
Watch herds of Gleed
as go glowing to and fro
across the grassy fields.
See the Toonioperty
in its natural habitat:
grazing for opportunity.
The fearsome Angnaegl
stalk about in packs
unleashing pain
on those unfortunate to cross their paths.
While Forswunke
lie upon the plains
exhausted from their daily chores.
In the treetops Gorgayse
flock to flaunt their fashionable feathers
making elegant manoeuvres in the sky.
Down by the water
schools of Blash
rushing and dashing
through the lakes.
As the mighty Bibulous
swims silently
absorbing nutrients.
Flitterwochen hum through the air
their existence only there
for a few fleeting weeks.
All around can be heard
the sound of Quacksalvers
as they ply their useless wares.
While caged and contained
the fearsome Vampyrarchy
paces, lest it feed on the others.
For only a short time see the
it is well worth all the money!
No trip would be complete
without searching for the elusive
whose movements deceive
all but the most wise of visitors.
Polysyllabic Park Opening Soon!

(Unique words: 136.)

geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028

Apparently "Unbound" is 19/30... 20/30 will be later today...

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14580

Hepcat61 said:Apparently "Unbound" is 19/30... 20/30 will be later today...

Thank you for clarifying. I was about to recount. III✔✔✔IIII✔✔✔✔IIII


Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

The Bag

Crosses the road
with her walker
and dog
Back arched
Eyes to the ground

Perfectly placed
silver hair
has a blue tinge

Stops the morning traffic
while commuters
sit in wait
for the 5 minutes
it takes to
step off the curb
put a foot in front of another
and gain
she reaches the other side
stepping back
up the curb

Some ass
(every morning a new one)
will hoot
or roll down the window
cursing an
at her

The dog growls
shows it's teeth;
they shut up!

The traffic takes off
The first breath
of the day
is over

When that old dame
kicks the bucket
I'm gonna have five minutes
less rest

I'm preparing
for the worst


Entry 21
Letters to Society, God  
& The Goddess  
GloPoWriMo 2018  
Posted April 20th  

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Morbidity      - - -  - - (20 / 30)

Death comes to us all
for some just not quick enough
karma needs my help

who wants to live forever
I'd get fuckin bored

He just passed away
no light at end of tunnel
he threw six touchdowns

burgers, buns and fries
turns you into super size
too soon your demise

My morbidity
mind no longer set to stun
all fear has just gone

Edgar Allan Poe
is not dead; he is simply
Living in a box

your Jugular slashed
with my faithful Stanley knife
should have said sorry

Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193


Acceptance Found

The struggle yields rich rewards
discoveries of treasures within self
that a society prefers to hide
lest discomfort infect the crowd
you faced this on many fronts
my friend of cloth same as mine
though the shade may differ some
I recognize the weave of my soul.

Each a snowflake in life's storm
with equal gravity exerting pull
still the die is sometimes cast
to tug the crystal out of line
this was your fate that I observed
admiration stoked by the fires
that burned hot against the gale
asking all to feel love.

Now the battle has pressed on
meeting worse of circumstance
please find solace in the thought
another found strength in your toil
so I'll nod to show my thanks
another snowflake seeking grace
wishing comfort for all our kind
acceptance found through your work.

Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
Joined 20th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 5573


In So Many Words


strong, resiliant, brave;
never slave to tradition
or societal trends

Who is she? depends
on who she says
she is; not up for debate


To date ...


All on her own

Critique all you care
in your mission;
pickin' her apart
as you would pull
chicken -

Avalanching hair
Generous soul
Stunning eyes


The Genuine Article
Honestly Crafted
from the inside out

Flawless as her Poetry;
worded efficiently so

with linguistics dripping cunning
rivulets of alliteration running
as consonance dances about
And, what assonance!
How it prances!!

Penned, roughly drafted
into the hours late

To read and appreciate
her inner workings ...

I simply can't wait!

for Ahavati with Love


Fire of Insight
United States 14awards
Joined 12th July 2017
Forum Posts: 274


Catching You

You were everything to me
Catching you was like chasing the moon
Never quite in my reach
Lost in a moment of uncertainty
Debriefing, reconciling
Had I made the right choice
To walk this life with you?
We’ve weathered the storm
We have conquered mountains, together
I believe in the path you’ve paved for me
Walking along is no breeze
But in your arms I am certain
Catching you was the right thing

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

20.30 UW:110


She lacks a little lace on the top thigh, tipping a river of men
over the ripples in her stockings,
her temperature runs
like a truck engine, driven hard and fast through the night, as if to break her in,
feet flex into shoes that make calves solid as a man, stood naked before a young woman,
delicately quivering.
She hums quietly, a lurer's teasing pitch, a pitch she'd hum at at any
given opportunity
of bliss,
lips engorged, throbbing, bottom jutting,
lingering out
of the edge of a glass
of something both quenching
and rich.
There are slaves here, beautiful but baron,
bound to the night, to the society of it all.
She's a freshly sharpened axe, made for making wood suitable, sizeable,
On her
delectable feet
she's inching in,
slinking across the floor, fingers through her cherry hair, her eyes, those look up from low eyes
the cat that has the cream.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 308


Grateful for knowledge
not in control
sun rises and sets
I play no role

above any one religion
beyond uncertainty
willingness to believe
in a higher entity

dogmatic doctrines
unnecessary for grace
confident belief
conduct has a place

my will internal
offers nothing more
in service, upraised
of this I am sure

learning from experience
growing spiritually
encouraging others
practising loyalty

engaging principles
of respect and fairness
demonstrating compassion
authenticity and kindness

trust I'm being guided
all things meant to be
opening my heart
allowing me to see

accepting I've been gifted
provided what I need
dependence on this faith
tribute to my creed

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14580

Anatomy of Loss



Light arises within flesh
reminds us who we are
when presented alternatives

Not missionaries who require
recitation of the 'sinner's prayer'
so a starving man can eat

or the cold receive blankets
sick and dying medicine
to retain a speck of dignity

But, those who ask for nothing
save you take what they're offering
that your hunger be nourished

They don't preach the word
or shame your circumstance
as all you've ever lived;

They shine; reek of Light
kindness on their breath;
possess warmth of heart

Answer only if asked
why are you doing this
to which they reply

Because I Love

Those are the Ones
peeling a dark moment
to reveal its ripening fruit

And once you've tasted --
you'll never look back
nor remember this loss

Despite it being all you had

. . .


For My J, with Love 💜

Twisted Dreamer
United States 4awards
Joined 25th Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 151

No more lies

Even the thorns and vines reach up towards the skies
Hiding the ties and hiding the lies
That you once weaved around me and tangled me so
I was supposed to believe you but how would I know
If you lied to me and made that your goal
I was young and naive, like the youngest of foals
I took what you said and held it as truth
Trusting you blindly never asking for proof
Yet see what you did with your head held high
You didn’t even care if I laid down and died
No because that was part of your plan all along
Hooking me with flowery promises and song
To string me out as far as you could
To see what I could do for you, all the good
What you could get me to do in the name of your word
While my little protests often came unbidden and unheard
You always knew that one day I would crack and break
You knew exactly where the road was that I’d take
Yet you led me here anyway like I was some dumb child
Always with an upbeat attitude and anger mild
But no more I can see right through all your plans
I’ll never again give in to your demands
Your hold over me is done and we’re through
I’ll make sure this awful thing you’ll never again do

*is my count right? I think it shows 20 under my name before now and I just wanna make sure I didn’t post an extra somewhere*

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 14580

Misfitpoet89 said:20/30

*is my count right? I think it shows 20 under my name before now and I just wanna make sure I didn’t post an extra somewhere*

No; I got it wrong. I probably meant to hit someone else but got you by mistake.    It's been corrected.

I'm exhausted. Johnny ( aka my rock ) will be taking over tomorrow so I can sleep late.

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