Poetry competition CLOSED 20th December 2017 3:44am

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Establishment of Utopia

Gregory Rain
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 28th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 50

Grey Paradise (written by "God is in the Rain")

Not trees, Not rivers, Not clouds, Not sun...
Not the past, Not days yet to come...
No-one wants the lonely one...
And the lonely one does not want them...
Merciless monsters with theyr bitter kindness...
Pages of Pain and Pictures of smiles made from red sadness...
But among worthless masks suddenly appeared a colour-less gem...
Everything was Grey...
His smoke, His lips, His hair, His dreams...
Prehaps its not the qualities of day...
But same Share of Silent pain that Screams...
What makes the heart pund...
In ryhtm of the sight, along lines of the sound...
As Despair of all things Beautifull violently streams...
Grey hidden in his eyes...
Matched the crimson in mine...
And for at least once, withouth any lies...
One lonely couple let their love shine...
Through Grey-Crimson withered halls...
We were so happy in our little Downfalls...
Untill the bitter end...

note: You could argue that it's technically a love poem - well, yes.
The permise is that paradise is not something created around you, but something you create inside.
The permise is that "Heaven" would be the worse kind of hell... as if you would be to get anything and everything in an instance and the exact way you want.... you might as well have nothing....
And so "Paradise" is a Grey, Grim world full of disasters and tragedies.... a world YOU can make better - even if only for one person, even if only for a while.

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