Competition Ends 31st March 2025 11:23pm


Fire of Insight
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 101

Poetry Contest

Write a short piece (max 200 words) that explores the darker aspects of human nature, the supernatural, or the unknown.

Unleash your inner darkness and craft a tale that will leave us shivering in the shadows. Let your imagination run wild and conjure up a world that's eerie, haunting, and unforgettable.

I'm looking for bold, daring, and unapologetic writing that pushes the boundaries of darkness.

Since forever, my favorite genre is dark, as far as poems are concerned, and now it's your turn to shine!

Will you dare to delve into the darkness?

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 101

Persona NON Grata

Some among the things a dark man's mind desires..    
Revealing some among the things my dark heart and mind desire    
Lord transform me into a word designer  
Standing tall among them, announcing myself as their new town crier

With this notorious attitude of no blabber  
All I need to be is this persona non grata..    
Of these many dark arts    
Lord make me a master    
Somewhat less desirable      
Much rarer    
Beside them a total stranger    
A very dangerous bystander    
Make them see a gun every time I hold a hand dryer..    
To be the sole armor bearer    
Lord make me a little higher    
Make my murmuring voice something sinister    
En route to heaven the farther forward and nearer    
The judge, jury and executioner of every scandal monger, scaremonger or stirrer    
Some among the things my dark heart and mind desire    
Appoint me as the minister of any sinister
The master of all the cell sleepers..  
A persona non grata!

Not an entry..

Tyrant of Words
United States 157awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1891


She woke up in the middle of the night screaming
As if an ominous shadow made a great progression
It was shriek like she had seen some kind of demon
Confessing in tears she was dreaming of possession

Upon the catafalque like an unholy altar there it sat
Waiting for the mourners to come pay their respects
But she was the only believer with keen vision to see it
As the blind grievers waited in line and she was next

And as she leaned over to see her beloved resting
The shadow reached out and pulled her by her chest
Bony fingers clawed into her already broken heart
“Now you’re mine” the shadow whispered obsessed

A coldness entered her mind leaving her numb and dull
When the clamor of a million souls shook from the depths
And her scream echoed the agony of damned spirits
Suffering the torment and anguish of a thousand deaths

But it was the face of her love that frightened her most
Already decayed by eons of melancholy and misery
It was his hand that reached into her mouth and heart
Because the voice and face that tortured her was me
Written by wallyroo92
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Fire of Insight
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 101

Ohhh Wally did you just went dark..
Thanks for your entry.. I really like the content of possession..

Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 693

Looking through the eyes of the eyes looking through

Her vision steeped before we crossed
but no more to ignite the eyes
losing track of what was behind, I didn't bother.
I carried concern on my chest, no boulders on my shoulders.

I parlayed with my self, negotiating control.
A small taste of freedom beckoned,
to feel and smell and crave the fancies I fancied.
Natural impulse, artificial dissolution.

A leading discourse to
dry this saturating boredom  
with sponges more righteous than martyrs.
And burn these tears of impassive self pity
in the fires of a desert immolated.

A frozen face on my stone like heart.
Inequity realized and resolved.

Silence is a drug of the lazy and the wise
I am neither, but I despise them both
and too, the darkness with which speaks, my mind.
Slip into a corner, watch the echoes play.

lest luck has its day;
before I bite the cold earth for good;
I will see the martyr walk from the pyre
and witness myself burning in desire.
Written by 13
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Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 693


I was born in a small town
northern waters graced its shores,
and waves forsook bodies everyday.
Unfortunate was I, I could not learn
slithering through the slums,
thieving to slake my dearth.
At the age of 10 I was sold
for less than what I stole,
nobility fancied my weary face.

I wouldn't pray for mercy
as my master defiled my body,
as my mistress abused my naivety.
If there were a god
why would he save those who beg him?
to truly pray you must fight.
I was kept isolated
in a dark room with a barred crescent window,
wrought iron chains fastened my collar.

During the day, I was untouched
by dusk the monsters would come out to play,
with whips and belts and holy water.
A sick morbid pleasure, to kill and revive
I bleed out gallons, and scream like sirens,
the flesh scars the floor of my cell.
With clubs and knives, they bash and pierce
they adhere, the thrill of seeing me squirm,
because I never learned, this is my punishment.

One day I'll be free, and I will learn
I will rip the very roots of knowledge and consume them,
I know not of the suffering of others.
And I care not for anyone else
I will fight, and kill, slaughter millions if I must,
only then 'GOD' will come down to judge his slaves.
As I was judged then
at the age of 10,
where the northern waters relinquished slaves like me.
Written by 13
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Fire of Insight
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 101

Good job 13..

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2704


I'll give you a go on the hateful human condition
reeking of demons I spit fire
taste the cult of randomness Sadistic in my approach
razors loosed my tongue cuts

needful envy I'm excited really you just might cut me back
a frivolous stare and I am entering your soul
just a little, taint civil to drink one dry

decorum be damned I want it all
slithering in, eyes ablaze you like the way I fuck
in an otherworldly fashion

legs parted I'm coming in wave after wave
feels so good you open a little, then wide
while I flash mob your mind with visions you would rather not entertain
but your libido is swollen and you crave

hardened against your will you ache
slick from the edge of it all
my cunt can feel your need

licking my lips I give you just the tip
that's when I feel your throb
do you know Masochistim's slut
I'm known as the Mistress of darkened desire
offer me something sweet

you beg for more, this is as high as you've ever been before
otherworldly sex makes human sex look pathetic
but combined with the demonic, really is something

your thighs are quaking and your pupils dilate
you're stuck within now masturbating madly
a heathen I know, it's okay darlin
we won't tell

now give me your darkest fantasy or I'll just let you drop
on the alter of fuck you give your offering
yes I purr licking your cerebellum
injecting my delirium, now hunt for me
feed me something plum lips parted
and you do for another touch

greedy little snake
I'll suck you from your core until you're almost dry
then pump my lust into you
and you will do my bidding evermore

Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
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Fire of Insight
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 101

This is such a ride crimsin..

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2704

Numer90 said:This is such a ride crimsin..

thank you

Dangerous Mind
Portugal 24awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 364

Bright darkness

Under the dark heat
I dissolve into particles
lost in eternal fatigue.
I am ashes, I am shadow,
I am space fused with the sun
in a steel bond.

Time drags on with
a cruel weight,
I am an echo that screams
in the emptiness of the sky.
Every atom trembles, begs,
breaks, in the solar substance,
I am the work of Death.

The brightness in me,
devours what I am,
an eternal fragment
that never ceases.
In the dance of fire,
I find the abyss,
of being forgotten,
of being a schism.

And then the trumpet resounds
from on high the angel descends
with an endless gaze.
The last trumpet,
the sound of farewell,
tears the heavens apart.
Tears from heaven
separate earth and sea.

And so I surrender myself,
with no light, with no end...
To the heat that burns me,
to the sun that is within me.
I am darkness, I am pain,
I am the end,
Echoing nothingness
in the eternal garden.
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