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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

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Moon enters Virgo overnight @ 1:39 AM EDT, 7th House • Void of Course Moon begins this afternoon @ 3:16 PM - 1:39 AM tomorrow.

This month we're studying the Archetype of each zodiac sign as the Moon moves through them.  Virgo is known as the Healer; however, that's not necessarily recognized by others.  

Virgos are inclined towards alignment and excel in analytical healing practices like astrology and kinesiology, as well as other earth-based healing methods such as working with crystals, herbalism, or essential oils. As such, this archetype contains sub-archetypes such as the Intuitive Healer, Wounded Healer, Caregiver, the Nurse and the Therapist, and many more.

The Healer archetype is dedicated to restoring balance or nurturing development within an individual, community, or organization. This role manifests in diverse ways. Its purpose includes elevating awareness, cultivating relationships, and enabling transformation. An Intuitive Healer guides and shapes the path, aiming for the synchronicity of mind, body, and spirit.

Within the sphere of leadership, the Healer acknowledges an ongoing shift in power. The era of masculine, authoritative power is concluding, necessitating a transformation through the integration of complementary feminine leadership qualities, such as compassion and empathy.

Virgos are known for being organized, responsible, and altruistic. However, when their shadow side emerges, they may exhibit perfectionism, become overly critical, or display obsessive tendencies.

Earthy Virgo creates a perfect platform to spend some peaceful time in nature. Because she is all about health, focusing on healing through meditation. Perhaps you're ready to pick up a healthier habit by releasing an old one.  Now is the opportune time to put it into motion; however, there is a caveat we need to be aware of:

A square between the Moon in Leo and Uranus in Taurus will be happening at the exact time the Moon in Leo moves OOB: Be aware of moodiness and a desire for impulsive reactions. Guard against restlessness and lack patience for tasks that require commitment or concentration. Feeling limited or controlled can lead to resistance against authority.

Patience and awareness are the oars to navigate this sea of energy.  

For additional transit or natal information for the Moon in Virgo, please visit: http://inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art Tammy Cantrell

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Thu, Jun 13, 2024: Expect flashes of insight and action toward healing old emotional wounds surrounding doubt self-worth.

OOB Mercury & Venus: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles
First Quarter Moon in Virgo: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

Late afternoon the Virgo Moon sesquiquadrate Mars in Taurus trine Ceres Rx in Capricorn oppose Saturn in Pisces: This is not the time to resist what we need to do or push the limits of authority's expectations lest it leads to our own undoing. There are lessons of acceptance in order to experience peace. And until we learn them, we may continue to feel emotionally restricted.

Tonight, OOB Mercury sextile Chiron in Aries followed by the Moon squaring Mercury OOB: We can expect flashes of insight and action toward healing old emotional wounds surrounding doubt self-worth.

Degrees, Houses, Aspect, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Tammy Cantrell

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First Quarter Moon in Virgo tomorrow ( Friday ) @ 26°56' @ 7:59 AM EDT, 3rd House.

This is a significant point in the lunar cycle. During this phase, the Moon is halfway between the New Moon and the Full Moon, and it appears as a half-moon shape in the sky.

Exercising tolerance and recognizing that imperfections are a part of life is essential to avoiding an overly critical nature, especially during the morning energy of this lunation. It begins to lighten by afternoon following the Moon's ingress into Libra. It's all about harmonizing our thoughts and intentions ( Gemini ) with our daily routines, health, and overall well-being ( Virgo ).

A "Crisis of Action", This phrase suggests that we must diligently nurture the seed until it yields fruit, even in the face of doubts or insecurities like imposter syndrome.

Virgo, as a mutable Earth sign, is known for its practical and analytical nature. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, Virgo individuals tend to be detail-oriented, organized, and reliable. They strive for perfection and efficiency in their lives.

This lunation presents a sense of stability and practicality and suggests an increased focus on tasks, productivity, and practical matters.

Virgo's analytical nature brings attention to detail, precision, and problem-solving abilities; thus, it's an opportune time to assess and analyze any challenges or obstacles that may have arisen since the New Moon and to develop practical strategies to overcome them rather than surrender to the aforementioned doubts or insecurities.

Additionally, the influence of Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, further enhances communication and mental activities. It is a perfect time for us to effectively plan, organize, and communicate our thoughts.

We may find it easier to express ourselves clearly when engaging in discussions or negotiations, focusing on tasks, attending to details, and making progress towards our goals while maintaining a methodical and organized approach.

#art Tammy Cantrell

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Fri, Jun 14, 2024:  

OOB Mercury: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

First Quarter Moon in Virgo: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

Moon enters Libra: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Early afternoon the Gemini Sun conjunct Mercury in the 10th House followed by the Moon in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces: Communication should be easy and concise. Conveying what we want and/or need can be accomplished with dedication and hard work as long as we don't allow our emotions to weigh us down.

Late afternoon the Moon, now in Libra, trine Pluto Rx in Aquarius: Intense emotions arise through our experiences that resonate at a psychic or highly intuitive level, particularly in relationships.

Tonight, the Moon in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini: Free-spirited, uplifting and enlightening energy that can promote our personal growth and understanding. Communicating our feelings come naturally under this influence. Socializing, recreation, and even relaxing are all favored.

Degrees, Houses, Aspect, Time ( EDT ):  

Sun: 24GEM06, 10
OOB Mercury: 24GEM06, 10
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 12:32 PM

Moon: 29VIR50, 12
Neptune: 29PIS50, 6
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 1:53 PM

Moon: 01LIB41, 12
Pluto: 01AQU41Rx, 4
Aspect: Trine
Time: 5:39 PM

Moon: 04LIB41, 9
Jupiter: 04GEM41, 5
Aspect: Trine
Time: 11:44 PM

#art Toby Davis, Free Spirit

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Moon enters Libra this afternoon @ 2:13 PM EDT, 1st House • Void of Course Moon 1:55 - 2:12 PM.

This month we're discussing the archetypes of each zodiac sign during their lunar transits.

Librans are known as the Diplomats of the zodiac, striving for harmony and balance in all aspects of life. They value fairness, possess a robust sense of justice, and appreciate beauty in all its forms.

This type of person is all about lending a hand and building connections. They put kindness and generosity first, preferring collaboration over competition. Empathy is like second nature to them, almost as if they can tune into others' emotions with their own hearts and minds.

Diplomat archetypes are all about self-awareness and understanding others. They're pretty insightful when it comes to human nature and often use this knowledge to positively impact those around them. The good news is, they're considerate about it. They really get how others feel and aim to gently guide them towards positive outcomes.

The caveat of this sign is their indecisiveness and propensity to pay too high a price just to keep the peace rather than be true to themselves or defending what they believe to be right.

After this morning's energy, this ingress will be a welcome change, fostering social activities with loved ones or friends by evening.

For more information on the Moon in Libra transit or Natal, please visit http://inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art Tammy Cantrell

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So I'm beginning to make candles for my ceremonies, beginning with Solstice! My first kit arrived today! I will also be making them for my Lunar rituals. Anyone make candles here?

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Sat, Jun 15, 2024:  Awareness is a shield against ignorance which allows us to overcome perceived obstacles so that we can view the situation from a higher perspective.

OOB Mercury & Venus continue to traverse beyond the Sun's influence: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles  

Midmorning the Libran Moon will sesquiquadrate Uranus in Taurus: Sharp intellect and awareness that our voice matters, particularly in professional partnerships, highlights humanitarian efforts through potential discontent.

Midafternoon the Libran Moon conjuncts the South Node in Libra opposes the North Node in Aries: Awareness is a shield against ignorance which allows us to overcome perceived obstacles so that we can view the situation from a higher perspective. Especially from the standpoint of our own patterns and karmic returns. With Venus in Taurus, routine can cement us into our comfort zone. Deliberate passion and unpredictability can become a sledgehammer setting us free.

Tonight, the Gemini Sun sextile Eris in Aries followed by OOB Mercury in Gemini sextile Hygieia in Aries: The focus in on relationships and structure. Expect flashes of insight and ideas surrounding structure of goals and relationships. Selfcare is advised to finish out the day.

Degrees, Houses, Aspect, Time ( EDT ):

Moon: 09LIB57, 3
Uranus: 24TAU57, 10
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 10:26 AM

Sun: 25GEM06, 9
Hygiea: 15PIS06, 7
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 2:02 PM

Moon: 12LIB51, 12
NorthNode: 12ARI51, 6
Aspect: Opposition
SouthNode: 12LIB51, 12
Aspect: Conjunct
Time: 4:17 PM

Sun: 25GEM23, 7
Eris: 25ARI23, 6
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 8:49 PM

OOB Mercury: 27GEM12, 6
Hygieia: 25PIS12, 4
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 10:34 PM

#art Nyxeta

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I did a natal chart last week and discovered that the person not only had an out-of-bounds Mercury like me, but that it was in the same exact degree and sign! I think you would most likely need to have had a Mercury OOB your entire life to understand the significance of discovering someone who shares that mirrored experience.

It was profound, to say the least.

This is but one reason why I love astrology. It doesn't just provide you an opportunity to help others through themselves, but to literally meet so many likeminded individuals who have shared your experiences.

Nothing I have ever done outside of Astrology has made me more deeply aware that I am not alone.

When I was a professional photographer, I oscillated the outskirts of events or clients. When I was a professional marketer and graphic designer, I remained behind the screen and detached from the people and products I promoted.

While I still am a professional Oracle Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Reader, which is about facilitating others to their own answers, which is no less profound than astrology, but in a different dynamic. Astrology enables you to merge inside a person from the moment they were born through patterns and cycles.

Astrology has led me across the Universe to places I never expected with clients I've never met before. And yet, despite having never met them personally, we share aspects of celestial bodies that are rare and unique. This sharing enables us to support one another in an area of our lives where we have come to experience outside of the normal parameters of social expectation.

In this case, all forms of communication. Because Mercury OOB does not conform to the collective outline. The Prince of Communication has other plans for us.

It's a beautiful thing when out of the billions of people on this planet, the Universe guides you to a mirrored twin amid its vast galaxy of planetary placements and degrees.

Do you have any planets OOB? It's important to find out.

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Sunday, June 16, 2024: Happy Father's Day to all who fill such a needed role in the lives of our young people.      

Early afternoon the Libran Moon opposes Chiron in Aries: Relying on our sharp intellect can create the balance we need to navigate a potential trigger unearthing an emotional wound. Try not to take things personally and speak from the heart.

Late afternoon the Libran Moon inconjuncts Uranus in Taurus oppose Eris in Aries oppose Hygieia in Pisces: Discord and polarity can be reconciled by not paying any price for peace in relationships. To be untrue to our self for the sake of peace can be our self-undoing.

Early evening the Sun in Gemini trine the Libran Moon: Opportunity for light and airy social engagements with loved ones or friends. Wishes, goals, and dreams take the forefront.

Late tonight Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces: We may question our self-worth. Reflective time alone reviewing our accomplishments can alter our perspective for the positive.  

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):  

Moon: 22LIB51, 2
Chiron: 22ARI51, 8
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 12:24 PM

Moon: 25LIB01, 12
Uranus: 25TAU01, 7
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 4:45 PM

Moon: 25LIB23, 12
Eris: 25ARI23, 6
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 5:28 PM

Moon: 25LIB24, 12
Hygieia: 25PIS24, 6
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 5:30 PM

Sun: 26GEM16, 7
Moon: 26LIB16, 11
Aspect: Trine
Time: 7:14 PM

Venus: 29GEM52, 6
Neptune: 29PIS52, 2
Aspect: Square
Time: 11:46 PM

#art S McNutt

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#CollectiveCasting Card of the Week, Sun, Jun 16 - 22, 2024:  FIND YOUR CENTER

Now that we've heeded the call of the Mountain and become the Mountain, it's time to find our center. I love this card because it calls me home to the Isle of Skye, my mother's lineage.

Stay true to you. Call it to you.

Since ancient times, stones have helped humans find their center and their way home through labyrinths and along paths and roads. This card is a call to remember who you truly are and to return you to it again and again. The stones are calling you back home to yourself to go in before looking outside for answers. They're here to help you remember that no one knows what's true for you better than you do. And that the best person you can possibly be is yourself.

Often we feel that we need to follow another person's path because they have what we long to have; however, everyone's path is different, and a life is only wasted by walking someone Elses. There's no one even remotely like you on this planet, and so there's no one else's path or life that will match your own. This card is a call to return to your inner truth, to trust your inner voice, and to just be you.

If you've been sidetracked by external things that other people have, it's time to remember who you are and why you came here, again and again to walk yourself home. If there's something that you long for, take grounded action to go get it. But don't walk someone else's way. Call it to you with enthusiasm while walking your own. It will come much more swiftly and last a lot longer if you do.

Journey into the heart of the labyrinths at Fairy Glen on Scotland's Isle of Skye, which is featured on this card. Allow each winding path to guide you deeper and deeper with every step upon these ancient stones. Allow yourself to surrender to the whispers of the wisdom within.

Sole inquiry: How are you being called to stay true to you?

#Oracledeck: The Ancient Stones by Rebecca Campbell

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We have THREE overnight planetary transits: The Moon enters Scorpio, and both OOB Mercury and OOB Venus enter Cancer. This post will address OOB Venus in Cancer.

OOB Mercury & Venus: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

OOB Venus will enter Cancer @ 2:21 AM EDT in Cancer's natural home, the 4th house, ruled by the Moon. Monday also happens to be Moon Day, portending psychic awareness, purification, healing, compassion, friends, and peace.

OOB Venus feels very much at home in protective and nurturing Cancer. The goddess of love and the emotional crab present opportunities for peaceful cooperation and compromise over delicate situations involving two differing perspectives. This transit can also present new financial opportunities that can prove beneficial to your home and/or career environment.  

This is an amazing time to heed your intuition, especially if you experience a strongly magnetic desire toward something. With the goddess of love guiding your heart combined the Cancerian Moon child guiding your emotional outlook, engaging in a project is highly advisable and advantageous, especially if it involves the arts, as Venus is all about beauty and artistic pursuits.

We can expect some changes in our personal relationships ( including love interests ) as a Venusian/Cancerian transit provides x-ray vision past outwardly appearance. This indicates adjustments that are not so loving or benefit our highest good.

Relationships are a positive influence can feel a deeper level of trust and support.

Whatever changes in these areas should prove highly beneficial for our future. This placement also indicates gifts, advancements, and inheritance! So go ahead and express gratitude for that which is unseen yet believed! A grateful heart always receives.

With the Moon entering Scorpio overnight @ 2:37 AM, just 16 minutes after Venus enters Cancer, we can expect a powerful increase in our psychic awareness. Guard against creating a crisis and practice the sacred pause before burning bridges.

Take advantage of this transit while you can; it's only going to last a few weeks. Venus is an inner planet so moves pretty fast. Her next stop will be the fiery sign of Leo July 11th!


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#AspectingtheCosmos, Mon, Jun 17, 2024: We have THREE overnight planetary transits: The Moon enters Scorpio, and both OOB Mercury and OOB Venus enter Cancer.

Learn more about OOB Mercury and OOB Venus: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

OOB Mercury and OOB Venus enter Cancer and the Moon enters Scorpio: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Early afternoon the Moon in Scorpio inconjunct Jupiter in Gemini: Emotional intensity in a relation/partnership may need to compromise in order to expand fruitful opportunities requiring adaptability.

Midafternoon the Moon in Scorpio oppose Mars in Taurus: We feel everything to the nth degree and are uber sensitive. Guard against aggression or impulsive actions.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):

Moon: 05SCO15, 3
Jupiter: 05GEM15, 10
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 1:02 PM

Moon: 06SCO21, 2
Mars: 06TAU21, 8
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 3:10 PM

#art Ida Rentoul Outhwaite

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Moon entered Scorpio overnight @ 2:38 AM EDT, 8th house, Scorpio's natural home co-ruled by Mars and Pluto • Void of Course time 2:05 - 2:37 AM.

With the Moon being in her fall in Scorpio, we're going to experience difficulty expressing our authentic nature. It's akin to being a guest under a host you aren't comfortable with.

We may feel at dis-ease in our surroundings or private life involving secrets or that which is secluded. We may also notice a tendency to lean toward privacy and depth, honesty, and deep, meaningful conversations over chitchat.

Scorpio symbolizes profound transformation at the soul level. It embodies passion, intensity, and insight, much like the Phoenix that is reborn from its ashes.

In Archetypes, Scorpio is The Alchemist:

The alchemist archetype represents individuals who delight in the process of transformation, eagerly embracing the chance to initiate or observe change. They share traits with magicians, wizards, and scientists, employing their personal abilities, expertise, or talents to enact transformations.

This archetype represents internal processes or forces that are concerned with transformation. They have a deep-seated curiosity, take delight in sparking that same curiosity in others, and also relish maintaining an air of mystery about themselves and their talents.

They possess a deep belief in magic, miracles, and their own power to wield them are often drawn to astrology, spirituality, and mythology. They possess the unique ability to offer fresh perspectives on the world or individual challenges, inspiring others to imagine alternative possibilities and solutions that may have previously seemed out of reach.

When at their best they can empower others to live better and more fulfilling lives.

#art Tammy Cantrell

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Tue, Jun 18, 2024: No one should have to dim their light because it hurts another's eyes. Let the other turn around rather than judge if it hurts that bad.  

OOB Mercury & Venus continue to traipse out of bounds and are about to be joined by the Moon Wednesday: inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Early afternoon the Moon in Scorpio sesquiquadrate OOB Mercury in Cancer sextile Ceres in Capricorn: A sesquiquadrate is considered an abrasively karmic aspect. Use our voice to speak the truth in a loving and yet firm way that honors or establishes boundaries? Now is not the time to play small but to break the cycle of playing small. In doing so we end a cycle of self-undoing and set our own course.

Late afternoon the Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces sextile Lilith Rx in Virgo: Intense feeling of liberation and self-introspection that leads to new beginnings filled with friends, wishes, dreams, and goals.

Tonight, the Moon in Scorpio conjunct Pallas Rx in Scorpio in the 12th: Our resolve could be tested this evening. Resist the urge to cave to self-doubt from intense emotional pressure or we could self-undo all we've accomplished today. Wisdom dictates the old adage, "This too shall pass."

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): inspiritualservice.com

#art Arthur Braginsky

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Tomorrow the Moon will traverse out-of-bounds ( OOB ), joining Mercury and Venus traipsing about beyond the Sun's influence. You can read more about Mercury and Venus OOB here: inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Should be an interesting #Solstice with these three inner planets OOB!

OOB is when a planet ( or luminary ) moves far enough from the ecliptic ( the circle of orbit ), it begins to produce some very curious effects. Of all the planets, it is said the Moon is most dramatic when OOB. And, of all the astronomical notations basically ignored in modern astrological practice, an OOB Moon is one of the most astonishing in its repercussions.

OOB planets can go one of two ways: firstly, they can produce exceptional creativity exceeding the potential of expectations; secondly, they can be erratically unpredictable and go to extremes that can detrimentally affect others, including themselves.  

An OOB Moon is a luminary of emotions and instincts which will provoke intrigue of the unknown while transiting this house. We should guard against becoming too indistinct or far-fetched.  We may feel somewhat disconnected, as though we are on the periphery of whatever is occurring around us. We may even feel separated from ourselves and experience an ungrounded sense of stability. Awareness that the Moon is OOB will help with this energy.  

OOB planets and those who have them in their natal charts can be unpredictable; however, the energy does not necessarily manifest in a negative way. Some of the most gifted individuals have one or more OOB natal positions. Albert Einstein is just one example. Elvis Pressly and Judy Garland were also examples that showed positive aspects that excelled in acting and singing, and negative, leading them to early deaths from addiction.

It's important to know if we have any OOB planets, and in what sign/house they reside to avoid any negative tendencies that can easily suck us into lower-vibrational energy.

According to Stephen Forrester, Forrester Evolutionary Astrology:

"The Out of Bounds Moon is spontaneous, emancipated, liberated, released in its own recognizance, and utterly on its own. It has loudly proclaimed, 'You can take this job (. . . marriage, church, obligation, moral principle, town, duty . . .) and shove it.'

"The Moon has claimed its genius, its passion, and its right to be itself. No need to obfuscate, to be diplomatic, or to lie to anyone anymore—unless you feel like it. No more coprophagous grin. No need to worry about staying in anyone’s good graces. Out of Bounds, the Moon no longer plays the game. It rejects all rules that are not of its own making.

“'Free at last, free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are finally free at last!' said Martin Luther King, Jr. "

"The words stir the blood. But we need to let them stir the mind as well.

"Structure, discipline, and a world in which our actions have consequences—these are not purely negative things. Society and its values can have a steadying effect on us, even when we feel frustrated by them. The Out of Bounds Moon, like everything else in astrology, has an unpleasant, dangerous side as well as a divine purpose. Its dark side is sociopathic, even criminal—or merely selfish and insensitive to others. It can be cold, even inhuman.

"You may detect some of the underlying spirits of the planet Uranus and the sign Aquarius in these words. That is quite accurate. In my experience, an Out of Bounds Moon has distinctly Aquarian quality. We see the familiar Uranian “holy trinity” at work—the Genius, the Revolutionary, and the Criminal.

All three of them stand outside the normal structure of society, applying leverage to it—and meeting resistance, condemnation, and consequences for it.

"As with Aquarian or Uranian influences, the Out of Bounds Moon often thrusts alienating circumstances upon a person from outside. This is of course the classic working of synchronicity—what we meet (or fail to face) in our inner world is encountered in the “random” realities of our outer lives.

"Inwardly, the Out of Bounds Moon often correlates with feelings of being an outsider, of not fitting in, of not having a place in this world. This can be painful—and it can also lead to an attitude of not giving a damn. Or to passivity. Or to resentment. And to radical forms of existential creativity."

“When a planet’s declination exceeds 23°28′ North or South, it is described as being Out of Bounds. There are no shades of gray here, nothing gradual or subtle. Right at that point, something clicks.

"OOB allows you to, as Stevie Nix so eloquently sang, to 'Go Your Own Way"' And when you look at Nix's natal chart, it becomes apparent why she lived a very eclectic life. Her Moon, Mercury, Venus, Uranus, and Pluto, are ALL out of bounds."

"When the Moon’s declination exceeds 23°28′ North or 23°28′ South, it has escaped the physical space dominated by the gravitational “boss” of the solar system, the Sun.

"Let the metaphors free-associate.

"The Moon is then, in other words, out of the King’s sight. No longer under Daddy’s thumb. We might say that has moved beyond the Pale. Gone out of control. Or gone wild. It has broken the rules. It has shattered the boundaries, broken the mold, and crossed the Rubicon.

"Bravely, or drunkenly, the Moon has said, 'Roll the dice'."

#art: Tammy Cantrell

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