Poetry competition CLOSED 26th February 2024 9:03pm
View Profile Poems by Bluevelvete
RUNNER-UP: Kou_Indigo

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Fear and Self-loathing in Poetryville

Thought Provoker
Norway 5awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 199

Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 293

blind spot

it never comes with a warning 
that fistcrushinglungs
skip of a...beat...choking feeling 
suddenly startled 
ghosts brushing spectral fingers across overly sensitive skin 
raising pained bumps that never seem to rub out 
unaware of danger's approach...
until it has you by the throat 

...did you know...? 

if surface is all you're seeing...
betrayal can be found in the conscious 
allowing you to naively believe you have any semblance of control 
simply because you will it so 
while behind the scenes...where you're not looking 
your subconscious carefully maneuvers 
trying to get your attention 
spreading the deck quietly 
tower in the upright position 
two sides of the same mind 
a silent battleground 
reality in the background...
while the forefront lies 
daylight delight 
horrors in the night 
...and you didn't see it coming 
but if you're not on constant alert...
...in tune & seeking balance...
...it serves you right 
or so I tell myself 

...mind over matter indeed... 

I ponder now...
all the hours spent on the couch 
spilling my secret pain 
drowning in the bile from years of silence 
as pulses rhythmically shocked 
palms tingling 
fingers locked 
eyes closed 
focused on the feeling 
as the drone goes on 
and on...and on...and on... 
words rusty from disuse 
stumbling over the truth 
all sound emanating from me 
until I said it all...
...without thought...
...out loud 
a thing I never expected to do 
trading ears for money 
temporary sanity 
mistaking numbness for healing
but gods how I craved that not-feeling

...how's that for honesty

but here's the thing 
conditioned to only believe what I  see 
...I was missing half of everything 
due diligence 
must be vigilant 
eyes open at all times 
especially on the inside
let down my guard & it's a dangerous fall
what if next time...
...I'm not strong enough...
Written by WillowsWhimsies
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Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 681

The Unchecked

I sometimes wish I was like you.
Free and untethered to any conscience.
Void of external consequences.
Churning the internal maelstrom into my favour at will.
Scratching at the seams of a reality that everyone accepts but doesn’t realise.
Then I wouldn’t have the chance to feel so hopeless about it.
I wouldn’t trace my steps back into the past.
I wouldn’t be wearing the collar.
I wouldn’t be the one trapped in a cage probing the air outside it for clues or pleasures.
I wouldn’t be on the sidelines watching the world fuck away the last of its common sense.
I would be part of a greater machine enamouring, loss, pity, and guilt, in its various forms until all that remains is a mortal shell of a person without the heart or stomach for it.
Written by 13
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Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349


Hugging myself
in pure hatred

Applying pressure
right where raw awareness
stabs daggers

Blood spills,
caressing my wounds
in liquid warmth

and just the way
I love

to bleed

Written by Bluevelvete
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L.C. McQuillen
Thought Provoker
Australia 5awards
Joined 17th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 63


I got out of bed around two  
And walked naked to the bathroom  
I turned on the shower too hot  
And underneath the stream  
My skin turned fiery  
I just didn’t want to be blue anymore
Written by Isgyppie_ (L.C. McQuillen)
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poet Anonymous

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 21st Feb 2024
Forum Posts: 65

A decaying soul

I’m down, I’m broken
I’m tattered, decayed
I’m worn, I’m tired
I’m lonely, concaved

I’m weak, I’m lurid
I’m cold, untamed
I’m empty, I’m tainted
I’m lost, delayed

I’m small, I’m malting
I’m taunted, afraid
I’m chained, I’m naked
soulless, depraved
Written by Kinkwizard_95
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 26th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 13

The deed tree

From angles to tangled limbs  
It speaks to me  
Silhouetted and souless  
Half buried rusted iron at its feet  
By clay muddied waters  
Pooling brown - gray  
Sometimes it's pointing  
Other times beckons the rain  
Always with a ragged face  
Deed tree, I understand  
It happened  
I'm sorry
Written by Jezkeebs
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Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 431

Thank you so much to all the extremely talented poets who entered. Your words were utterly exquisite and breathtaking. I decided, in the end, that bluevelvete, Kou_Indigo, and Northern_Soul were the best examples of what I was looking for regarding the theme of the competition and they really reached into me and touched my soul with their visceral, evocative words. Bravo to all who submitted work, and thank you so much for giving me the chance to read such incredible writing. Love to all. :)

poet Anonymous

Congrats to all 🥳

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

Oh, wow... Thank you, Toni-🌹  

🎉 Congratulations ,Kou_Indigo and Northern_Soul

and thanks for all the poems entered.. I sincerely love reading different styles and ideas centered around the same theme, it was a real pleasure.


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