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Poetry competition CLOSED 4th November 2023 4:06am
View Profile Poems by Thor_Azine

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Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2670

Great one dimpy...Billy that does have a nice ring to it!  LOL Keep em comin slashers!

Thought Provoker
United States 12awards
Joined 21st Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 166

Another sip

Entranced in the blade and the way it speaks to me
Silent whispers in a a tone so sweetly
Intertwined with lies is a promise of ecstasy
I confide in the knife with a body lying next to me

Resting, so peacefully
Splayed, for all to see
With open eyes in agony
Deaths contort twisting so beautifully

Why do I feel this way?
So empty after such an exhilarating play
This thirst has me caught in its sway
I need another sip
I need another gruesome display
Written by Krosgood (Violence)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878


You know Slashers like Jason and Michael and Pinhead and Freddy  
Leatherface and Ghostface and Pennywise and Jigsaw  
But do you recall  
The best slayer of them all?  
Wally the slicing spitter  
Had a vocabulary so verbose  
And if you ever crossed him  
His sharp lines would cut off your nose  
All of the other slashers  
Didn’t want to let him kill  
They wouldn’t let him have his own movie  
To show off his slashing skills  
Then one day on Hallow's eve  
Samhain came to say  
Wally with your rhymes so tight  
Won't you go out and slay tonight  
Then all of the other slashers  
Got mad saying “not another star”  
And Wally smiled a vile smile  
Because he about to spit some bars…  
I’ma slash and smash and thrash you while you convulse  
I have a need to watch you bleed until you have no pulse    
I’ll jab and stab through every major sinew, tendon and joint  
Then watch you cry and writhe in agony just to prove a point  
My cold cuts are gross when I spill your bowels and guts  
For kicks I slice off dicks and also feed you your own nuts  
I’ll observe you gag as you drag yourself across the floor  
Then I’ll store your limp body like a gimp inside a drawer  
Want more hardcore gore and horror for entertainment lore  
I got rhymes like crimes ready to climb your mind and core  
I’ll pierce so many tiny holes your Trypophobia will take its toll  
As you lay there bleeding out without a doubt I’ll claim your soul  
I hear some dumbfucks somewhere playing with Ouija boards  
I think I’ll go appear and slice them with a horde of swords  
They’ll scream because I’m hell-bent on torture and torment  
Their pain is my reign of terror, filled with evil merriment  
And once I’ve had my fill of slashing and rhyme rite  
I’ll lick the blade and fade away into the dark of night  
Written by wallyroo92
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AnDre James
Thought Provoker
Jamaica 5awards
Joined 18th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 44

Vampire Slasher

In the dead of night, a young boy takes flight,
Dressed like a vampire, a sinister sight,
When the world's asleep, and darkness reigns,
He haunts the streets, igniting his pains.

His parents unaware, as they dream in their beds,
Their child transformed, with darkness that spreads,
A thirst for chaos, a lust for the kill,
In the cover of night, he seeks his thrill.

At clubs and parties, where laughter does chime,
He slashes and carves, in the name of his crime,
A twisted desire, a heart black as coal,
Leaving behind a trail of a horror untold.

But deep in his soul, a battle does brew,
Between light and darkness, between false and true,
He's a vampire slasher, a creature of strife,
Trapped in the chaos of his double-edged life.

And just like Peter Tosh, the rebel of old,
There's a story untold, a truth to be bold,
A struggle within, a fight to break free,
From the darkness that binds, and the path he can't see.

For the vampire slasher, in shadows, he roams,
A young boy lost in his twisted psychone,
But redemption's embrace, a flicker of hope,
May guide him back to the light on his scope.
Written by Dre_k47 (AnDre James)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2670

Kros, Wally, Dre....yall are killing it, not pun intended!   haha  lets do this! <3  

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

Slashers moon

The full moons rise
that pulls the tides
and curdles deep emotions
 in its opelecsence ray
the cutlass blade, unstained displayed

Was carved as it dissects the cloud
I am compelled in midnights shroud
a virgins flesh, its pleasures taught
to sacrifice with terrors shriek
 heal the wounds that lie beneath

Stalk naked neath a velvet cape
 spatter it with plasmas rake
 the devil in conspire is caught
the lunar pull the veins pulsate
the fountains spurting, spate

Upon the altar tied with snakes
to where my consciousness levitates
 now the meridian its rays contort
to lay the blade and mark the cross
 satanic rupture, the night embossed

For it is pleasure waxes pale
the thirst to slash and blade impale
when the moon will rise and nought
can brake the phase repeated forth
vermilion of self harm, this slasher caught

Written by slipalong
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Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2670

Great one, Sip! Keep slashing away, peeps! <3

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625


The moon, she hangs over Haddonfield
On this night of revel, eventual horror
Children disguised laughing and screaming
Because the Boogeyman is here at last

RUN - there's nowhere to hide
Murder in a heart so black
CRY - there's no one who cares
Murder in a heart so black

And the silence is deafening
All your suffering will not be in vain
And the violence is pretending
To be heartfelt when I sever your veins

Jack-o'-lantern grins and skeletons
Galore celebrate the becoming of the slain
Babysitters and party boys grope
Each other as their friends swing from a rope

HIDE - there's nowhere to run
Murder in a heart so black
BYE - it's your time to die
Murder in a heart so black

And the silence is deafening
All your suffering will not be in vain
And the violence is pretending
To be heartfelt when I sever your veins

let us sit for a spell
and have a heart to heart
i got a cold dead face
and knife for tonight
peer deep into my eyes
and have a knife to heart
these are the hands of death
on this halloween night

RUN - there's nowhere to hide
Murder in a heart so black
CRY - there's no one who cares
Murder in a heart so black

And the silence is deafening
All your suffering will not be in vain
And the violence is pretending
To be heartfelt when I sever your veins
Written by HadesRising
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Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2670

Hades, I was hoping to see in this one. Thank you so much for joining great entry!  wow! <3  LETS KEEP SLASHIN, ITS DEVILS NIGHT AND TOMORROWS HALLOWEEN!    <3

Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 19th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 31

I Need More

Like the creeping death of lore
the voice whispers “I need more”.
Bleed the bitch to its last drop
I am evil I won’t stop.

Dressed in black, a killer’s attire.
Thoughts are burning my mind’s on fire!
Seeking and searching the blade’s perfect fit.
Fuck it the next whore is dead that is it!

How much for a blow job? The alley looks good
I admit when I stabbed her it did give me wood.
Cutting and slashing I quickly got bored
So I used my teeth to supply added gore.

To tell you the truth I’m not sure when it died.
I drank all the blood that the carcass supplied.
Chewing the flesh for a while just for kicks,
then I set it on fire lit a smoke and that’s it.

So there’s just a glimpse at the random routine.
I’ve painted the picture, a cute little scene.
Don’t doll yourselves up thinking that you’ll get laid,
You might just get fucked, left for dead and fileted.
Written by Thor_Azine
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Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2670

Thanks, Thor!  great one!  

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 50

You just got slimed 😂

Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1081

Related submission no longer exists.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 29th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 1

The Ice Pick Queen

My hair was matted from sweat,
bleach and broken glass.
He drug me through the kitchen,
I grabbed everything in my path.
Then he threw me down the steps,
he held my hair in his hands,
gave me a little laugh
and told me to try and stand.

I'm frightened in the bushes,
he's searching with his flashlight.
In five minute's timing,
my life was changed tonight.
Blood running between my thighs,
my ankles ached from rope burns.
He said I brought it on myself.
Pretty girls must be scorned.

My chest pounded as he came
creeping up two steps closer.
I couldn't hear anything but
clinks from his silver spurs.
My shins were busted open,
he had kicked me like a rabid horse.
That smile upon his face,
he showed me no remorse.

The flashlight shone upon me,
those eyes a baby blue grey.
They pierced through my soul,
I was frozen in dismay.  
I finally snapped to reality
when he grabbed hold of my shirt.
I jabbed him with the ice pick,
asked what his vision was worth!

I couldn't take anything from him
he hadn't taken from me.
Up and down, my arm kept swinging.
I kept jabbing him uncontrollably.
I cracked a kneecap in half,
I just kept stabbing a straight line.
I finally had him under me.
He was now mine.

I was going to town on him.
I couldn't help, stabbed his spleen.
He began to cough up blood,
and I think he said I was mean.
I gave an evil laugh and destroyed
 his tiny, aching manhood.
He'll never do it again
was all I understood.

He began to convulse from pain,
I just kept skinning him alive.
I made a pact to myself
from now on, I'll never hide.
I was finally distracted by
red and blue flashing lights.
Before they cuffed me though,
I closed his bare sockets
and whispered, "Goodnight".
...................................          ...
Miss, let's take your meds.
Your breakfast tray is here.
I picked up the medicine cup,
tilted my head back, nurse said, "clear".
I had to turn off the news.
Another picture of me blasted the screen.
Everyone in this nuthouse knows me.
They now call me the Ice Pick Queen.
Written by Maeve_Edmonson
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Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2670

Thanks for the indulgence here everyone!   Thor, you win! <3

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