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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621

No one told me
it would be like this—
how growing older
is another passage
of discovery
and that aging is one
grand transformation,
and if some things become torn apart
lost along the way,
many other means show up
to bring me closer
to the center of my heart.

No one ever told me
if whatever wonder
waits ahead
is in another realm
and outside of time.
But the amazement, I found,
is that the disconcerting things
within the here and now
that I stumble
and trip my way
through, also
lead me

And no one told me
that I would ever see
an earth so strong
and fragile, or
a world so sad
and beautiful.
And I surely
didn't know
I'd have
all this life
yet in me
or such fire
inside my

~Susan Frybort

Image: Angela Molina

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621

✨Aspecting the Cosmos: Mon, Aug 28, 2023:

💫OOB Moon returns inbound @ 9:20 PM.

💫Uranus stations retrograde in the sign of his fall, 23°TAURUS04' @ 10:39 PM, 1st House. In Taurus, Uranus has difficulty expressing itself naturally.

Uranus is the 6th planet to station retrograde ( there are only 9 in our solar system - yes, Pluto is a planet—don't come at me ). Five retrogrades happen only 4% of the time, while six happen only 0.7%. In addition, we have the lunar shadow, Black Moon Lilith, the asteroids Eros, Chiron, and Eris in retrograde.

Time to inhale, slow down, and pay close attention to what we're doing and saying. ESPECIALLY with Uranus entering the picture. We may attract energy at some ethereal level, and it can seem surreal, as though we are living in an alternate reality or separate dimension. Because of this influence, we may experience less certainty than previously, which in turn breeds feelings of isolation and not fitting in.

Uranus is the natural ruler of Aquarius and the 11th House, a house of group relationships and social consciousness. However, this station is happening in the first house, ruled by Mars and the natural home of Aries. It's also where the North Node is currently. It's a house of life and identity.

This house, in particular, shows our personality, natural disposition, and tendencies. It highlights the way we express ourselves and our individuality. It's a guidepost for how we want to market ourselves to others.

It favors the beginning of all enterprises. Aries, ruled by Mars, who in turn rules this first house, is all about enterprises and ambition. Its energy can be used with courage and strength, or it can be used destructively.

This retrograde is an annual cycle that lasts about 155 days, causing the planet to relapse roughly four degrees backward. Uranus represents transformation initiated often by sudden destruction. This is a time of inner change in response to external changes in your life.

Now that we know WHERE and for how LONG this station is happening, let's move on to the motivating force of power, Uranus. Representing the freedom urge, Uranus rebels against conformity. Its keyword is "the awakener", reflective of one of my favorite lines from Dune, "The sleeper must awaken."

If we feel as though we have been struggling against the current to achieve what we know in our hearts is part of our destiny, we can now expect Uranus will be the catalyst for that change to take place. This influence won't be external, but internal. This means we need to pay attention to our attitude, perspective, and belief system at this time. Any, or all of which could be holding us back.

This may be the epitome of walking by faith alone.

Uranus will trine Pallas and inconjunct Ceres the following day, Tues, Aug 29th. Pallas Athene is the Goddess of Wisdom and Warcraft, though she is never the aggressor, always the defender. This trine can produce advantageous strategies that will assist the inward changes taking place. Re-evaluating the effectiveness of our plans. But we have to be willing to acknowledge we need to change.

This acknowledgment in combination with 1st house action can take us closer to our North Node destiny. Strength and courage to move forward are ours for the asking.

Ceres is the Goddess of Harvest and represents abundance, sustenance, and nurturing as that of a mother; therefore, Karma is indicated here with this inconjunct. We may be served a taste of our own medicine by way of disruptions in our relationships, particularly with children or parents. Reaping what we've sown is the destiny of every human. An action doesn't just affect the intended recipient, but the doer as well. What we do to others truly comes home with this inconjunct.

The positive aspect here is to honestly evaluate OUR role in whatever situation is taking place. Whether it's a financial loss, relationship issue, or even our own mood and attitude, we MUST recognize our part in it. In other words,

"The sleeper must awaken."

( This update was written a week ahead of time - I had no idea that I would be writing a poem with the same theme when I aspected this chart )

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621

Venus returns as the Morning Star

Through the end of August Venus will increase in magnitude until peaking mid-September. It will appear very bright in the low east, near sunrise point.


Since the earliest times, planets and stars were significant to ancient religions and were personified as deities. Since ancient cultures didn’t understand modern astronomy, they saw Venus once in the morning and once in the evening as two separate celestial bodies.

Ancient Greeks and Egyptians called it Phosphorous, meaning ‘light-bearer,’ or Heosphoros, which means ‘dawn-bringer.’ They later recognized it was one planet and named it after the goddess of love and fertility, Aphrodite (Venus in Roman mythology).

In Christianity, the name morning star was associated with Lucifer, once a beautiful archangel, who refused to honor God and was cast out of Heaven. Luciver means ‘light bringer’ in Latin, which harkens back to the ancient Egyptian and Greek names for the star.


As distant and majestic, as the source of light in the darkness, stars are often seen as something beautiful, divine, guiding, and enlightening. The morning star symbol appears in many different cultures and traditions around the world, and here are some of its universal symbolic meanings:

✨Hope and guidance. – Due to its prominent appearance in the celestial sphere, the Morning Star was often used for navigation. This symbolic meaning can also be drawn from a four-pointed star shape resembling a compass that keeps us on the right path.

✨Change and new beginnings. – As the Morning Star signals the dawn and the start of a new day, it symbolizes significant changes in our lives and great experience of spiritual journey and re-birth.

✨Protection. – In the Christian context, the Morning Star is interpreted as Jesus Christ, who brings joy into the world, just as the Morning Star brings light to the day. Therefore, the Morning Star often symbolizes a sanctuary from darkness and the unknown. To some, it’s the personification of Jesus Christ, a source of light and happiness ending a dark night.

✨Connection to Mother Nature. – Given that the four-pointed star also resembles the cross, it refers to the unity of opposites and balance. In this regard, the Morning Star represents the perfect link between the spiritual and the material world, and stands for harmony, goodness, and peace.

If we look at the Morning Star as Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, we could associate it with femininity, passion, fertility, and prosperity.


Surprisingly, the four-pointed morning star symbol we know today has its roots in Native American culture. They used various geometric shapes that resembled animals, natural phenomena, and celestial bodies as symbols that reflected their spiritual nature, beliefs, and way of life. One of those symbols is the morning star.

Many different Native American tribes used the Morning Star as a symbol for their elders. Their religious leader was called the Shaman, who acted as a medium between the visible and the spiritual world. He would perform different mystical ceremonies to reinforce this connection and renew the natural world. The symbol of the Shaman was often associated with the Morning Star symbol. In this context, it represented the bond between the natural world and the world of spirits.


Ghost Dance, the Native American religious movement, involved ceremonial dancing and singing to rehabilitate traditional values. In these rituals, they used the Morning Star as a symbol of courage, renewal of tradition, and the resurrection of the past heroes.


The Pawnee were an agricultural tribe who raised corn on the territory known today as Nebraska. They would observe the movement of the stars and perform seasonal rituals based on their celestial interpretation. These rituals were important to them because they believed they had an impact on their agriculture. One of those rituals was called the Morning Star ceremony, and it involved the ritual human sacrificing of a young woman. From the Pawnee point of view, the woman was not a victim, but a messenger, who symbolized fertility. They believed that the young woman represented the Evening Star, whose soul needed to be brought back to her husband, the Morning Star. Their reunion meant a renewal of their crops and all growing things on Earth.

Reference: Symbolsage.com
Image: Dale Osadchuk

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621

✨Aspecting the Cosmos, Tue, Aug 29, 2023:

💫OOB Aquarian Moon returns inbound and is making interesting aspects that allow us to track the Moon and its ever-shifting relationships with celestial bodies. The Moon has a story to tell.

Until 9:20 PM EDT, our emotional relationship is untenable due to the OOB Moon. If you're unfamiliar with an OOB Moon, I do have an article written about it here:


💫Early morning square between the OOB Moon and Jupiter is at the critical degree of 15°. According to astrologer Nikola Stojanovic, 15° embodies all the characteristics of Gemini: versatility, literary, inventive, clever, and adaptable, especially surrounding communication in all forms: writing, public speaking, social media, etc. You can read more about Gemini here: https://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-signs

This occurs at 11:11 AM, an Angel number portending new beginnings. Focus on something that entails media and communication. It could be the emergence of a new talent. Jupiter expands whatever it touches; therefore, we can take the roadblocks of this aspect and transform them into ramps!

💫Right after noon, the OOB Moon will form an abrasive aspect with Mars in his Libran fall. Mars hasn't quite acclimated to an environment he cannot control, and in this case, Venus Rx—ruler of Libra—isn't budging. Keep a reign on emotions; words could slice like a blunt blade. You can read more about Mars in Libra here:


💫Late afternoon, the OOB Moon forms a lovely trine with Chiron in Aries, the wounded healer. Whatever has happened up to this point in the day, we have an opportunity to heal or recognize a wound within. We can also heal rifts with others we may have offended or been offended by. Don't close the heart or mind to genuine apologies or efforts to make amends.

💫Early evening the OOB Moon will inconjunct Mercury Rx in Virgo, heralding the need for an adjustment. Could be our schedule if we've bitten off too much, our attitude, or our perspective. It could also mean we need to compromise in order to maintain or regain balance. Give, but don't become a doormat.

💫Late tonight, the inbounds Moon squares off with Uranus Rx in Taurus. Uranus is unpredictable, hates expectation or conformity, and detests being restricted by societal rules and regulations. With the Moon now in bounds, our emotions are somewhat predictable; however, with Uranus shaking things up, we never quite know what to expect. Its action is sudden, unexpected, and often volatile. He is also associated with natural disasters, particularly earthquakes.

If you're in the thick of this energy ( hopefully I'll be fast asleep ), AWARENESS, grounding, and the next aspect are your saving grace. Repeat after me: "This too shall pass."

💫Roughly 20 minutes later, the Moon will inconjunct Pallas in Virgo, goddess of wisdom and warcraft. Pallas is never the aggressor, only the defender, thus is she pictured with a spear and shield. Don't allow emotions to run amuck. Revert to wisdom and stand firm against something we may not believe in, or a social justice issue we feel needs defending.

It's not the time to start a war; however, it could be the time to defend against one.

💫Seven minutes later, the Moon forms a lovely trine with Ceres in Libra, the goddess of harvest, abundance, and motherhood. Karma comes into play here, so take care of what we plant at this time. Heed the previous aspects in regard to wisdom and awareness. Whatever we now sow, thus we shall reap.

💫Lastly, 8 minutes later, the Moon is going to oppose Lilith Rx in Leo. Take the time to ask, "What aspect has been revealed within me throughout these circumstances?" Our emotions and intuition need to reconcile with a shadow by accepting and incorporating it into the light. Don't push down a hidden aspect. It will force its way back up in the future with more might.

Today is a great day to follow the lunar path of our own tides as they bump against both rocks and glide across shorelines. Be aware of the push/pull of our own waters to connect with the Lunar tides of the Earth.

✨Degrees, Aspects, Time:

OOB Moon: 15°AQU31'
Jupiter: 15°TAU31'
Aspect: Square
Time: 11:11 AM EDT ( Angel Number Alert )

OOB Moon: 16°AQU22'
Mars: 01°LIB21' ( Fall )
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 12:21 PM EDT

OOB Moon: 19°AQU22'
Chiron: 19°ARI22'
Apect: Trine
Time: 5:15 PM EDT

OOB Moon: 20°AQU02'
Mercury Rx: 20°VIR02'
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 6:17 PM EDT

Moon: 23°AQU04'
Uranus Rx: 23°TAU04'
Aspect: Square
Time: 11:04 PM EDT

Moon: 23°AQU19'
Pallas: 23°VIR19'
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 11:27 PM EDT

Moon: 23°AQU23'
Ceres: 23°LIB23'
Aspect: Trine
Time: 11:34 PM EDT

Moon: 23°AQU28'
Lilith: 23°ARI28'
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 11:42 PM EDT

Image: Signature indiscernible

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621

And don't forget about Venus returning as the Morning Star tomorrow morning!


Boyana Popova
Thought Provoker
Bulgaria 1awards
Joined 4th Sep 2020
Forum Posts: 54

It is a new beginning for me! I am quitting my job...

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621

AaronBraveHeart said:It is a new beginning for me! I am quitting my job...

Oh wow! Good for you! Keep us posted as to how it all pans out.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621

Who knew mythical and magical Dragons were still so popular in today's modern culture? I didn't until this year. Barbara Worsley is my Diverse Advisory Council Member on Dragons. She is known as the East Coast Dragon Lady and Galactic Dragon Ambassador ( that's a mouthful, I know! ).

Closing out in August with our final feature on the Dragons!  Dragons are to Mother Earth as Angels are to the divine. To see all the Galactic Dragon Awareness articles, visit:


Dragons are loving beings of Great Wisdom who are willing to help you personally in your life journey, and Barbara is willing to help you connect with your own Dragon/s!

Dragons have been around for thousands of years. Dragons are nothing new. They've been part of world culture and mythology for thousands of years. In fact, some of them are part of creation myths (Stories told to help people understand how the world came to be.) For example, in ancient Mesopotamian culture, the creator goddess Tiamat is depicted as a dragon!


In ancient China, dragons were not just an important symbol, but they represented the bloodline of Chinese royalty. Throughout ancient China, dragons are depicted in temple architecture and numerous artifacts. Considered by the modern Western world to be dragon myths, ancient Chinese history contradicts this view.

Since ancient times, dragons have been a staple of mythology and have been interpreted in a variety of ways by different cultures. Dragons were strong, important characters in the myths and legends of ancient Greece, according to Greek mythology. Dragons played a significant role in this fascinating civilization's mythology, performing various tasks such as protecting treasures, engaging in heroic combat and acting as symbols of strength and knowledge.

For more information or to connect with Barbara personally, you can visit her website at: http://eastcoastdragonlady.com

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621

✨Aspecting the Cosmos: Thu, Aug 30, 2023:

✨🌕Super Full Blue Moon in Pisces: Post forthcoming or sneak peek here: https://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events

✨ Saturn Above the Full Moon: Saturn will appear above and to the right of the moon as it rises @ 7:44 PM EDT.

💫As the Moon burgeons from Gibbous to Full, it's going to inconjunct ( quincunx ) Mars early afternoon, requiring adjustment between two celestial bodies unrelated to one another. These planets share nothing in common: Quality, element, nor are they active or passive. Integrating can prove a challenge. Because health and finances are often involved with this aspect, pay attention to the planets and houses in question ( 5th ( Moon ) & 12th ( Mars )): A House of Life and Creativity and a House of Endings and Subconscious respectively.

💫As with any aspect, individual interpretation depends on where this aspect falls in your natal chart, so make sure to run a biwheel to determine their placements.

Collectively, this aspect demands a change of attitude, negative habit, and/or a repetitive pattern as dictated by the planets and houses involved, particularly Mars, as he is void-of-course preparing to enter his Libran Fall. We could feel some dread about the state of our future. Try to go with the flow, especially with this emotional lunation. Resistance will only create more suffering. Without challenges, we can't grow.

💫By mid/late afternoon, the Moon will conjunct Saturn, presenting emphasis on an outer and obvious level. Since Saturn's function is orderly and involves limitations, and the Moon represents emotions and intuition, we may feel somewhat emotionally restricted. Saturn also represents Karma; therefore, we could experience past karma.

💫By late afternoon/early evening, the Moon will semisquare Chiron, the wounded healer. This is a reactive aspect caused by triggers of past wounds revolving around our emotions. The closer the Moon gets to Fullness, the more emotional pressure we're going to feel. If we want to heal the wound, practice the sacred pause, and remain aware and grounded. This will funnel reactions into responses.

💫Late evening the Moon enters its full stage and opposes the Sun, representing our identity. Our emotions can clash with our ego/self, leaving us dazed, confused, and definitely out of control. Listen, if we've prepared for this lunation by incorporating the knowledge of its effects, and have familiarized ourselves with the accompanying aspects, then AWARENESS is a very clear roadmap of how to respond versus react when triggered.

💫Lastly, late evening the Moon inconjuncts Juno, the goddess of marriage and commitment. This portends emotional tension in a relationship, be it personal or business. After all, some seem married to their work. Again, and especially for those ( on the other side of the world or time zones far behind EDT ) in the thick of this energy, if armed with knowledge, it'll be fine!

We'll sail through this lunation having changed a negative attitude, repetitive pattern, or bad habit. Additionally, we'll heal a reactive wound that was triggered by learning to respond vs. react. There is nothing to compare to the feeling of disabling a red button that's been pushed too often in our lives.

Try it. You'll wholeheartedly agree.

Degrees, Aspects, Time

Moon: 02°PIS01'
Mars: 02°PIS01'
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 1:07 PM EDT

Moon: 03°PIS34'
Saturn: 03°PIS34'
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 3:32 EDT

Moon: 04°PIS21'
Chiron: 19°ARI21'
Aspect: Semisquare
Time: 4:46 PM EDT

Sun: 07°VIR25'
Moon: 07°PIS25'
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 9:35 PM EDT

Moon: 07°PIS52'
Juno: 07°ARI52'
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 10:10 PM EDT

Image: The Moon and Saturn by Cédric Allier

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #aspects #planetary #Moon #fulmoon #fullsupermoon #SuperFullMoon #superfullmoon2023 #mooninpisces #Pisces

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621

🌕✨Full Super Blue Moon 07°PISCES25' @ 9:35 PM EDT, 12th House, tonight, Wed, Aug 30, ✨🌕

The Moon will have just returned inbound prior to this lunation, and there is no applicable void-of-course at this time. All rituals are a go! However, I will mention the old wives' tale my grandmother taught me, and through experience holds true. If you have thinning hair, cut or trim it during this lunation to thicken it up. I still have enough hair for two headfuls!


The moon will reach perigee at 11:55 PM EDT and appear about 7 percent larger than normal. This "Super Blue Moon" will be the biggest and brightest full moon of the year. ( Ref: NASA ) What a glorious site for those with clear skies! This lunation will not occur again until 2037 - so please take advantage of its energies.

A seasonal Blue Moon is the traditional definition of a Blue Moon and refers to the third full moon in a season that has four full moons according to NASA. The second definition — borne out of a misunderstanding of the first — is a monthly Blue Moon which refers to the second full moon within a single calendar month. The monthly Blue Moon is nowadays considered the second definition of a Blue Moon rather than a mistake, according to Time and Date. ( Ref Space.com )


The Full Moon in Pisces always takes place when the Sun is in Virgo and the Moon is in Pisces. Because Pisces is the opposite zodiac sign of Virgo, there is an oppositional aspect at play.

This Lunation will also enter a conjunction with the Teacher and Lord of Karma, Saturn, mid-afternoon.  Late in the evening it will inconjunct Juno, and sesquiquadrate with Ceres close to midnight.

Full effects of the aspects can be found in today's Aspecting the Cosmos report:


This lunation is rare and amplified in size ( closer to the Earth than the previous Super Moon ). Thus, the emotional impact is going to follow suit in size and amplification. That it's in the 12th House, ruled by Neptune, the House of endings, subconscious, self-sabotage/undoing, enemies, and debts to be paid ( Karma ), presents a greater opportunity ( vs dread ) than is initially realized.

The 12th House reveals sorrow, suffering, limitations, handicaps, secrets, seclusion, frustration, and behind-the-scenes action often involving deceit and manipulation. It's considered the closet or dustbin of the horoscope because here we tend to sweep away or hide problems that are too painful to face or difficulties/ responsibilities that we refuse to acknowledge.

If born under this energy, then we are most likely accustomed to it. Whether or not we've evolved spiritually is determined by our perceptions and actions. If we're blaming everyone else for the challenges we face, and if we're manipulating behind the scenes our own good or think we're playing God for the good of all, then the chances are we have not. Another sign is thinking everything would be dandy if that one person just wasn't around.

All of the above, and more, signify comfortability in the energy of deception and manipulation, and we have no issue bending it to our will.

If, however, we accept our part in whatever situation we face—whether direct or karmic—we can view circumstances from a different perspective and alter any knee-jerk reaction to a wise response, and any action from lower vibrational energy to a higher vibrational frequency that delivers us from repetitive pain and sorrow "Because of someone else".  

The essence of this Full Super Blue Moon in Pisces is forgiveness. If we feel blocked or are not manifesting as we feel we should, then we need to clean house. We can pour the clearest liquid into a crystal glass, but if the glass is dirty, the liquid is not going to shine. On the other hand, pouring clear liquid into a clean crystal glass will amplify its shine from within.

There's our keyword: "Within". The outer issues we face are merely symptoms of a root cause within us. We will face them repeatedly—in this life or the next—until we weed the roots. It typically comes down to the unforgiveness of someone, something, or even us, that we are holding onto. Most hold onto this vicious emotional cycle because they misunderstand what forgiveness truly means, and they are comfortable in the cycle they've grown accustomed to.

Forgiveness is not absolution of what was done to us. Forgiveness isn't about whoever did it to us. Forgiveness is solely about us - and the ability to remove blocks, manifest our dreams, and prevent further suffering because we've destroyed the root of the disease.

Here's the secret of the 12th House amid all the endings and sorrow: It reveals our unknown or hidden strengths. So, if we think we have not the power to forgive, and we've tried but failed, now is the time to call in that strength within us that we've never believed we had. But first, remove the rose-colored glasses associated with Pisces. Yes; people are innately good; however, that doesn't mean they are operating from that goodness.

Only clear sight will be able to determine that. And if the crystal has not been cleaned, then we will continue to see through the glass darkly.


Beautifully coordinated, the Universe has presented this lunation on the best day to work our magic for the Moon is in Pisces: Thursday (Jupiter’s day). If possible, perform your ritual during Jupiter’s hour ( second hour after sunrise ), August 31st. This falls within the 24-hour period of the super lunation.

This gives us all day and night to prepare our list of things to forgive, including self-forgiveness. Dig deep and face the fear so it can be accepted as an experience, and integrated into the light of this Super Blue Moon.

I wish you magic and miracles!

Painting: The Blue Moon of 2018 by Elizabeth Williams

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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621

✨Aspecting the Cosmos: Thu, Aug 31, 2023

💫 Midmorning the Full Super Blue Moon in Pisces trine Jupiter in Taurus, sweeping in a harmonic energy encapsulating flow and ease coupled with inspiration. What do we feel emotionally passionate about? With benevolent Jupiter shining on us from grounded Taurus, today is the day to pursue it! Take care not to be indolent with this aspect. Basking in the warmth of idealism is grand, but only for a bit. Action needs to follow.

💫Mid/Late afternoon the Moon in Pisces will oppose Mercury Rx in Virgo. Communication issues could arise, causing misunderstandings and emotions to run high. Oppositions require compromise between two polar opposites to reestablish peace. Take care of the tongue this afternoon and evening. Practice the sacred pause and perhaps choose our battles wisely: "Is it worth it?"

✨Degrees, Aspects, Time

Moon: 15°PIS32'
Jupiter: 15°TAU33'
Aspect: Trine
Time: 10:25 AM EDT

Moon: 18°PIS44'
Mercury Rx: 18°VIR45'
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 3:28 PM EDT

Image: Five of Swords: Pick your battles wisely

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #fullmoon #fullsupermoon #fullsuperbluemoon #fullmooninpisces #pisces #fullbluemoon #supermoon

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621

The 2023 Full Super Blue Moon rising over Stonehenge 😍🌝🌙✨

I can't see a damn thing here, but the energy is INCREDIBLE!

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621

Anyone else performing a Full Moon ritual @ Jupiter Hour?

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621

Wow! Totally clear outside!

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621

Basking! Once in a Blue Moon!

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