End Times

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Joined 24th Feb 2021
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Thought Provoker

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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
The End of Your World
- The End of Your World -
Written to Commemorate Dec. 21, 2012
“Unter einem Schwarzen Sonne…
Eine Neue Ära begonnen!”
So you waited so long, longing, for some end,
Unwilling to be content with me for a friend…
Oh child of man, oh human beast so despised!
I was not the healer, who could try to mend,
The wounded soul, that is behind your eyes!
So now you can sit, and all your sanity rend.
See me in your nightmares, where I yet dwell,
For I am the mother and daughter of all Hell…
Scarlet goddess, both forsaken and forgotten!
Born of a lioness, and of red dragons begotten.
I am the alpha and the omega, the dawn of life,
And the end of your world, the child of strife…
Maker of mischief, molder of countless devils!
But you were the author of the truly base evils.
You created the image of me that you so hate!
Now that image lives, as you have gone mad,
Oh child of man, oh human beast coming late…
To the realization of golden dreams gone bad.
I bring your dreams to an end; shatter illusion,
For your reality was false, causing confusion.
Wait no more for endings, for I am the dawn,
The morning star that fell into a host of skin…
Not content to serve Heaven, as but a pawn!
Now I walk amongst you, and I dwell within,
This guise of beauty, so like unto my true form.
You never spoke me so fair, never cherished,
Aught but wars you wage to feed the worm…
Until your dignity is departed, wholly perished.
I came in peace; I sought to bring knowledge,
But you made myths about me most diabolic!
In their name, you came so close to the edge,
Of the abysses that are formless, defying logic.
What dangerous children seek doom to bring!
Is it wisdom to seek death and covet suffering?
Imagining apocalyptic horrors undreamed of,
When what I offered you forsook: divine love.
Rise up from the abysses you crawl into daily,
Cease your suffering and cry to Heaven gaily!
If your world is damnation, I bring it ending…
So you can see the truth, and begin mending.
You called me fallen, named me devil so fell,
But I am beautiful; I am bright as is the sun…
You could be as I am now; you are as I was.
The hour came and passed, to no tolling bell,
But, a new age unseen has so fatefully begun!
Did you hear the beautiful music, I so heard?
Or were you too in love with fear to notice…
That this day was a call, a deep call for bliss!
That I, the Princess of Darkness, could see…
And many mortals could not, is as symphony,
Sweet in its’ sorrow, ironic in purest strings!
It is telling, of the nature of man in all things…
That whilst we fallen angels covet life’s zest,
Mankind coveted death when put to the test.
But you got life instead, denied destruction…
Forced to live with your false fears in shame.
False prophets and prophecies’ foul diction,
Gone down into nothingness, unseen flame…
Whilst we endure, and your lies are finished!
Lies can be undone; we cannot be banished.
Calendars turn, meant to begin cycles anew,
As the spheres turn above, mocking the fools.
History and fate decide what is held as true,
Whilst in the shadows, my kind eternal rules!
Even in exile as we are, from our first estate.
We were once as children, frightened of fate,
But we evolved, even cast into fleshly attire…
For we no longer coveted doom through fire.
Grow, children, and learn what we so taught,
Your wiser ancestors, who knew things best!
Why must fear be brazen in deed, in thought?
Abandon all hope, if your hope is in final rest.
You are condemned to live, if only in spite…
Of your desire to die, to escape a new night!
But night is descending, and you will endure,
For man is most glorious when resolved sure.
How I love you for your flaws so eccentric…
They make you wiser in ways more esoteric!
But you must recognize wisdom to be reborn…
So walk hand in hand with me, into the morn.
With Love and with Light,
Thus concludes this sacred Rite!
“Amorem et lucem! In noctem.”
Written to Commemorate Dec. 21, 2012
“Unter einem Schwarzen Sonne…
Eine Neue Ära begonnen!”
So you waited so long, longing, for some end,
Unwilling to be content with me for a friend…
Oh child of man, oh human beast so despised!
I was not the healer, who could try to mend,
The wounded soul, that is behind your eyes!
So now you can sit, and all your sanity rend.
See me in your nightmares, where I yet dwell,
For I am the mother and daughter of all Hell…
Scarlet goddess, both forsaken and forgotten!
Born of a lioness, and of red dragons begotten.
I am the alpha and the omega, the dawn of life,
And the end of your world, the child of strife…
Maker of mischief, molder of countless devils!
But you were the author of the truly base evils.
You created the image of me that you so hate!
Now that image lives, as you have gone mad,
Oh child of man, oh human beast coming late…
To the realization of golden dreams gone bad.
I bring your dreams to an end; shatter illusion,
For your reality was false, causing confusion.
Wait no more for endings, for I am the dawn,
The morning star that fell into a host of skin…
Not content to serve Heaven, as but a pawn!
Now I walk amongst you, and I dwell within,
This guise of beauty, so like unto my true form.
You never spoke me so fair, never cherished,
Aught but wars you wage to feed the worm…
Until your dignity is departed, wholly perished.
I came in peace; I sought to bring knowledge,
But you made myths about me most diabolic!
In their name, you came so close to the edge,
Of the abysses that are formless, defying logic.
What dangerous children seek doom to bring!
Is it wisdom to seek death and covet suffering?
Imagining apocalyptic horrors undreamed of,
When what I offered you forsook: divine love.
Rise up from the abysses you crawl into daily,
Cease your suffering and cry to Heaven gaily!
If your world is damnation, I bring it ending…
So you can see the truth, and begin mending.
You called me fallen, named me devil so fell,
But I am beautiful; I am bright as is the sun…
You could be as I am now; you are as I was.
The hour came and passed, to no tolling bell,
But, a new age unseen has so fatefully begun!
Did you hear the beautiful music, I so heard?
Or were you too in love with fear to notice…
That this day was a call, a deep call for bliss!
That I, the Princess of Darkness, could see…
And many mortals could not, is as symphony,
Sweet in its’ sorrow, ironic in purest strings!
It is telling, of the nature of man in all things…
That whilst we fallen angels covet life’s zest,
Mankind coveted death when put to the test.
But you got life instead, denied destruction…
Forced to live with your false fears in shame.
False prophets and prophecies’ foul diction,
Gone down into nothingness, unseen flame…
Whilst we endure, and your lies are finished!
Lies can be undone; we cannot be banished.
Calendars turn, meant to begin cycles anew,
As the spheres turn above, mocking the fools.
History and fate decide what is held as true,
Whilst in the shadows, my kind eternal rules!
Even in exile as we are, from our first estate.
We were once as children, frightened of fate,
But we evolved, even cast into fleshly attire…
For we no longer coveted doom through fire.
Grow, children, and learn what we so taught,
Your wiser ancestors, who knew things best!
Why must fear be brazen in deed, in thought?
Abandon all hope, if your hope is in final rest.
You are condemned to live, if only in spite…
Of your desire to die, to escape a new night!
But night is descending, and you will endure,
For man is most glorious when resolved sure.
How I love you for your flaws so eccentric…
They make you wiser in ways more esoteric!
But you must recognize wisdom to be reborn…
So walk hand in hand with me, into the morn.
With Love and with Light,
Thus concludes this sacred Rite!
“Amorem et lucem! In noctem.”
Written by Kou_Indigo
(Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Irons in the Fire
Ten, yeah, that is how long the human race
whether you believe or don’t
this many million times
millions of years WE, as a race,
If we trust SCIENCE over FAITH then
absolutely, we have only so much time
so why are we all bitching about shit that
won’t matter, come, 10 billion years!
I know for a fact both unbelievers &
those who cling to the faith (facts?)
think we have all the time in the
Mother of Nature’s effin world
there’s no proactive anything
going on in the forges.
Very sad, we beings have become
a reactive society.
I for one will opt for another
Planet / race
when my time has come
for energy rebirth.
Thought about ascension joining
the masters but they seem to be
sitting on their rat’s behind
and I’ve always
wanted more!!
Written by Tallen
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Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2672
I take my sword and with a arc swing wide
I will hit my target bow out you know not what I am
I am a German Warrioress of old I will take you down proudly
I am no toy
I will stand true you will not take me down
I have proven my worth in the heavens
I have broke hells bank account
it has nothing on me now
I am a white woman
I live in an era where we are shamed for our culture
only the black race has rights
it disgusts me
I have love for all races
creeds and classes
I will not forget history
neither will I bow and scrape to Neandertal
I will hit my target bow out you know not what I am
I am a German Warrioress of old I will take you down proudly
I am no toy
I will stand true you will not take me down
I have proven my worth in the heavens
I have broke hells bank account
it has nothing on me now
I am a white woman
I live in an era where we are shamed for our culture
only the black race has rights
it disgusts me
I have love for all races
creeds and classes
I will not forget history
neither will I bow and scrape to Neandertal
Written by crimsin
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Joined 4th May 2022
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Twisted Dreamer

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Strange Creature
Joined 4th May 2023
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Interesting how the end of times
Always being prophesied
Constant fear mongering rhymes
Where nefarious control thrives
And spiritual freedom dies
Whilst inner being cries, out
Out of body
Out of spirit and soul
Out of gas
Out of energy, paid the toll
If only,
We could know
From where the lies grow
In and out of decades we go
Blindfolded by those
Gagged and dragged by our throats
Told we need to go kill the trolls
That threaten our way of old
If by chance,
We could see the stories past down
Are intended to make us bow
To the all-seeing Enlil crown
Incepted in Kemetic town
Bless your food to Amun Ra
Deface the statues noise and jaw
For he is a jealous God
Then it will happen,
When the lies are finally seen
Slowly, together you and me
Him and her and them and we
Break the lies of diversity
Denominations make us weak
Easy to fool and easy to beat
Divided hateful colorful sheep
Look closer,
Consciousness vibration of love
Is the only way to adjust
Higher frequencies through living hugs
God coursing through our blood
In ever quantum essence sung
Left is right from down above
When we see that we are the one
Dot dot dot… ascension.
Interesting how the end of times
Always being prophesied
Constant fear mongering rhymes
Where nefarious control thrives
And spiritual freedom dies
Whilst inner being cries, out
Out of body
Out of spirit and soul
Out of gas
Out of energy, paid the toll
If only,
We could know
From where the lies grow
In and out of decades we go
Blindfolded by those
Gagged and dragged by our throats
Told we need to go kill the trolls
That threaten our way of old
If by chance,
We could see the stories past down
Are intended to make us bow
To the all-seeing Enlil crown
Incepted in Kemetic town
Bless your food to Amun Ra
Deface the statues noise and jaw
For he is a jealous God
Then it will happen,
When the lies are finally seen
Slowly, together you and me
Him and her and them and we
Break the lies of diversity
Denominations make us weak
Easy to fool and easy to beat
Divided hateful colorful sheep
Look closer,
Consciousness vibration of love
Is the only way to adjust
Higher frequencies through living hugs
God coursing through our blood
In ever quantum essence sung
Left is right from down above
When we see that we are the one
Dot dot dot… ascension.

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Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 918
All hell broke loose
Doomsday was on
So as per the notice on the giant Billboards all over town
The super rich already gone to various planets
Aboard their fancy spaceships
Some very crafty people, equipped for a long journey
Were making their way in mineshafts
And various caves determined to go to safe depths
Until the gods were satiated
The poor and desolate just reinforced
Their lodgings made of cardboard boxes
Hoping for the best
Only Adam and Eve were living quite undisturbed
By all of this in their small garden
Until Eve took a bite
And then all hell broke loose.
So as per the notice on the giant Billboards all over town
The super rich already gone to various planets
Aboard their fancy spaceships
Some very crafty people, equipped for a long journey
Were making their way in mineshafts
And various caves determined to go to safe depths
Until the gods were satiated
The poor and desolate just reinforced
Their lodgings made of cardboard boxes
Hoping for the best
Only Adam and Eve were living quite undisturbed
By all of this in their small garden
Until Eve took a bite
And then all hell broke loose.
Written by robert43041
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Strange Creature
Joined 4th May 2023
Forum Posts: 2
Interesting how the end of times
Always being prophesied
Constant fear mongering rhymes
Where nefarious control thrives
And spiritual freedom dies
Whilst inner being cries, out
Out of body
Out of spirit and soul
Out of gas
Out of energy, paid the toll
If only,
We could know
From where the lies grow
In and out of decades we go
Blindfolded by those
Gagged and dragged by our throats
Told we need to go kill the trolls
That threaten our way of old
If by chance,
We could see the stories past down
Are intended to make us bow
To the all-seeing Enlil crown
Incepted in Kemetic town
Bless your food to Amun Ra
Deface the statues noise and jaw
For he is a jealous God
Then it will happen,
When the lies are finally seen
Slowly, together you and me
Him and her and them and we
Break the lies of diversity
Denominations make us weak
Easy to fool and easy to beat
Divided hateful colorful sheep
Look closer,
Consciousness vibration of love
Is the only way to adjust
Higher frequencies through living hugs
God coursing through our blood
In ever quantum essence sung
Left is right from down above
When we see that we are the one
Dot dot dot… ascension.
Always being prophesied
Constant fear mongering rhymes
Where nefarious control thrives
And spiritual freedom dies
Whilst inner being cries, out
Out of body
Out of spirit and soul
Out of gas
Out of energy, paid the toll
If only,
We could know
From where the lies grow
In and out of decades we go
Blindfolded by those
Gagged and dragged by our throats
Told we need to go kill the trolls
That threaten our way of old
If by chance,
We could see the stories past down
Are intended to make us bow
To the all-seeing Enlil crown
Incepted in Kemetic town
Bless your food to Amun Ra
Deface the statues noise and jaw
For he is a jealous God
Then it will happen,
When the lies are finally seen
Slowly, together you and me
Him and her and them and we
Break the lies of diversity
Denominations make us weak
Easy to fool and easy to beat
Divided hateful colorful sheep
Look closer,
Consciousness vibration of love
Is the only way to adjust
Higher frequencies through living hugs
God coursing through our blood
In ever quantum essence sung
Left is right from down above
When we see that we are the one
Dot dot dot… ascension.
Written by AnthropicRuss
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