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Official DU NaPoWriMo 2023 Discussion

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Solomon_The_Jaguar said:Having read the NaPo 2023 Rules & Guidelines, I'm in!
My location is Holland, Mi located in Eastern Standard Time (EST).

[I am staying with Cipher_O...

He has the good dope...


He convinced me that NaPo 2023
will bring magical energies into my sphere...

And I'm with that...]

Welcome aboard! So happy to see new faces bracing for the challenge!

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Cipher_O said:We need two more to make thirty, E$...

Twould be cool to get a nice, even #...

I predicted 32 this year!! We are so close!

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Welcome my fellow director! Can’t wait to get this party started!!

Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 7th Mar 2021
Forum Posts: 285

Ahavati said:

Is this a play on the mascot or for realz?

What can I tell you...

This mascot has a mind of its own...

He's been chiefing big clouds...

Got up on two paws with the other two paws in the air...

Doing his dance...

Just feeling the NaPo energy...

I expressed to Solomon my
magical ideologies...

And he thought it was cool...

Thinking of joining NaPo,
Solomon's entire life flashed before his eyes...

From birth to beyond...

He is really very much quite a zen jaguar...

Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 787

Ahavati said:Let's welcome my second right-hand ( because l have two! ) and Director Cabcool! Known for his kindness and compassion for all beings sets an example that we aspire to. Also, his dedication to preserving the teachings and practices of the Poetic tradition here at DU ensures that it will endure. Thank you, "Cab", for your dedication to this tradition and loyalty to me! You are deeply appreciated!
Two right hands. That sounds like a double dose of can do dexterity! When someone tells you you have two left hands, that means you're bungling. Now, if Eerie is your RIGHT right hand, then I must be your LEFT right hand - and that is CORRECT both ways.

Thanks for your kind and gracious introduction, Ahavati; if anyone has been ubiquitous to my NaPo experience, you are the one. Your sterling dedication would inspire anyone. I am here to offer my best for the NaPo23 challenge and just being in the house polishes my prospects, when I see the great company that buoys us all along.

NB My computer should be back just in time for the adventure - expecting it today.

Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 787

Josh said:Cab, yeah, your presence is very much welcome for NaPo, and DUP generally. Stirling work. Cheers, Josh.
Thank you for the affirmation, Josh. I called you James Bond the other day, but you don't need that, for Joshua can fight his own battles to the victory, till the walls [of Jericho trouble] come tumballing down.

You have so much to offer, it is joy and pleasure with purpose to have you around for NaPo23.

Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 787

Eerie said:Welcome my fellow director! Can’t wait to get this party started!!
Mutual regards, Eerie; thanks for all you do to lighten the challenge burden and brighten the prospect certainty.

My pleasure co-directing with you.

Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 7th Mar 2021
Forum Posts: 285

Really feeling the energy...

Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 933

I’m so glad you’re here, Cab!

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17614

Cipher_O said:Really feeling the energy...

d00d. . .you have GOT to answer. . .

Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749

It's getting pretty close to 'Its taaaiiiime' here, so here goes with some tips for new entrants and a refresher for all of us..

Unique Word Counting Tips for NaPo

Hello, NaPo entrants, and welcome, here are some tips to overcome some common word counting mistakes that are easy to make.  NaPo entries must contain a minimum of fifty unique words, and the fewer you have, the more likely a simple mistake can put you under.  A unique word refers to a word when it is counted once even if used multiple times.  

Word counters each work a little differently, and not all exactly parallel to our NaPo guidelines.  But there are a few simple tricks to count more efficiently with any word counter and still preserve the uniqueness of your entries, warts, grammar and spelling mistakes, non-Merriam Webster words, triple hyphenates, etcetera, and all.  

The easiest way to get an accurate word count is to copy/paste your entry into the word counter, then clean it up there before hitting the count button, thus creating an accurate count. This would mean going through and deleting all punctuation, hyphens (creating one long word with no spaces out of a hyphenate), excess spacing between letters in words and correcting any true typos.  Capitalizations aren't usually an issue. In the case of apostrophes, make sure they are used correctly in the word as it functions in the sentence (if it is used improperly it is a typo).  Take note of subtle differences, such it's vs its, which are two different words when used correctly,

Take note that the ampersand (&), as well as numbers are counted as a word by NaPo, but left out by some word counters.  Hyphenates are considered a single word by NaPo counts, but some word counters split them up.  Invented words count as a unique word in NaPo, where word counters may ignore them.  Quoted lines from another source don't count towards the NaPo word count, yet names in their entirety do.

Here are some word counters that work well and we have used in the past.  It can't hurt to double check with more than one if the count seems off.  Please also mention here any other counters you find that work well..

(Click second box after pasting)

(Click 'options' in upper right corner, then select 'details', turn on unique word count)


The word counters consist of PoetsRevenge and Wallyroo, feel free to ask us and the rest of the team any questions you might have about word counting, editing, titleing or numbering of entries, after you read the comp guidelines. We're here to help you through !

Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 12th July 2017
Forum Posts: 286

My goodness, I hope it’s not too late everyone! I’d love to participate in this years NaPo

Having read the NaPo 2023 Rules & Guidelines, I'm in!

My location is San Diego, CA. My time zone is PDT

🙏 🙏 🙏 I need to update my new email ASAP haven’t gotten any updates. I hope I’m in 🤞

- fairy

Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 787

PoetsRevenge said:It's getting pretty close to 'Its taaaiiiime' here, so here goes with some tips for new entrants and a refresher for all of us..

Unique Word Counting Tips for NaPo

Hello, NaPo entrants, and welcome, here are some tips to overcome some common word counting mistakes that are easy to make.  NaPo entries must contain a minimum of fifty unique words, and the fewer you have, the more likely a simple mistake can put you under.  A unique word refers to a word when it is counted once even if used multiple times.  

Word counters each work a little differently, and not all exactly parallel to our NaPo guidelines.  But there are a few simple tricks to count more efficiently with any word counter and still preserve the uniqueness of your entries, warts, grammar and spelling mistakes, non-Merriam Webster words, triple hyphenates, etcetera, and all.  

The easiest way to get an accurate word count is to copy/paste your entry into the word counter, then clean it up there before hitting the count button, thus creating an accurate count. This would mean going through and deleting all punctuation, hyphens (creating one long word with no spaces out of a hyphenate), excess spacing between letters in words and correcting any true typos.  Capitalizations aren't usually an issue. In the case of apostrophes, make sure they are used correctly in the word as it functions in the sentence (if it is used improperly it is a typo).  Take note of subtle differences, such it's vs its, which are two different words when used correctly,

Take note that the ampersand (&), as well as numbers are counted as a word by NaPo, but left out by some word counters.  Hyphenates are considered a single word by NaPo counts, but some word counters split them up.  Invented words count as a unique word in NaPo, where word counters may ignore them.  Quoted lines from another source don't count towards the NaPo word count, yet names in their entirety do.

Here are some word counters that work well and we have used in the past.  It can't hurt to double check with more than one if the count seems off.  Please also mention here any other counters you find that work well..

(Click second box after pasting)

(Click 'options' in upper right corner, then select 'details', turn on unique word count)


The word counters consist of PoetsRevenge and Wallyroo, feel free to ask us and the rest of the team any questions you might have about word counting, editing, titleing or numbering of entries, after you read the comp guidelines. We're here to help you through !

Thank you for a detailed and helpful set of guidelines on the word count options, issues, and solutions, PR. Generally, I use 2 or 3 counters at he start and eliminate the least necessry one as soon as I figure it out (usually the one falling at midpoint). Now, when I stick to the 2 options I prefer, I compare the outcomes, usually feeling safer to abide by the one that gives the LOWER count. That way, I will keep a safer margin for the minimum, rather than thinking I have made the mark and then proven to have fallen short.

An important reminder, for especially newer participants, is that a poem has no upper limit for unique words; one may always exceed 50, but cannot safely fall short. I state that, because I've seen many a post with the exact 50 UWC - and if there is an error on the lean side, the count suffers.

Of course, that could be a special strategy and personal challenge, if a participant wanted to write 30 poems, each having an exact 50 UWC; I did it one year.

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1877

Thanks PR for the comprehensive word-count guide

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1877

Thetravelingfairy said:My goodness, I hope it’s not too late everyone! I’d love to participate in this years NaPo

Having read the NaPo 2023 Rules & Guidelines, I'm in!

My location is San Diego, CA. My time zone is PDT

🙏 🙏 🙏 I need to update my new email ASAP haven’t gotten any updates. I hope I’m in 🤞

- fairy

travelingfairy, welcome back. Really nice you joined NaPo again.

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