Kitty's Korner
Forum Posts: 3004
Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004
SweetKittyCat5 said:Thank you for taking the time to read my Health Forum my poetess, yes, your comment, may be your personal crusade, in regards to why you do not do breast exams and I applaud your natural methods as to how you prefer to breast-feeding your kids versus bottle feeding.
I will advocate that existence it is a great way to bond with baby during post-partum once your body begins making colostrum. It’s highly nutritious and filling and serves as your baby’s first.
I cannot assume what you exactly meant when you stated, as I requote, your partial statement, 'lumps come and go', therefore, I will briefly give you the information for the lumps that do not go away, or must be biopsied, it is best, you categorized, when you say lumps.
As an advocate for Breast Cancer Awareness, I will always advise any woman to be conscientious of her health and be ab ambassador for her own health.
When she is performing her monthly breast exam to be more aware of any swelling of all or part of the breast, skin irritation or dimpling any faint breast pain, nipple pain or the nipple turning inward redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple or breast skin, a nipple discharge other than breast milk.
Now let’s speak in reference to those lumps that may or may not go away on their own accord, or with the aid of an antibiotic.
Cysts close to the surface of the skin may feel softer, like large unbroken blisters. Those that develop deep in the breast tissue will feel more like firm lumps.
Please take into consideration, breast cysts are most common in woman thirty to the age of fifty they will lessen and then disappear altogether after menopause, however, in some women they are more prone to last through the duration of their life throughout life. In addition, after menopause, breast cysts are more likely to occur if women are taking hormone replacement therapy.
Breast cysts tend to become larger and more tender right before your menstrual period starts.
How are cysts diagnosed and treated
Once the suspicions lump has been confirmed your physician may confirm the diagnosis with a mammogram or ultrasound. This is where you will be schedule for a fine-needle aspiration. The procedure details a very fine needle into the cyst and drawing fluid from it (aspiration). Be advised once the fluid is aspirated, the cyst will disappear. Nevertheless, the cyst can reappear later, cysts tend to be non-cancerous (benign).
Abscesses are collections of pus that form in the tissues of the body.
You may not believe in performing breast exams, but for the women, who are being diagnosed with breast cancer and wishing they had utilized some form of preventive measures. (self-breast exams, mammogram, diagnostic mammogram, or a 3D mammogram, then I will always advocate for them).
I will always paise my voice in rejoice when a female has completed six weeks of Chemotherapy, who when tired, nausea, frail, yet can still smile under the duress of localized radiation therapy, blood tests with Oncologist or Hematologist, alopecy has taken her spirit, her courage, to feel fer femininity, to believe she can endure, and not to forget she has to still go to her regular appointments with her medical doctor.
So, therefore, correction, my poetess, not all lumps go away, those frighten discoveries leads maybe a second opinions, a 3D mammogram, an ultrasound, biopsy, the matter classified as benign or malignant and then if is in malignant then what stage, the referred to and Oncologist.
White Supremacy has nothing to do with the evolution of Western Medicine
Who is the father of Western medicine
Western medicine has its roots in the Western part of the world, namely Greece. Experts credit the Greek physician Hippocrates as being the father of Western medicine. Hippocrates and Hippocratic physicians believed that illnesses were the result of imbalances between blood, black bile, yellow bile and phlegm (what they called “the humors”)
Going forward, and I will politely state this out of respect, please do not make this roundtable about politics or race relations; this forum is about medical related issues, concerns so within those limitations preserve it in its highest esteem going forward.
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
I think it’s perfect that you are on a crusade to save lives. We both are.
Mammograms reportedly can cause breast cancer and over-diagnosis. Chemotherapy is a many faceted route, usually one I would never wish on my worst enemy. It’s a heartbreaking. Death by chemo, typically. Chemo brain, etc. - many who went that route say natural death by the disease itself is more merciful.
Returning to plant based medicine and wholistic nutrition will save the most lives in the long-run.
As someone who would prefer a better life expectancy, I stay far away from mammograms and even self-exams. There’s a lot to be said for preventing and treating cancer through nutrition vs cutting, burning or poisoning.
Dr. Lorraine Day made a talk called “cancer doesn’t scare me anymore” she survived by treating her diet and lifestyle.
I will advocate that existence it is a great way to bond with baby during post-partum once your body begins making colostrum. It’s highly nutritious and filling and serves as your baby’s first.
I cannot assume what you exactly meant when you stated, as I requote, your partial statement, 'lumps come and go', therefore, I will briefly give you the information for the lumps that do not go away, or must be biopsied, it is best, you categorized, when you say lumps.
As an advocate for Breast Cancer Awareness, I will always advise any woman to be conscientious of her health and be ab ambassador for her own health.
When she is performing her monthly breast exam to be more aware of any swelling of all or part of the breast, skin irritation or dimpling any faint breast pain, nipple pain or the nipple turning inward redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple or breast skin, a nipple discharge other than breast milk.
Now let’s speak in reference to those lumps that may or may not go away on their own accord, or with the aid of an antibiotic.
Cysts close to the surface of the skin may feel softer, like large unbroken blisters. Those that develop deep in the breast tissue will feel more like firm lumps.
Please take into consideration, breast cysts are most common in woman thirty to the age of fifty they will lessen and then disappear altogether after menopause, however, in some women they are more prone to last through the duration of their life throughout life. In addition, after menopause, breast cysts are more likely to occur if women are taking hormone replacement therapy.
Breast cysts tend to become larger and more tender right before your menstrual period starts.
How are cysts diagnosed and treated
Once the suspicions lump has been confirmed your physician may confirm the diagnosis with a mammogram or ultrasound. This is where you will be schedule for a fine-needle aspiration. The procedure details a very fine needle into the cyst and drawing fluid from it (aspiration). Be advised once the fluid is aspirated, the cyst will disappear. Nevertheless, the cyst can reappear later, cysts tend to be non-cancerous (benign).
Abscesses are collections of pus that form in the tissues of the body.
You may not believe in performing breast exams, but for the women, who are being diagnosed with breast cancer and wishing they had utilized some form of preventive measures. (self-breast exams, mammogram, diagnostic mammogram, or a 3D mammogram, then I will always advocate for them).
I will always paise my voice in rejoice when a female has completed six weeks of Chemotherapy, who when tired, nausea, frail, yet can still smile under the duress of localized radiation therapy, blood tests with Oncologist or Hematologist, alopecy has taken her spirit, her courage, to feel fer femininity, to believe she can endure, and not to forget she has to still go to her regular appointments with her medical doctor.
So, therefore, correction, my poetess, not all lumps go away, those frighten discoveries leads maybe a second opinions, a 3D mammogram, an ultrasound, biopsy, the matter classified as benign or malignant and then if is in malignant then what stage, the referred to and Oncologist.
White Supremacy has nothing to do with the evolution of Western Medicine
Who is the father of Western medicine
Western medicine has its roots in the Western part of the world, namely Greece. Experts credit the Greek physician Hippocrates as being the father of Western medicine. Hippocrates and Hippocratic physicians believed that illnesses were the result of imbalances between blood, black bile, yellow bile and phlegm (what they called “the humors”)
Going forward, and I will politely state this out of respect, please do not make this roundtable about politics or race relations; this forum is about medical related issues, concerns so within those limitations preserve it in its highest esteem going forward.
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
I think it’s perfect that you are on a crusade to save lives. We both are.
Mammograms reportedly can cause breast cancer and over-diagnosis. Chemotherapy is a many faceted route, usually one I would never wish on my worst enemy. It’s a heartbreaking. Death by chemo, typically. Chemo brain, etc. - many who went that route say natural death by the disease itself is more merciful.
Returning to plant based medicine and wholistic nutrition will save the most lives in the long-run.
As someone who would prefer a better life expectancy, I stay far away from mammograms and even self-exams. There’s a lot to be said for preventing and treating cancer through nutrition vs cutting, burning or poisoning.
Dr. Lorraine Day made a talk called “cancer doesn’t scare me anymore” she survived by treating her diet and lifestyle.
Forum Posts: 2149
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2149
My poetess, I will always advocate for any women to do her breast exams monthly, and if there are any abnormal findings then she should see her doctor and be scheduled for a mammogram screening.
Yes, I am vegan, and I prepare with herbs and spices, for the segmented population who have not adopted that way of living. GMO’s, toxins to the water, pesticide to fruits, vegetables, cancer causing agents, I do not want to stray off the marginal point which brought me to this initial reply.
I would say the test that would emit more radiation or gamma rays would be a CT-Scan.
A mammogram of breast, if there are any abnormal findings in the breast tissue, then your diagnostic mammogram, or a 3D mammogram which is more evasive.
I will go on record to state, until the FDA, the World Health Organization advised the public sectors mammograms are an endangered to women health, or Susan G. Kormen Breast Cancer Foundation withdraws their funds research less invasive measure to dialogue and treat breast cancer to away self-breast exams or mammograms. I will continue to raise my voice in union, and I am a financial contributor for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
You stated you are an advocate health, and I think that is beautiful, but when you are the profession of its many facets it is always easy to cast opinions looking from the outside in.
A person’s medical decision should never be lessened in thought as to how they seek treatment or the significance of how they chose to render their care, holistic, western medicine, or palliative care.
Medical care must be given unto all and to be respective of religion, culture, ethics, race, gender, and financially stability.
Yes, I am vegan, and I prepare with herbs and spices, for the segmented population who have not adopted that way of living. GMO’s, toxins to the water, pesticide to fruits, vegetables, cancer causing agents, I do not want to stray off the marginal point which brought me to this initial reply.
I would say the test that would emit more radiation or gamma rays would be a CT-Scan.
A mammogram of breast, if there are any abnormal findings in the breast tissue, then your diagnostic mammogram, or a 3D mammogram which is more evasive.
I will go on record to state, until the FDA, the World Health Organization advised the public sectors mammograms are an endangered to women health, or Susan G. Kormen Breast Cancer Foundation withdraws their funds research less invasive measure to dialogue and treat breast cancer to away self-breast exams or mammograms. I will continue to raise my voice in union, and I am a financial contributor for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
You stated you are an advocate health, and I think that is beautiful, but when you are the profession of its many facets it is always easy to cast opinions looking from the outside in.
A person’s medical decision should never be lessened in thought as to how they seek treatment or the significance of how they chose to render their care, holistic, western medicine, or palliative care.
Medical care must be given unto all and to be respective of religion, culture, ethics, race, gender, and financially stability.
Forum Posts: 3004
Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004
SweetKittyCat5 said:My poetess, I will always advocate for any women to do her breast exams monthly, and if there are any abnormal findings then she should see her doctor and be scheduled for a mammogram screening.
Yes, I am vegan, and I prepare with herbs and spices, for the segmented population who have not adopted that way of living. GMO’s, toxins to the water, pesticide to fruits, vegetables, cancer causing agents, I do not want to stray off the marginal point which brought me to this initial reply.
I would say the test that would emit more radiation or gamma rays would be a CT-Scan.
A mammogram of breast, if there are any abnormal findings in the breast tissue, then your diagnostic mammogram, or a 3D mammogram which is more evasive.
I will go on record to state, until the FDA, the World Health Organization advised the public sectors mammograms are an endangered to women health, or Susan G. Kormen Breast Cancer Foundation withdraws their funds research less invasive measure to dialogue and treat breast cancer to away self-breast exams or mammograms. I will continue to raise my voice in union, and I am a financial contributor for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
You stated you are an advocate health, and I think that is beautiful, but when you are the profession of its many facets it is always easy to cast opinions looking from the outside in.
A person’s medical decision should never be lessened in thought as to how they seek treatment or the significance of how they chose to render their care, holistic, western medicine, or palliative care.
Medical care must be given unto all and to be respective of religion, culture, ethics, race, gender, and financially stability.
Thank you for your timely response. You are a precious soul.
I do not want to lessen a person for what they chose. I’m personally not a vegan (anymore) but the sentiments we share about making good food choices run in parallel.
The biggest problem with our health is the depleted lands we farm. And I think the diets we are eating are so low in copper and zinc that it’s more responsible for our cancer and metabolic disorders than any genetics or chemical exposures we may have had.
Our lands, our animals, our people are suffering the effects of strip-farming. The chemicals we are exposed to are purged through copper and zinc - meanwhile with low body reserves, those poisons are stripping us down to dangerously deprived levels of these essential nutrients! It’s shortening our lifespans, destroying our teeth, giving us diabetes, cancer and all sorts of autoimmune disorders.
At this point I do not believe it’s possible for me to get cancer. I could do this as a vegan or as a farm girl, eating my eggs and cheese. But I have watched people I love die of cancer, including breast cancer. The ones who died of the cancer itself had a more dignified and gentle transition compared to the others, in my humble opinion.
Yes, I am vegan, and I prepare with herbs and spices, for the segmented population who have not adopted that way of living. GMO’s, toxins to the water, pesticide to fruits, vegetables, cancer causing agents, I do not want to stray off the marginal point which brought me to this initial reply.
I would say the test that would emit more radiation or gamma rays would be a CT-Scan.
A mammogram of breast, if there are any abnormal findings in the breast tissue, then your diagnostic mammogram, or a 3D mammogram which is more evasive.
I will go on record to state, until the FDA, the World Health Organization advised the public sectors mammograms are an endangered to women health, or Susan G. Kormen Breast Cancer Foundation withdraws their funds research less invasive measure to dialogue and treat breast cancer to away self-breast exams or mammograms. I will continue to raise my voice in union, and I am a financial contributor for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
You stated you are an advocate health, and I think that is beautiful, but when you are the profession of its many facets it is always easy to cast opinions looking from the outside in.
A person’s medical decision should never be lessened in thought as to how they seek treatment or the significance of how they chose to render their care, holistic, western medicine, or palliative care.
Medical care must be given unto all and to be respective of religion, culture, ethics, race, gender, and financially stability.
Thank you for your timely response. You are a precious soul.
I do not want to lessen a person for what they chose. I’m personally not a vegan (anymore) but the sentiments we share about making good food choices run in parallel.
The biggest problem with our health is the depleted lands we farm. And I think the diets we are eating are so low in copper and zinc that it’s more responsible for our cancer and metabolic disorders than any genetics or chemical exposures we may have had.
Our lands, our animals, our people are suffering the effects of strip-farming. The chemicals we are exposed to are purged through copper and zinc - meanwhile with low body reserves, those poisons are stripping us down to dangerously deprived levels of these essential nutrients! It’s shortening our lifespans, destroying our teeth, giving us diabetes, cancer and all sorts of autoimmune disorders.
At this point I do not believe it’s possible for me to get cancer. I could do this as a vegan or as a farm girl, eating my eggs and cheese. But I have watched people I love die of cancer, including breast cancer. The ones who died of the cancer itself had a more dignified and gentle transition compared to the others, in my humble opinion.
Forum Posts: 2149
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2149
The absence of copper and zinc does not lessen the chance of anyone getting any types of cancer my poetess. They are supplement.
Copper and zinc are both essential minerals you need for survival. Copper contributes to skin and hair by helping you make melanin, the brown-black pigment that helps protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Zinc helps cells in your body communicate with each other, aiding in nerve communication and hormone regulation.
As I stated there are many factors, my poetess, you must take into consideration.
They are great supplement vitamins, but if the body is deficient, it is not a precursor to cancer.
My next segment will be on what I label consumer death merchants. It would serve the purpose for me to stay on my original forum informative piece. You have facilitated your input, and I have provided mine, and in that declaration, additional information incurred.
Enjoy your evening, my poetess!
Copper and zinc are both essential minerals you need for survival. Copper contributes to skin and hair by helping you make melanin, the brown-black pigment that helps protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Zinc helps cells in your body communicate with each other, aiding in nerve communication and hormone regulation.
As I stated there are many factors, my poetess, you must take into consideration.
They are great supplement vitamins, but if the body is deficient, it is not a precursor to cancer.
My next segment will be on what I label consumer death merchants. It would serve the purpose for me to stay on my original forum informative piece. You have facilitated your input, and I have provided mine, and in that declaration, additional information incurred.
Enjoy your evening, my poetess!
Forum Posts: 3004
Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004
SweetKittyCat5 said:The absence of copper and zinc does not lessen the chance of anyone getting any types of cancer my poetess. They are supplement.
Copper and zinc are both essential minerals you need for survival. Copper contributes to skin and hair by helping you make melanin, the brown-black pigment that helps protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Zinc helps cells in your body communicate with each other, aiding in nerve communication and hormone regulation.
As I stated there are many factors, my poetess, you must take into consideration.
They are great supplement vitamins, but if the body is deficient, it is not a precursor to cancer.
My next segment will be on what I label consumer death merchants. It would serve the purpose for me to stay on my original forum informative piece. You have facilitated your input, and I have provided mine, and in that declaration, additional information incurred.
Enjoy your evening, my poetess!
I agree, Copper and zinc are essential. I was saying the absence of those things and the presence of pollutants that drain it is the root cause of our cancer.
But then further down, you said you seem pretty sure deficiency does not cause cancer. Why is that? You can leave it as a rhetorical question, if you want.
In science there will always be dissenting voices. Good on you for accommodating mine. I pray our readers find joy and long life. 🕊
Copper and zinc are both essential minerals you need for survival. Copper contributes to skin and hair by helping you make melanin, the brown-black pigment that helps protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Zinc helps cells in your body communicate with each other, aiding in nerve communication and hormone regulation.
As I stated there are many factors, my poetess, you must take into consideration.
They are great supplement vitamins, but if the body is deficient, it is not a precursor to cancer.
My next segment will be on what I label consumer death merchants. It would serve the purpose for me to stay on my original forum informative piece. You have facilitated your input, and I have provided mine, and in that declaration, additional information incurred.
Enjoy your evening, my poetess!
I agree, Copper and zinc are essential. I was saying the absence of those things and the presence of pollutants that drain it is the root cause of our cancer.
But then further down, you said you seem pretty sure deficiency does not cause cancer. Why is that? You can leave it as a rhetorical question, if you want.
In science there will always be dissenting voices. Good on you for accommodating mine. I pray our readers find joy and long life. 🕊
Forum Posts: 2149
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2149
My poetess, I will make this generalize notation as simple as possible for clarification. You statement was,
‘The biggest problem with our health is the depleted lands we farm. And I think the diets we are eating are so low in copper and zinc that it’s more responsible for our cancer and metabolic disorders than any genetics or chemical exposures we may have had’
Words hold power, and what you stated at the time is what you relayed from your mind.
If this is what you wanted to say…
‘I agree, Copper and zinc are essential. I was saying the absence of those things and the presence of pollutants that drain it is the root cause of our cancer,’ unquote
You should have stated your above notation in the beginning, you are now trying to change your first disclosure to fit the reply of my narrative. Therefore, now look at YOUR parallels in comparison now, it has changed the undercurrents of what you once believed and what you are now trying to amend, always state what you mean, you may not get the change to reassess, and it only it lessens a person’s credibility and I refuse on my Medical Forum as I politely forewarned you in the beginning I refuse to allow you the chance to reduce my integrity with insignificant rambling.
Have YOU, conferred this with a representative from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) I asked because, any foreign oriented that involves a health concern to the population from land, water or exposed to or from soil has to go through the proper of the EPA protocol. Then outside entities CDC, with that being, studies shall follow.
We may have our opinions, personal viewpoints, and I will humbly entertain within reason.
The study of medicine is proven by science, years of research, hypothesis until proven or negated, or government related WHO (World Health Organization) protocol for emergency breech of our nation security during biowarfare to protect its nation.
As in the Covid-19 vaccination for plague/pandemic/epidemic.
For someone who is acknowledgeable, and I respectably grant that to you, but you are not a licensed medical health professional, and if you are then you should know once you take that Hippocratic Oath, you educate the masses, you give them information for them to decide, you do not become bias, that is not my call, neither, will allow, or play a part in misinformation to be ill represented for the purposes that serves no purpose of its intent, that would be beneath my calling.
Henceforth, it becomes tedious to forgo the continuous path outcome if you are not well informed, questionable opinions will always be negated, or refuted in the medical field, it may sound authentic on paper, however, know this, the discipline of proven science will always supersede its acceptance, this is not politics.
Secondly, to clear up any misleading understandings from what your eyes have read to what I have stated.
I will readdress as to what I stated in my previous post below verbatim.
The absence of copper and zinc does not lessen the chance of anyone getting any types of cancer my poetess. They are supplement.
Copper and zinc are both essential minerals you need for survival. Copper contributes to skin and hair by helping you make melanin, the brown-black pigment that helps protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Zinc helps cells in your body communicate with each other, aiding in nerve communication and hormone regulation.
As I stated there are many factors, my poetess, you must take into consideration.
They are great supplement vitamins, but if the body is deficient, it is not a precursor to cancer, unquote.
I do not take vitamins, any types of energy supplements, my poetess, I get all my nutritious from herbs, roots, spices, protein from almonds, and walnuts, organic fruits, organic vegetables, seafood, for my calcium, organic Greek yogurt, and to keep me hydrated, co H2O, I have my monthly 5 gallon Spring Bottle water delivered to drink, and goat milk I bathe in to keep my skin kissable smoothe...
There is a great Herbalist here in Upper Eastside New York who I rely heavily on his expertise, who in recent past years, has gotten me to attempt to grow my own herbs, and how to make delicious vegan dishes using some of those savory spices.
Hippocratic Oath
When the oath was rewritten in 1964 by Louis Lasagna, Academic Dean of the School of Medicine at Tufts University, the prayer was omitted, and that version has been widely accepted and is still in use today by many US medical schools.
I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:
I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.
I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.
I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.
I will not be ashamed to say "I know not", nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.
I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life and save life wherever possible within reason; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.
I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.
I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.
I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.
If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.
Please enjoy your evening, my poetess.
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
‘The biggest problem with our health is the depleted lands we farm. And I think the diets we are eating are so low in copper and zinc that it’s more responsible for our cancer and metabolic disorders than any genetics or chemical exposures we may have had’
Words hold power, and what you stated at the time is what you relayed from your mind.
If this is what you wanted to say…
‘I agree, Copper and zinc are essential. I was saying the absence of those things and the presence of pollutants that drain it is the root cause of our cancer,’ unquote
You should have stated your above notation in the beginning, you are now trying to change your first disclosure to fit the reply of my narrative. Therefore, now look at YOUR parallels in comparison now, it has changed the undercurrents of what you once believed and what you are now trying to amend, always state what you mean, you may not get the change to reassess, and it only it lessens a person’s credibility and I refuse on my Medical Forum as I politely forewarned you in the beginning I refuse to allow you the chance to reduce my integrity with insignificant rambling.
Have YOU, conferred this with a representative from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) I asked because, any foreign oriented that involves a health concern to the population from land, water or exposed to or from soil has to go through the proper of the EPA protocol. Then outside entities CDC, with that being, studies shall follow.
We may have our opinions, personal viewpoints, and I will humbly entertain within reason.
The study of medicine is proven by science, years of research, hypothesis until proven or negated, or government related WHO (World Health Organization) protocol for emergency breech of our nation security during biowarfare to protect its nation.
As in the Covid-19 vaccination for plague/pandemic/epidemic.
For someone who is acknowledgeable, and I respectably grant that to you, but you are not a licensed medical health professional, and if you are then you should know once you take that Hippocratic Oath, you educate the masses, you give them information for them to decide, you do not become bias, that is not my call, neither, will allow, or play a part in misinformation to be ill represented for the purposes that serves no purpose of its intent, that would be beneath my calling.
Henceforth, it becomes tedious to forgo the continuous path outcome if you are not well informed, questionable opinions will always be negated, or refuted in the medical field, it may sound authentic on paper, however, know this, the discipline of proven science will always supersede its acceptance, this is not politics.
Secondly, to clear up any misleading understandings from what your eyes have read to what I have stated.
I will readdress as to what I stated in my previous post below verbatim.
The absence of copper and zinc does not lessen the chance of anyone getting any types of cancer my poetess. They are supplement.
Copper and zinc are both essential minerals you need for survival. Copper contributes to skin and hair by helping you make melanin, the brown-black pigment that helps protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Zinc helps cells in your body communicate with each other, aiding in nerve communication and hormone regulation.
As I stated there are many factors, my poetess, you must take into consideration.
They are great supplement vitamins, but if the body is deficient, it is not a precursor to cancer, unquote.
I do not take vitamins, any types of energy supplements, my poetess, I get all my nutritious from herbs, roots, spices, protein from almonds, and walnuts, organic fruits, organic vegetables, seafood, for my calcium, organic Greek yogurt, and to keep me hydrated, co H2O, I have my monthly 5 gallon Spring Bottle water delivered to drink, and goat milk I bathe in to keep my skin kissable smoothe...
There is a great Herbalist here in Upper Eastside New York who I rely heavily on his expertise, who in recent past years, has gotten me to attempt to grow my own herbs, and how to make delicious vegan dishes using some of those savory spices.
Hippocratic Oath
When the oath was rewritten in 1964 by Louis Lasagna, Academic Dean of the School of Medicine at Tufts University, the prayer was omitted, and that version has been widely accepted and is still in use today by many US medical schools.
I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:
I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.
I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.
I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.
I will not be ashamed to say "I know not", nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.
I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life and save life wherever possible within reason; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.
I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.
I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.
I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.
If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.
Please enjoy your evening, my poetess.
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
Forum Posts: 3004
Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004
SweetKittyCat5 said:My poetess, I will make this generalize notation as simple as possible for clarification. You statement was,
‘The biggest problem with our health is the depleted lands we farm. And I think the diets we are eating are so low in copper and zinc that it’s more responsible for our cancer and metabolic disorders than any genetics or chemical exposures we may have had’
Yes, our lands being low in those minerals, particularly copper! It’s causing cancer. Check out the work of Jason Hommel.
Words hold power, and what you stated at the time is what you relayed from your mind.
If this is what you wanted to say…
[quote]‘I agree, Copper and zinc are essential. I was saying the absence of those things and the presence of pollutants that drain it is the root cause of our cancer,’ unquote
You should have stated your above notation in the beginning, you are now trying to change your first disclosure to fit the reply of my narrative.[/quote]
What we have here is a failure to communicate. If you feel it’s my fault for oddly wording things, fine. But I know what I said. I still think it reads correctly. The defect may still be mine. Who knows?
Therefore, now look at YOUR parallels in comparison now, it has changed the undercurrents of what you once believed and what you are now trying to amend, always state what you mean, you may not get the change to reassess, and it only it lessens a person’s credibility and I refuse on my Medical Forum as I politely forewarned you in the beginning I refuse to allow you the chance to reduce my integrity with insignificant rambling.
Hey, being that I’m 11 weeks pregnant with my 12 child, I’d like to have a friendly conversation. Stress isn’t my thing right now. Let’s not reduce this to infighting. I trust your intentions, even now. 👍
Have YOU, conferred this with a representative from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) I asked because, any foreign oriented that involves a health to the population from land, water or exposed to or from soil has to go through the proper of the EPA protocol. Then outside entities CDC, with that being, studies shall follow.
We may have our opinions, personal viewpoints, and I will humbly entertain within reason.
The EPA told us the air was safe to breathe near ground zero on 9/11 - since you brought them up. And the CDC says science “keeps evolving” - so exactly how accurate are they?
I am having another non-medicalized birth. I’ve also had two home-miscarriages at 9-10 weeks last year. The AOCG would throw a fit knowing I’ve had such an un-encumbered womanhood. No ultrasounds; no hospital births.
The opinions they print make no meaningful impression on me at this point. Their credibility is in the toilet. I NEVER vote or participate in politics, save one or twodemonstrations I went to at 18.
The study of medicine is proven by science, years of research, hypothesis until proven or negated, or government related WHO (World Health Organization) protocol for emergency breech of our nation security during biowarfare to protect its nation.
As in the Covid-19 vaccination for plague/pandemic/epidemic.
The science is never settled. Professionals argued about vitamin C for a full 300 years before the true cause of scurvy was acknowledged.
For someone who is acknowledgeable, and I respectably grant that to you, but you are not a licensed medical health professional, and if you are then you should know once you take that Hippocratic Oath, you educate the masses, you give them information for them to decide, you do not become bias, that is not my call, neither, will allow, or play a part in misinformation to be ill represented for the purposes that serves no purpose pf its intent, that would be beneath my calling.
I represent the wild-type human. My birth is not restricted; my dna unaltered. I represent a better way than medical tyranny. It’s not tyranny until there’s no room for other ways to co-exist.
Henceforth, it becomes tedious to forgo the continuous path outcome if you are not well informed, questionable opinions will always be negated, or refuted in the medical field, it may sound authentic on paper, however, know this, the discipline of proven science will always supersede its acceptance, this is not politics.
Irony, dear poetess. I represent the next generation of healers. Ones who are not constrained by oversimplified Newtonian medicine verses quantum healing, focused on the subatomic power of nature and consciousness.
[Secondly, to clear up any misleading understandings from what your eyes have read to what I have stated.
I will readdress as to what I stated in my previous post below verbatim.
The absence of copper and zinc does not lessen the chance of anyone getting any types of cancer my poetess. They are supplement.
Copper and zinc are both essential minerals you need for survival. Copper contributes to skin and hair by helping you make melanin, the brown-black pigment that helps protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Zinc helps cells in your body communicate with each other, aiding in nerve communication and hormone regulation.
As I stated there are many factors, my poetess, you must take into consideration.
They are great supplement vitamins, but if the body is deficient, it is not a precursor to cancer, unquote.
I do not take vitamins, any types of energy supplements, my poetess, I get all my nutritious from herbs, roots, spices, protein from almonds, and walnuts, organic fruits, organic vegetables, seafood, for my calcium, organic Greek yogurt, and to keep me hydrated, co H2O, I have my monthly 5 gallon Spring Bottle water delivered to drink, and goat milk I bathe in to keep my skin kissable smoothe...
There is a great Herbalist here in Upper Eastside New York who I rely heavily on his expertise, who in recent past years, has gotten me to attempt to grow my own herbs, and how to make delicious vegan dishes using some of those savory spices.
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
I’ve studied healing my whole life for religious purposes of ministry. Thankfully I don’t have a letter after my name. It isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on, I personally feel. Not to negate the power of your good intentions by working hard to to acquire it. What your heart puts in matters!
‘The biggest problem with our health is the depleted lands we farm. And I think the diets we are eating are so low in copper and zinc that it’s more responsible for our cancer and metabolic disorders than any genetics or chemical exposures we may have had’
Yes, our lands being low in those minerals, particularly copper! It’s causing cancer. Check out the work of Jason Hommel.
Words hold power, and what you stated at the time is what you relayed from your mind.
If this is what you wanted to say…
[quote]‘I agree, Copper and zinc are essential. I was saying the absence of those things and the presence of pollutants that drain it is the root cause of our cancer,’ unquote
You should have stated your above notation in the beginning, you are now trying to change your first disclosure to fit the reply of my narrative.[/quote]
What we have here is a failure to communicate. If you feel it’s my fault for oddly wording things, fine. But I know what I said. I still think it reads correctly. The defect may still be mine. Who knows?
Therefore, now look at YOUR parallels in comparison now, it has changed the undercurrents of what you once believed and what you are now trying to amend, always state what you mean, you may not get the change to reassess, and it only it lessens a person’s credibility and I refuse on my Medical Forum as I politely forewarned you in the beginning I refuse to allow you the chance to reduce my integrity with insignificant rambling.
Hey, being that I’m 11 weeks pregnant with my 12 child, I’d like to have a friendly conversation. Stress isn’t my thing right now. Let’s not reduce this to infighting. I trust your intentions, even now. 👍
Have YOU, conferred this with a representative from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) I asked because, any foreign oriented that involves a health to the population from land, water or exposed to or from soil has to go through the proper of the EPA protocol. Then outside entities CDC, with that being, studies shall follow.
We may have our opinions, personal viewpoints, and I will humbly entertain within reason.
The EPA told us the air was safe to breathe near ground zero on 9/11 - since you brought them up. And the CDC says science “keeps evolving” - so exactly how accurate are they?
I am having another non-medicalized birth. I’ve also had two home-miscarriages at 9-10 weeks last year. The AOCG would throw a fit knowing I’ve had such an un-encumbered womanhood. No ultrasounds; no hospital births.
The opinions they print make no meaningful impression on me at this point. Their credibility is in the toilet. I NEVER vote or participate in politics, save one or twodemonstrations I went to at 18.
The study of medicine is proven by science, years of research, hypothesis until proven or negated, or government related WHO (World Health Organization) protocol for emergency breech of our nation security during biowarfare to protect its nation.
As in the Covid-19 vaccination for plague/pandemic/epidemic.
The science is never settled. Professionals argued about vitamin C for a full 300 years before the true cause of scurvy was acknowledged.
For someone who is acknowledgeable, and I respectably grant that to you, but you are not a licensed medical health professional, and if you are then you should know once you take that Hippocratic Oath, you educate the masses, you give them information for them to decide, you do not become bias, that is not my call, neither, will allow, or play a part in misinformation to be ill represented for the purposes that serves no purpose pf its intent, that would be beneath my calling.
I represent the wild-type human. My birth is not restricted; my dna unaltered. I represent a better way than medical tyranny. It’s not tyranny until there’s no room for other ways to co-exist.
Henceforth, it becomes tedious to forgo the continuous path outcome if you are not well informed, questionable opinions will always be negated, or refuted in the medical field, it may sound authentic on paper, however, know this, the discipline of proven science will always supersede its acceptance, this is not politics.
Irony, dear poetess. I represent the next generation of healers. Ones who are not constrained by oversimplified Newtonian medicine verses quantum healing, focused on the subatomic power of nature and consciousness.
[Secondly, to clear up any misleading understandings from what your eyes have read to what I have stated.
I will readdress as to what I stated in my previous post below verbatim.
The absence of copper and zinc does not lessen the chance of anyone getting any types of cancer my poetess. They are supplement.
Copper and zinc are both essential minerals you need for survival. Copper contributes to skin and hair by helping you make melanin, the brown-black pigment that helps protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Zinc helps cells in your body communicate with each other, aiding in nerve communication and hormone regulation.
As I stated there are many factors, my poetess, you must take into consideration.
They are great supplement vitamins, but if the body is deficient, it is not a precursor to cancer, unquote.
I do not take vitamins, any types of energy supplements, my poetess, I get all my nutritious from herbs, roots, spices, protein from almonds, and walnuts, organic fruits, organic vegetables, seafood, for my calcium, organic Greek yogurt, and to keep me hydrated, co H2O, I have my monthly 5 gallon Spring Bottle water delivered to drink, and goat milk I bathe in to keep my skin kissable smoothe...
There is a great Herbalist here in Upper Eastside New York who I rely heavily on his expertise, who in recent past years, has gotten me to attempt to grow my own herbs, and how to make delicious vegan dishes using some of those savory spices.
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
I’ve studied healing my whole life for religious purposes of ministry. Thankfully I don’t have a letter after my name. It isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on, I personally feel. Not to negate the power of your good intentions by working hard to to acquire it. What your heart puts in matters!
Forum Posts: 2149
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2149
EdibleWords said:
I’ve studied healing my whole life for religious purposes of ministry. Thankfully I don’t have a letter after my name. It isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on, I personally feel. Not to negate the power of your good intentions by working hard to to acquire it. What your heart puts in matters!
There is a lesson here that that needs to be taught here today, my poetess.
Medicine is not about politics, well, please allow me to soften that stance, medicine is about healing.
If you were in the medical profession, then you would understand that No one truly cares what happens yesterday when facing a medical major crisis.
Ill people need information that would assist them to get better, information on much need tests, community-based health centers that heeds to preventative care, the best possible procedures for surgical repairs, what yearly examinations to get per age, and why it is vital to get versus what not to get, blood test to would keep them better.
I am the medical profession that displays an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure idiom.
I do not have time to sift through someone malignant wording or their ill-will tenancy that I feel has no bearing to my plight, and you do not.
You started your initial post with a non-civil comment, to dedication for what I was refencing to, then you freeze frame for you own limelight, about your expectancy, seeking compassion.
Respect given is respect due, my poetess, as a woman I try to uphold us as unified when it pertains to our health, it is vital.
My forum is free to post for all, therefore, do not inject or instigate your political jargon, it plays no significant here.
I have put forth reliable and researched information on the medical necessity for breast exams, medical information, with factual accounts, therefore, your point of misguided views become stagnated, until the point, you tend to undermine or debate, which I will be glad to engage, but not as the catalyst to lessen my morality to a person who has zero knowledge how medial science remotely works. You can relate your observations using Wikipedia, YouTube and that is fine, but do not label your finding as being correct in the manner for the purpose for which it does not serve.
Science changes every day, it is called research and what we did not know years ago, I will not be held accountable, I will focus on modern medicine science now.
What is the price of fame when dancing with the bankruptcy of knowledge.
Meaning, you may mean well my poetess, but even so called proclaimed healers must know basic Human Anatomy & Physiology.
If you would like to continue your views outside of the initial forum on breast exams, which you do not believe in, your view on lumps that come and go, you have my permission Therefore, I think this Forum has been classified as closed.
In addition, thankfully those professional salutation letters beyond my initials, does advise society, no matter where I go.
I have competed my higher educational training, to become licensed and then certified with those degrees, internship, externship to now triage, diagnose, and prescribe, can you say the same.
I would say those initials hold some awesome perks, financially, and in some professional circles, prestige power.
So yes, those professional initials play a major contributing factor when I confer with people such as yourself, without those professional initials, who attempt to spread misinformed medical information, where I can dispute, refute, or agree upon.
Interim Director Of Nursing (DON).
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN).
Enjoy your evening, and I applaud your spiritual healing my poetess, my grann is a Retired Mid-wife, a Certified Herbalist, and spiritual healer in Pétionville, Haiti.
I’ve studied healing my whole life for religious purposes of ministry. Thankfully I don’t have a letter after my name. It isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on, I personally feel. Not to negate the power of your good intentions by working hard to to acquire it. What your heart puts in matters!
There is a lesson here that that needs to be taught here today, my poetess.
Medicine is not about politics, well, please allow me to soften that stance, medicine is about healing.
If you were in the medical profession, then you would understand that No one truly cares what happens yesterday when facing a medical major crisis.
Ill people need information that would assist them to get better, information on much need tests, community-based health centers that heeds to preventative care, the best possible procedures for surgical repairs, what yearly examinations to get per age, and why it is vital to get versus what not to get, blood test to would keep them better.
I am the medical profession that displays an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure idiom.
I do not have time to sift through someone malignant wording or their ill-will tenancy that I feel has no bearing to my plight, and you do not.
You started your initial post with a non-civil comment, to dedication for what I was refencing to, then you freeze frame for you own limelight, about your expectancy, seeking compassion.
Respect given is respect due, my poetess, as a woman I try to uphold us as unified when it pertains to our health, it is vital.
My forum is free to post for all, therefore, do not inject or instigate your political jargon, it plays no significant here.
I have put forth reliable and researched information on the medical necessity for breast exams, medical information, with factual accounts, therefore, your point of misguided views become stagnated, until the point, you tend to undermine or debate, which I will be glad to engage, but not as the catalyst to lessen my morality to a person who has zero knowledge how medial science remotely works. You can relate your observations using Wikipedia, YouTube and that is fine, but do not label your finding as being correct in the manner for the purpose for which it does not serve.
Science changes every day, it is called research and what we did not know years ago, I will not be held accountable, I will focus on modern medicine science now.
What is the price of fame when dancing with the bankruptcy of knowledge.
Meaning, you may mean well my poetess, but even so called proclaimed healers must know basic Human Anatomy & Physiology.
If you would like to continue your views outside of the initial forum on breast exams, which you do not believe in, your view on lumps that come and go, you have my permission Therefore, I think this Forum has been classified as closed.
In addition, thankfully those professional salutation letters beyond my initials, does advise society, no matter where I go.
I have competed my higher educational training, to become licensed and then certified with those degrees, internship, externship to now triage, diagnose, and prescribe, can you say the same.
I would say those initials hold some awesome perks, financially, and in some professional circles, prestige power.
So yes, those professional initials play a major contributing factor when I confer with people such as yourself, without those professional initials, who attempt to spread misinformed medical information, where I can dispute, refute, or agree upon.
Interim Director Of Nursing (DON).
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN).
Enjoy your evening, and I applaud your spiritual healing my poetess, my grann is a Retired Mid-wife, a Certified Herbalist, and spiritual healer in Pétionville, Haiti.
Forum Posts: 3004
Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004
Thank you for your reply. You have the appeal to authority. Your learned lessons are not without some merit, and for those who chose that modality and were healed (and some are) it’s a God-send. However, I suppose you may have noticed the death rate from iatrogenic causes. That’s not your fault; certainly not directly, anyway. It is what comes out of “mainstream” medicine.
I’m hoping I can recruit you as a natural healer, or at least that someone with cancer will read this and realize they have another option to escape chemo surgery and cancer itself, besides MAID. I’ve witnessed people cured of metastic colon cancer, skin cancer, diabetes, etc.
My authority comes from God alone. My credentials are my autistically dedicated personal research 41 years, 11 homebirths (first 2 with midwife) breastfeeding 11 children.
Of course, I fell back on Dr. Lorraine Day’s credentials, (trauma medicine teacher) and from your perspective you can rightly say I’m standing on the shoulders of giants. I do it to reach people at their faith level.
God isn’t withholding information because someone didn’t go to college. Jesus “never learned letters” (he read, obviously, but didn’t go to school) and he was a stand-out healer!
I don’t feel like I did your thread full justice because I should have spent more time acknowledging the empowerment angle of knowing your health. It’s like putting someone behind the steering wheel of a nice car.
I’m over here advertising buggy rides, because I believe they are truly the answer and cause fewer fatalities.
Take care, beautiful poetess.
I’m hoping I can recruit you as a natural healer, or at least that someone with cancer will read this and realize they have another option to escape chemo surgery and cancer itself, besides MAID. I’ve witnessed people cured of metastic colon cancer, skin cancer, diabetes, etc.
My authority comes from God alone. My credentials are my autistically dedicated personal research 41 years, 11 homebirths (first 2 with midwife) breastfeeding 11 children.
Of course, I fell back on Dr. Lorraine Day’s credentials, (trauma medicine teacher) and from your perspective you can rightly say I’m standing on the shoulders of giants. I do it to reach people at their faith level.
God isn’t withholding information because someone didn’t go to college. Jesus “never learned letters” (he read, obviously, but didn’t go to school) and he was a stand-out healer!
I don’t feel like I did your thread full justice because I should have spent more time acknowledging the empowerment angle of knowing your health. It’s like putting someone behind the steering wheel of a nice car.
I’m over here advertising buggy rides, because I believe they are truly the answer and cause fewer fatalities.
Take care, beautiful poetess.
Forum Posts: 2149
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2149
EdibleWords said:Thank you for your reply. You have the appeal to authority. Your learned lessons are not without some merit, and for those who chose that modality and were healed (and some are) it’s a God-send. However, I suppose you may have noticed the death rate from iatrogenic causes. That’s not your fault; certainly not directly, anyway. It is what comes out of “mainstream” medicine.
I’m hoping I can recruit you as a natural healer, or at least that someone with cancer will read this and realize they have another option to escape chemo surgery and cancer itself, besides MAID. I’ve witnessed people cured of metastic colon cancer, skin cancer, diabetes, etc.
My authority comes from God alone. My credentials are my autistically dedicated personal research 41 years, 11 homebirths (first 2 with midwife) breastfeeding 11 children.
Of course, I fell back on Dr. Lorraine Day’s credentials, (trauma medicine teacher) and from your perspective you can rightly say I’m standing on the shoulders of giants. I do it to reach people at their faith level.
God isn’t withholding information because someone didn’t go to college. Jesus “never learned letters” (he read, obviously, but didn’t go to school) and he was a stand-out healer!
I don’t feel like I did your thread full justice because I should have spent more time acknowledging the empowerment angle of knowing your health. It’s like putting someone behind the steering wheel of a nice car.
I’m over here advertising buggy rides, because I believe they are truly the answer and cause fewer fatalities.
Take care, beautiful poetess.
There is always room to expand on posted ideas, knowledge is power, and it benefits all.
There will always be the less invasive elements as how medicine has evolved from bloodletting (a practice which used sharp thorns or animal teeth.
Egyptians were the first to perform this practice more than 3000 years ago.
Leeches utilized for bloodletting involved what is known as the Medicinal leech, Hirudo Medicinalis.
Modern medicine and the explorative dynamics of healing the body with therapeutic medicine to assist those neurotransmitters of the brain to properly diagnose Mental Health.
I feel hopeful, the configuration of science and time does will balance the scales of research in its progression.
I prefer not to mix religion and medicine; I can only respect the medical ethics as they tend to cross reference, I will become bias to that oath to separate.
Everyone can heal it is an inborn trait we have, we are in pain, we relief it with as NSAID (Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug). If a child is inured, we make sure that child is comforted, with care, if our significant other is ill, we ask for the deliverance of patience.
Much success to you on your future endeavors… my poetess.
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
I’m hoping I can recruit you as a natural healer, or at least that someone with cancer will read this and realize they have another option to escape chemo surgery and cancer itself, besides MAID. I’ve witnessed people cured of metastic colon cancer, skin cancer, diabetes, etc.
My authority comes from God alone. My credentials are my autistically dedicated personal research 41 years, 11 homebirths (first 2 with midwife) breastfeeding 11 children.
Of course, I fell back on Dr. Lorraine Day’s credentials, (trauma medicine teacher) and from your perspective you can rightly say I’m standing on the shoulders of giants. I do it to reach people at their faith level.
God isn’t withholding information because someone didn’t go to college. Jesus “never learned letters” (he read, obviously, but didn’t go to school) and he was a stand-out healer!
I don’t feel like I did your thread full justice because I should have spent more time acknowledging the empowerment angle of knowing your health. It’s like putting someone behind the steering wheel of a nice car.
I’m over here advertising buggy rides, because I believe they are truly the answer and cause fewer fatalities.
Take care, beautiful poetess.
There is always room to expand on posted ideas, knowledge is power, and it benefits all.
There will always be the less invasive elements as how medicine has evolved from bloodletting (a practice which used sharp thorns or animal teeth.
Egyptians were the first to perform this practice more than 3000 years ago.
Leeches utilized for bloodletting involved what is known as the Medicinal leech, Hirudo Medicinalis.
Modern medicine and the explorative dynamics of healing the body with therapeutic medicine to assist those neurotransmitters of the brain to properly diagnose Mental Health.
I feel hopeful, the configuration of science and time does will balance the scales of research in its progression.
I prefer not to mix religion and medicine; I can only respect the medical ethics as they tend to cross reference, I will become bias to that oath to separate.
Everyone can heal it is an inborn trait we have, we are in pain, we relief it with as NSAID (Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug). If a child is inured, we make sure that child is comforted, with care, if our significant other is ill, we ask for the deliverance of patience.
Much success to you on your future endeavors… my poetess.
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
Forum Posts: 3004
Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004
I really appreciate your acknowledgment of internal healing. I wish people had talked more like you recently - natural immunity was ignored for the past three years by mainstream medicine. People were fired, denied lifesaving medical treatment, socially isolated, etc.
Mainstream medicine typically vilifies natural healing and natural processes like birth. But with such things within the profession there will always be those who push the envelope of tolerance and acceptance. Like you.
In Panama, where I once tried to expatriate, they informed us that homebirth was illegal. In Brazil they want to imprison those who do not get vaccinated.
As long as mainstream medicine cooperates with alternative modalities the alternative community can coexist wonderfully and everybody gets what they need and want. As long as you see that, it’s all good.
But I think the day is coming where you will want to be on my side of the tracks, whether the establishment of mainstream medicine tolerates the thought or not. Wouldn’t you rather stand with us than we all hang separately?
Gwenneth Paltrow sells ozone enemas. Some people think it’s great. Some people do breast self checks - some people do intermittent fasting. What I like about all these things is it’s an offering of empowerment.
Never stop healing and empowering people. There will always be disagreement …unless the unthinkable happens… and nobody wants a medical apocalypse or inquisition. I think everyone agrees about the dark ages… never again!
Mainstream medicine typically vilifies natural healing and natural processes like birth. But with such things within the profession there will always be those who push the envelope of tolerance and acceptance. Like you.
In Panama, where I once tried to expatriate, they informed us that homebirth was illegal. In Brazil they want to imprison those who do not get vaccinated.
As long as mainstream medicine cooperates with alternative modalities the alternative community can coexist wonderfully and everybody gets what they need and want. As long as you see that, it’s all good.
But I think the day is coming where you will want to be on my side of the tracks, whether the establishment of mainstream medicine tolerates the thought or not. Wouldn’t you rather stand with us than we all hang separately?
Gwenneth Paltrow sells ozone enemas. Some people think it’s great. Some people do breast self checks - some people do intermittent fasting. What I like about all these things is it’s an offering of empowerment.
Never stop healing and empowering people. There will always be disagreement …unless the unthinkable happens… and nobody wants a medical apocalypse or inquisition. I think everyone agrees about the dark ages… never again!
Forum Posts: 2149
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2149
EdibleWords said:I really appreciate your acknowledgment of internal healing. I wish people had talked more like you recently - natural immunity was ignored for the past three years by mainstream medicine. People were fired, denied lifesaving medical treatment, socially isolated, etc.
Mainstream medicine typically vilifies natural healing and natural processes like birth. But with such things within the profession there will always be those who push the envelope of tolerance and acceptance. Like you.
In Panama, where I once tried to expatriate, they informed us that homebirth was illegal. In Brazil they want to imprison those who do not get vaccinated.
As long as mainstream medicine cooperates with alternative modalities the alternative community can coexist wonderfully and everybody gets what they need and want. As long as you see that, it’s all good.
But I think the day is coming where you will want to be on my side of the tracks, whether the establishment of mainstream medicine tolerates the thought or not. Wouldn’t you rather stand with us than we all hang separately?
Gwenneth Paltrow sells ozone enemas. Some people think it’s great. Some people do breast self checks - some people do intermittent fasting. What I like about all these things is it’s an offering of empowerment.
Never stop healing and empowering people. There will always be disagreement …unless the unthinkable happens… and nobody wants a medical apocalypse or inquisition. I think everyone agrees about the dark ages… never again!
I do not know who you are speaking in reference to when you say people were fired, denied lifesaving medical treatment, socially isolated, therefore, I cannot comment, and in your previous comments, your observations have been questionable in nature. And it is never wise to assume or guess, it leaves you no intellectual bartering room when you are incorrect.
In the medical profession, and within all medial subsidiaries and in the clinical setting between a physician and his or her patient.
The main objective we will always uphold the moral responsibility to alleviate a patient’s suffering. That relationship between a physician and the patient’s must be based on trust, while upholding medical ethics to always place the wellbeing of our patient(s) and that includes self-interest of the patient.
I am proud of my Nursing Profession/Mental Health Profession. When I am seeing patients, I do not look upon them as the sickness, I must treat them as the whole; physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially if factors needed to prolong the longevity of their care; if they are homeless, being sexually/ domestically abused, pill counting to make sure they are not selling their medication for drugs, money, food, and ordering drug screens to make sure they are complying with prescribed medication (Mental Health).
There are many criteria to being a medical professional my poetess, when you have patient leaning in your expertise, and yes that graduate training does take precedent.
It becomes skewed when it is a patient of a different culture, or who religion beliefs by faith hinders the progress of vital care, where time become the factor.
This is where no matter if you are a Spiritual Healer, you believe in Holistic Healing; if a procedure, needed blood transfusion, an invasive test to rule out an abnormality, is needed to save a life, as a medical professional we will exalt all possibilities to alleviate the concerns and then alleviate the pain or suffering.
At times, I have seen no matter what the terminal or gravely diagnosis has been presented to the parent or patient, the evidence of science is refused, and disputed, and a decision has to be made, or if the outcome has taken out of their hands, then the decision becomes court appointed.
You must execute a plan of care which would medically and ethically adhere to the wishes of the family unit.
In patient care you treat the body in its natural state of existence utilizing preventive care measurements; monthly follow-up visits, vital blood tests, Mammograms, Pap Smears (every two years, sooner, if the last one was abnormal), colorectal exam, prostate exams, immunizations (optional) diabetic eye exams and make sure to check your feet/nailbed for any type of fungal, and the turgid of the skin for pit edema.
Mainstream medicine typically vilifies natural healing and natural processes like birth. But with such things within the profession there will always be those who push the envelope of tolerance and acceptance. Like you.
Western medicine is the preferred choice of medical care, and you know this. When the necessity of healing and a patient care becomes the stalling point of care, and politics is injected, from that point, it becomes immorally, and the ethics of healing becomes questionable.
This tends to happen among the Amish based faith and they strong believe in Herd Immunity, or the state of natural death, and their close-knitted community is less likely to seek preventive care or prenatal care. They tend to heavily on their own folklore medical conventional ways.
In my Bachelors’ year of college, I had to do a PowerPoint presentation following a Q&A of the medical ethics of an infamous case. I would bring that to this forum as time allows.
That was a hot classroom debate that day,.
Holistic medicine is an alternative choice, and yes, I will advocate a healthy lifestyle, and great internal well-being, for man, woman, and child, anything related outside the principles of those to deny health or to lessen the well-bring of a trust physician to patient that does not uphold through the is AMA (The American Medical Association, founded in 1847, represents more than 190 state societies and medical specialty associations, including internal medicine, family).
I will triage, assess, and if the information is found to be unreliable or the astringent for the purposes in its medical related indication, it will be condoned among the peers of the medical community.
Spiritual healing is rewarding to the mind using various techniques from acupuncture, (Chinese practice). Or a Shaman using herbs, spices, yes with the correct compounded of herbs, and the roots to assuage not to destroy.
Spiritual chants over body does not rid free radicals within body that cause cancer, awareness does.
Spiritual Healing is not a new generation of healing, due in part It was not an acceptable means of healing years ago by Western Medicine for the subtilities of its practices which are,
Physical healing (of the body)
Emotional healing (of the heart)
Mental healing (of the mind)
Spiritual healing (of the spirit or soul)
Holistic healing (of the body, heart, mind, and spirit)
My grann is a Spiritual Healer/Adviser and respects Western Medicine yet some of her conventional methods are slanted for Eastern Medication.
Healing or the study of medicine is not based on hocus pocos solutions, and within its boundaries it should neve be taken lightly.
I have been trained to do than I suppose those salutations behind my initials are well earned by the oath for wish I adhere and have taken under the doctrine of my profession.
I have read you suggestions and claims, my poetess, on Western Medicine and Spiritual Healing. You know my advocacy; I am board certified.
Therefore, have a great day, and good luck with your Forum going forward and since you know my professional stance on the practice of Western Medicine, then your Forum would best be suited to explain your theories there. I have more multifaceted issues that is affecting communities all across America, in addition, many African Americans concerns that needs to be addressed, and woman's health in general.
Enjoy your evening,
SKC, Interim, DON, APRN
Mainstream medicine typically vilifies natural healing and natural processes like birth. But with such things within the profession there will always be those who push the envelope of tolerance and acceptance. Like you.
In Panama, where I once tried to expatriate, they informed us that homebirth was illegal. In Brazil they want to imprison those who do not get vaccinated.
As long as mainstream medicine cooperates with alternative modalities the alternative community can coexist wonderfully and everybody gets what they need and want. As long as you see that, it’s all good.
But I think the day is coming where you will want to be on my side of the tracks, whether the establishment of mainstream medicine tolerates the thought or not. Wouldn’t you rather stand with us than we all hang separately?
Gwenneth Paltrow sells ozone enemas. Some people think it’s great. Some people do breast self checks - some people do intermittent fasting. What I like about all these things is it’s an offering of empowerment.
Never stop healing and empowering people. There will always be disagreement …unless the unthinkable happens… and nobody wants a medical apocalypse or inquisition. I think everyone agrees about the dark ages… never again!
I do not know who you are speaking in reference to when you say people were fired, denied lifesaving medical treatment, socially isolated, therefore, I cannot comment, and in your previous comments, your observations have been questionable in nature. And it is never wise to assume or guess, it leaves you no intellectual bartering room when you are incorrect.
In the medical profession, and within all medial subsidiaries and in the clinical setting between a physician and his or her patient.
The main objective we will always uphold the moral responsibility to alleviate a patient’s suffering. That relationship between a physician and the patient’s must be based on trust, while upholding medical ethics to always place the wellbeing of our patient(s) and that includes self-interest of the patient.
I am proud of my Nursing Profession/Mental Health Profession. When I am seeing patients, I do not look upon them as the sickness, I must treat them as the whole; physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially if factors needed to prolong the longevity of their care; if they are homeless, being sexually/ domestically abused, pill counting to make sure they are not selling their medication for drugs, money, food, and ordering drug screens to make sure they are complying with prescribed medication (Mental Health).
There are many criteria to being a medical professional my poetess, when you have patient leaning in your expertise, and yes that graduate training does take precedent.
It becomes skewed when it is a patient of a different culture, or who religion beliefs by faith hinders the progress of vital care, where time become the factor.
This is where no matter if you are a Spiritual Healer, you believe in Holistic Healing; if a procedure, needed blood transfusion, an invasive test to rule out an abnormality, is needed to save a life, as a medical professional we will exalt all possibilities to alleviate the concerns and then alleviate the pain or suffering.
At times, I have seen no matter what the terminal or gravely diagnosis has been presented to the parent or patient, the evidence of science is refused, and disputed, and a decision has to be made, or if the outcome has taken out of their hands, then the decision becomes court appointed.
You must execute a plan of care which would medically and ethically adhere to the wishes of the family unit.
In patient care you treat the body in its natural state of existence utilizing preventive care measurements; monthly follow-up visits, vital blood tests, Mammograms, Pap Smears (every two years, sooner, if the last one was abnormal), colorectal exam, prostate exams, immunizations (optional) diabetic eye exams and make sure to check your feet/nailbed for any type of fungal, and the turgid of the skin for pit edema.
Mainstream medicine typically vilifies natural healing and natural processes like birth. But with such things within the profession there will always be those who push the envelope of tolerance and acceptance. Like you.
Western medicine is the preferred choice of medical care, and you know this. When the necessity of healing and a patient care becomes the stalling point of care, and politics is injected, from that point, it becomes immorally, and the ethics of healing becomes questionable.
This tends to happen among the Amish based faith and they strong believe in Herd Immunity, or the state of natural death, and their close-knitted community is less likely to seek preventive care or prenatal care. They tend to heavily on their own folklore medical conventional ways.
In my Bachelors’ year of college, I had to do a PowerPoint presentation following a Q&A of the medical ethics of an infamous case. I would bring that to this forum as time allows.
That was a hot classroom debate that day,.
Holistic medicine is an alternative choice, and yes, I will advocate a healthy lifestyle, and great internal well-being, for man, woman, and child, anything related outside the principles of those to deny health or to lessen the well-bring of a trust physician to patient that does not uphold through the is AMA (The American Medical Association, founded in 1847, represents more than 190 state societies and medical specialty associations, including internal medicine, family).
I will triage, assess, and if the information is found to be unreliable or the astringent for the purposes in its medical related indication, it will be condoned among the peers of the medical community.
Spiritual healing is rewarding to the mind using various techniques from acupuncture, (Chinese practice). Or a Shaman using herbs, spices, yes with the correct compounded of herbs, and the roots to assuage not to destroy.
Spiritual chants over body does not rid free radicals within body that cause cancer, awareness does.
Spiritual Healing is not a new generation of healing, due in part It was not an acceptable means of healing years ago by Western Medicine for the subtilities of its practices which are,
Physical healing (of the body)
Emotional healing (of the heart)
Mental healing (of the mind)
Spiritual healing (of the spirit or soul)
Holistic healing (of the body, heart, mind, and spirit)
My grann is a Spiritual Healer/Adviser and respects Western Medicine yet some of her conventional methods are slanted for Eastern Medication.
Healing or the study of medicine is not based on hocus pocos solutions, and within its boundaries it should neve be taken lightly.
I have been trained to do than I suppose those salutations behind my initials are well earned by the oath for wish I adhere and have taken under the doctrine of my profession.
I have read you suggestions and claims, my poetess, on Western Medicine and Spiritual Healing. You know my advocacy; I am board certified.
Therefore, have a great day, and good luck with your Forum going forward and since you know my professional stance on the practice of Western Medicine, then your Forum would best be suited to explain your theories there. I have more multifaceted issues that is affecting communities all across America, in addition, many African Americans concerns that needs to be addressed, and woman's health in general.
Enjoy your evening,
SKC, Interim, DON, APRN
Forum Posts: 3004
Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004
I do not know who you are speaking in reference to when you say people were fired, denied lifesaving medical treatment, socially isolated, therefore, I cannot comment, and in your previous comments, your observations have been questionable in nature. And it is never wise to assume or guess, it leaves you no intellectual bartering room when you are incorrect.
I’ll just start here, since you gave me a lot of substance to respond to.
1/10 of jobs were cut due to reasons that violate international laws and helped no one medically.
I know that thousands of voices were deplatformed, including dr Robert Malone, inventor mRNA vaccine tech. Senators were deplatformed for quoting CDC data. News articles and pundits pushed ostricization - even arnold schwarzenegger said “screw your freedom!”
People have been subverted trying to get unvaccinated blood.
This is medical oppression. It’s highly illegal and unethical, not to mention, immoral.
And what about remdesivir or medazolam? What about food/water deprivation and ventilation on folks who died at 70-80% rates because of it? What about MAID being offered to minors who were hospitalized for depression and without their parents’ knowledge or consent?? DNRs were added against patient and family wishes.
Now I may not be “classy as hell” but I don’t care if I’m a root out of dry ground. This is serious human rights and health issues.
What observations were questionable in nature?
I’ll just start here, since you gave me a lot of substance to respond to.
1/10 of jobs were cut due to reasons that violate international laws and helped no one medically.
I know that thousands of voices were deplatformed, including dr Robert Malone, inventor mRNA vaccine tech. Senators were deplatformed for quoting CDC data. News articles and pundits pushed ostricization - even arnold schwarzenegger said “screw your freedom!”
People have been subverted trying to get unvaccinated blood.
This is medical oppression. It’s highly illegal and unethical, not to mention, immoral.
And what about remdesivir or medazolam? What about food/water deprivation and ventilation on folks who died at 70-80% rates because of it? What about MAID being offered to minors who were hospitalized for depression and without their parents’ knowledge or consent?? DNRs were added against patient and family wishes.
Now I may not be “classy as hell” but I don’t care if I’m a root out of dry ground. This is serious human rights and health issues.
What observations were questionable in nature?
Forum Posts: 3004
Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004
The main objective we will always uphold the moral responsibility to alleviate a patient’s suffering.
Oh, how I wish that was a factually true statement in practice.
That’s not what happens when the suffering of the treatment is worse than the disease. It’s also not true if the patient is coerced or deceived, which also happens.
You ever seen the insert on a Covid vaccine? It’s blank. Is that ethical? Is that moral?
Ever heard of “pit to distress” or “birth rape” - those are real events that happen in hospitals. It’s not oppressive, right? C’mon. Let’s look at reality vs our narrative we are all fed.
Oh, how I wish that was a factually true statement in practice.
That’s not what happens when the suffering of the treatment is worse than the disease. It’s also not true if the patient is coerced or deceived, which also happens.
You ever seen the insert on a Covid vaccine? It’s blank. Is that ethical? Is that moral?
Ever heard of “pit to distress” or “birth rape” - those are real events that happen in hospitals. It’s not oppressive, right? C’mon. Let’s look at reality vs our narrative we are all fed.