Poetry competition CLOSED 24th March 2022 6:43pm
View Profile Poems by javalini
RUNNERS-UP: RevolutionAL and fallntarot

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Pick & Mix Poetry

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6089

Poetry Contest

Write a pick & mix poem!
Here’s a concept:

Pick an emotion to base your poem on from list one.

Pick a place to set your poem from list two.

Pick an unusual word to include somewhere in your poem from list three.

See where it takes you… the combinations are endless!



1. Love
2. Anger
3. Frustration
4. Melancholy
5. Happiness


1. The bedroom
2. The beach
3. The kitchen
4. The hospital
5. The woods

Unusual Word

1. Serendipity
2. Euphoria
3. Idyllic
4. Aurora
5. Supine



• New writes only
• Enter as many times as you like
• Video / audio / visual poems accepted
• Tasteful erotica permitted. Don’t bother with that pump n’ dump shite that makes me want to boil my own face off.
• Please write your choices from the lists in your authors notes.
• Any questions, inbox me.
• 2 weeks.


Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 28th Feb 2022
Forum Posts: 18

Storm Over Waters

The moon peers in through
the looking glass, lighting our
tidal island. Its gaze shivers black
coverings in hypnotic, silk reflections.
Small ripples like an ocean's  
surface roll and break and change
directions with her sly deliberation. We  
float here, two figures resisting magnetic
pulls only inches apart.  
All around us, cold waves lap salty skin, as  
I do, and graze warm shapes; her purrs the
thunder of a coming storm, her fingernails
trace and conjure lightning. As night falls
deeper, eyes of blue ice dance and swirl and
cast like auroras through the wan light. Her
come hither under breath is a siren's song.  
It is a chance to take, treading waves, seeing who can
stay above water the longest.
Written by fallntarot
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Anger in the woods

It is such an idyllic setting
A lovely cabin in the woods
I love to come here
Peace and total quiet
But not today
Today my heart is filled  
With venom and anger
I want to scream at the world and its filth
So I pick  up the axe
And start chopping wood
Instead of people.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

goosebumps facing the anesthetist

in the sounds  
of wheels
on the bed of steel  
resounding through  
hollow echoes
of quiet halls
I. C. U.
I'll see you  
filling the sanitized air
that hard lump in the  
brimming yet  
strapped to the  
white sheet
wired to VAD*  
-yet protesting
flat in supine
glaring at surgical light
counting to nine
fighting the night
heart racing
to a state of chilled
euphoric flight
Written by RevolutionAL (Alistair Plint)
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Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6089

Many thanks fallntarot, robert43041, and RevolutionAL for starting us off! You’ve all grasped the concept spectacularly.

Thank you 😊

Micheal M
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 24th Feb 2022
Forum Posts: 4

Soothing Scars

Clouding my mind and filling my soul
Confusing the moment of inception
Strains the first time we spoke
Filled with trepidation and wonder
Yet never wanting to push my luck
Bringing euphoria to this mortal coil
Flapping in the wind so aimlessly
Like a white flag in this beach sand
Until the moment our eyes first met
I had no notion of spiritual bliss
Lyrical melodies of promise
Methodical prodding’s of a future
Enfolding me in complete wonder
Soothing the scars of my soul
Answering the question I have thought
A million times for every fallen tear
And seeing that glimmer in your eye
As the guiding star in my compass
Leading me back to memories
Of the last time I felt worthy
To roads left untraveled
Where supine souls said not a word
And flesh was torn
Only to be cleaned anew in your light
Through the passing of time
Through the spark of love I find
Looking back from my only sky
Your tears the balm required
Your kisses the salve desired
Until we are finally
Written by xero (Micheal M)
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Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6089

Thank you for your entry Xero! Lovely stuff :)

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 214


the earth pulls
from up there
a crazy tug
on the psyche
that warns one
not to lean out so far
unless he really intends
to jump
it's safer in bed,
swaddled in a warm cocoon  
of familiar blankets,
the pills resting in their amber nest,
promising euphoria or
a slightly nauseous ride  
into the light
(if one can keep them down)
much better than the noose --
bulging eyes
and a swollen tongue
are an ugly finale
and the bullet is least likely --
sinister and uncaring,
tucked in the bottom drawer
of the bedside in case of intruder,
willing to make the kind of mess  
for which an apologetic note
is no consolation
and god knows,
you wouldn't do that
to anyone
Written by javalini
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Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6089

Thanks Javalini! Stellar stuff :)

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6089

Anymore for anymore… tick, tick, tick ⏰

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 29th Aug 2018
Forum Posts: 84

Big Momma's Teacher's Pet

I’m lying on my back imagining that twinkling in your eyes
I’m reminded of warm summer night and catching fireflies
County fairs in July with fireworks lighting up the sky
A spice scented kitchen, a cool glass of milk, and a slice of apple pie
Long walks along the tracks picking berries and plums
A magician in the kitchen, you created feast out of crumbs
You loved all that you touched, my Aurora, my Goddess Of Dawn
My healer of pain, you lovingly brought the healing on
With closed eyes, I’ve lied on my bed supine
With happiness, we’ve walked along the beaches, drifting through my mind
Stopping here and there, you needed to be heard
Idyllic walks through the woods, I clung to your every word
There were lessons needing to be taught, things needing to be learned
First it was your chance, but you promised I’ld get my turn
There’s no doubt that we brought each other anger and frustration
But that’s because there’s so much more to true love than having patience
Your nights spent in a melancholy state wondering if I was in a hospital
And me breaking curfew and receiving but a tittle, more like an acquittal
It would simply break your heart to handout the punishment that I deserved
Besides I was at home and safe, your heart said justice was served
And your heart, oh how could something so big fit into a human body
It’s so hard for you to contain your smile even after I’ve been so naughty
Because these teachings and learning are never done, they’re an eternal set
Here’s to you a poem from the pick and mix set, from Me the Teacher’s Pet  �
Written by I_IS_ME
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Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6089

Thank you for your entry I_Is_Me 😊

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1881

A Live, Vile Evil Veil

He done lost his mind  
With anger in his heart  
And hatred in his spirit  
He’s foaming at the mouth  
Yelling at the top of his lungs  
Screaming from his bedroom window  
Because he wants the whole world to hear his voice  
He’s got this unhealthy obsession  
With repeating certain key words over and over again  
Programmed to follow his idyllic leader to the grave  
But that’s what the world has turned into  
It’s an ugly sinister atmosphere  
As if covered by a live, vile evil veil  
As the rants of a madman  
In the death throes of conscience  
Eats away at his soul
Written by wallyroo92
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Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6089

Thanks for your entry Wally. Last call on this chaps and chapettes 😋

Thought Provoker
Joined 18th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 16

"Hey alice how is wonderland?"

For years you doubted me and said I was making it all up,
but now that you've fallen down this depression hole too;
you apoligize and expect me to believe you.

"So, hey alice how is wonderland?"

Every where you look you see bottles tempting you to drink,
and every where you turn you find strange creatures and feelings that make you stop and think.

"So, hey alice how is wonderland?"

You discover substances and try them attempting to numb the pain,
Now you cry so much it's like drowning in the rain.

"So, hey alice how is wonderland?"

Your demons are very real but when you try to explain they turn invisible,
How could so much evil and pain be so easily disguisable?

"So, hey alice how is wonderland?"

In attempt to recieve help you tell someone and they call you mad as a hatter,
Like you did to me they made you feel like you don't even matter.

"So, hey alice do you believe me about wonderland now?"
Written by TrueLover (Meganne)
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