Poetry competition CLOSED 27th September 2020 1:06pm
View Profile Poems by nomoth
RUNNER-UP: wallyroo92

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Tyrant of Words
United States 156awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1888


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Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 417


Unplug my father's new scooter
Dust from tiny tires
I follow distant
Smiles of good times past
Memories of learning to ride a bike
 I look down at the legless frog
Thoughts of joy and sorrow
I won't tell him
Written by chump
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880


your supine body  
baring mine    
quivering lips    
in my ears    
our thoughts are    
mutual for freedom    

an ineffable thirst    
drying my breath      
I fed my thirst...    
a sonorous cry  
felt familiar...    
the ethereal feeling    
dampening my throat      
satisfying me

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1415

Okay. Thanks all for spellbinding entries… & your  polite wait &  for reading this now:)  

Juz wanted to keep it simple.. but sureshot your words would never ever allow me to do it.. its your such grandeur… that pulls in drinks in wrenches in & out..  bleeds & breathes.. to well up .. lights up… in all the compressive slapping  hard dimensional spacetimes.. to the blackly holing in timeless depths.... to the varifold layering running rapidity of emotional hues to eluding shades....  to the sacred Nothingness of a Motherly Chaos you Liberate ultimately.... Such an honour to host this Dark Minimalist Comp. .. & to discover the deep poetics in such brevity…so gratitudes to You All .... as Poetry- The Godly Manifest of our Soul, brims out in Melancholy & Ecstasy .. Of All & Nil .. that you say & say not.. Poetry of Us All  is the Overall Winner.. Yet will need to award the Minimalist Poems~ Poets as the comp. demands so..

Something Would Love to say of all Entries~ Entrants in brief..

Lapsang & Eggshell- Nomoth-  Wordless is One word .. you make feel so by your sheer pure mindblowing artistry! Your awareness & mingling mergence with Nature is astounding! You carve them all out in your drawing in absoilute sensitivities & tactility.. your words feel & pierce a reader in.. Congratz!!!

Stuff of Nature & Dying ember- Insiderew!! Wow.. feels you are THE discovery of this comp.. Amazing fluidity & ease you spill your unstoppable essential flow.. a magnetism in there in the way you express.. the  darkness utterly felt in painful starkness you build in.. full marks!

Alive- Wallyroo92-  this is such a descriptive construct of poetic terrains & heights & deepths & widths .. of an engaging poetry in such brevity…. Bringing on the peace & light in such liberation.. a One Silence after all the deathly violent breakdowns.. Thanks for stretching yourself such in brilliance for the comp. & birthing a great poem.. the other entry ‘premonition’ too stands out  .. You have an uncompromising gifted way .. of unleashing emotions & details in no wasted words.. that is felt straight. Shine on more!

Between the Deep and Me- Luna! You are Poet of a uniquely firm yet delicate emotive narrative & intimateLY dialoguing way... that pulls a reader in in all poetic vulnerability... The way you meld & mould whatever with~ within to express in eloquence... is inimitable! Thanks for this entry & Shine on..

thurst- loved the intense burning in thirst & core quenching in all luscious & soulful sensualness DEjure! A v.different  yet an essential take  from all the other entries... of an intimate liberation.. you verse  in here.. much adorations!

Cold Grief, Mobility, LAYered, Caught, Peculiar Home, Sleep Spells,  Depression Exposed, Unearth… Aww, juz leaves an unendingly serially lumping pain in all unsaidness of an incrementally weighing Existential Heaviness … The tone of each of your poems… & the magical enjambments, spacings & use of fonts/ upper& lower case & italics/ bold etc…  add up intense to the feltness dear Poets- mel44, Chump, Kingvirky,  Calamitygin, Bluevelvete, Daisy Grace, Anvinvil.. Poetic Gratitude for the Shares!

Egotistic Eulogistic & Spinning- Thank you Black Wolf & Jade – Adored Poets- Your magic eternal spells of & dervish whirling mysticism are golden cherishing treasures to this comp.!

The Dark Age Of Literature & Sacrilegious Psycho'me'try of Sacred Cow Pi Geometry leads to Bovined Encephalopathic Spongiformations- Awwe Your  Outlandish Approach & Metaphors with your commanding tone- vigorously kills in the the Monstrous Darkness you talk about… Such delight to see your entries adored JBlaze!

No Truce with Furies , Sleeping with the Sandman- Awwe Rob! The MisterMaster Dark Eversting Minimalist.. Though Non-Entries,  its such horrific psycoanalytic & paining depths to  mysteriousness  that takes one in .. to the lighted revelations of your inimitable poetics you geniously spin! Thanks much for the two gems, should mention – you know, had done with you an episode of you reading them & a brief chat.. in my personal podcast in honour of the two entries.. wl post in du, dear:) Thanks much for them & also for Co-hosting, Judging the Comp.

& Case, didn’t get those 39 words still lol, neways will suffice greatly with that Wow!:)

Light & Love, Peace Ev You All, Deep Poets. coming esp. from the 151st birth anniversary of Gandhi! ❤️️🙏

poet Anonymous

Congrats, nomoth! Way to go Wally and Insiderew!

And many thanks to the UmaRobber for a great a comp!

Fire of Insight
Wales 11awards
Joined 31st Mar 2020
Forum Posts: 474

Agree with Uma's words & loved her non-entries Enjoyed reading each entry & many thanks to those who took the time. There is such a wealth of talented writers on this site. In this Covid age all art seems, somehow, more important. Diolch & stay safe. Rob

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 12awards
Joined 24th Mar 2019
Forum Posts: 484

Thank you so so much, this was such a great competition, thank you Uma and Rob for setting the scope and field for what was creatively something very rich to explore. I first balked at the 40 word limit, but it was such a useful and perfect way to remain efficient and explore exactly what one wanted to say. no superfluity - be dark directly.

A big bravo to Wallyroo and Insiderew, am honored to be mentioned with your writes. and thanks and bravo to all the excellent entries.

Also thanks Uma for the kind words and taking time to examine and consider each write. And I am 100% with Rob, that in these times creativity and Art maybe the most powerful resource we have.

chuffed to bits...big love to all.

Tyrant of Words
United States 156awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1888

Congratulations to Insiderew on sharing the podium and to nomoth for taking the trophy. My sincere thanks to our host. It was a certainly a challenge and there were many wonderful entries, so thank you for giving me an honorable mention.

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