Poetry competition CLOSED 9th October 2019 5:17pm

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Thought Provoker
Joined 22nd Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 281

Poetry Contest

Are you, like me, gripped by a case of anxiety?

This is a mutual help competition.
It has two means of participating.

If you have an anxiety,
can you describe it?
Who/What is causing it?
How long?
What is it like for you?
How are you coping?
By posting, you agree to permit  members
to offer suggestions..

2). If you are a member, and
you perhaps have been thru/done that
We welcome you to  offer suggestions, to somebody's post.

Finally, add a touch of poetry to any response

We personally, may not be able to say much,
I ask that other members, feel open to respond.

Many Joys and Regards

Thought Provoker
Joined 22nd Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 281

Why are you anxious?
 Well, I got this letter in the mail,
that my house has chipping paint, and missing siding, etc, etc,
and since it was all summer and I did not get started,
I got this big fine.  

Then Some guy off the street, was walking by, seing me working,
and he offered to help.  I paid him ahead of time, thinking he was
a good guy, but then he said he had to go for breakfast, and dissappeared.

Why does that make you anxious?
I am not sure.  it may be that looming deadline coming up,
when the inspector returns.

Tis only another fine if you didn't do anything.
is money  or even that house such a big deal?

Yes, I am a selfish person, I should give away the house
and be done with it. I am suffering from my own greed of wanting to keep the house.

Did that guy that help you make you troubled?

Kind of, I met him the day before,
we agreed he would come the next day at nine,
and he said he wanted some money, because he had some building supplies
he wanted to sell.

So he came an hour early, climbed up the ladder to the second floor,
got in thru a window, and took building supplies of mine, and had them
outside, when I came later.  It was only later I realized I was buying my own stuff.

What can make you stop being anxious?

I dunno. maybe already I am feeling better.

poet Anonymous

Related submission no longer exists.

If you have an anxiety,
can you describe it?

It’s basically a little pixie holding a gun to my head telling me bad things will happen if I don’t do X,Y,Z in a certain order.

Who/What is causing it?

I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which is an anxiety disorder that manifests itself in obsessive behaviour to control a perceived threat. My obsession is personal safety, so I’m obsessed with switches / locks / doors / windows / ovens. This manifests in personal rituals, routines I have to do before I leave the house and throughout the day. And photographs of switches. Up to 5000 a week which I delete every other day. Been taking photographs of switches every day for about 6 years straight now.

How long?

Diagnosed 8 years ago but neurotic since childhood

What is it like for you?

It is draining every single day. Absoloutly exhausting.

How are you coping?

These days, a lot better. Some days great, some days terribly.


Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Standing Together

All people are able to stand up
The sovereign individual has that power
Most prefer not to, they'd rather sit
If difficult they want to sit this one out
It could be that they are scared, nervous
Low is self-esteem, depressed, infirm,
Paranoid, timid, anxious, dullness, stupid,
You may be practising, inertia, inactivity,
Sloth, languour, inertness, weakness,
Incoherence, moral looseness, laxity
You could be drunk, high, passed out,
Inebriated, angry, raging but unwilling
To release the beast that's within us all
Lack of courage
Lack of porridge
Full of shit
Full of spit
Brain hazy
Weak like daisy
Whatever your reason
Whatever your excuse
They are all valid
If you are unable
Or unwilling
To put your head above the parapet

But spare a thought for the legless
Tired of sitting on their fuckin arse
Who rise up to challenge giants
who are willing to slay dragons
Who are up for the fight regardless
Legless folk on electric wheels
Or up on bricks
Are the bravest people that I know
They stand up and fight
They march into battle
No surrender, no retreat
It's easier if you have legs
To stand up straight, chest out
We all must try
Instead of cry
We fight the lie
It is do or die
Don't just comply

Responsibility and courage
Lead to freedom and peace
Both mentally and physically
Fighting back against injustice
We can and will win the day
If we all just stand together
Written by David_Macleod (14397816)
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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 923

Related submission no longer exists.

Thought Provoker
Joined 22nd Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 281

Thank you, Miss Sub,
This is some very powerful words.
I really did not know others have these distractions from Utopia

Dave, Thanks for your words
Others will be inspired  to overcome shortcomings
by you

Boybrains, Thanks for the beautiful words
letting each of us know that we have
strength and beauty in us.


I must say I have felt these things,
the comfort found in the dark dank chilly hole
and the fake smiles, perfected, to ward off people
asking "Hi, How are you"

In some  societies, instead of greeting you that way, they
say,  "give me all your pain, and take from me all the contentment you need"

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 327

Don't Let Go

In the depths of quietest night  
while the world I know is asleep  
The silence profoundly deep  
I hear you from another galaxy  

Your voice is my clarion call  
begging me not to let you fall  
I silently scream with all I am -
can you hear me across the universe?  
Each moment is forever, so it seems  
Broken heart full of shattered dreams  
You yearn to cease, to disappear,  
to sleep forever, as if never here  
Hang on just a little bit longer  
I know you are so much stronger  
then all adversaries in your mind  
Stay with me, please don’t let go  
Just breathe for this second in time  
You did it once, you can do it again  
Moments barely change at first  
each second of time exactly the same  
In time, when least expected  
you will heal, truly live once more
Written by inechoingsilence
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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17348

Little Exercise

( After Elizabeth Bishop )              
             —for Clewless and those suffering anxiety                
Poison oak grows beautiful on the vine
its lush leaves inviting to the touch,
think of this as life, at times: biting.
Behind that velvet green lies a subtle itch—
its urushiol blood birthing blisters that will not last,
yet, stake their claim in pain nonetheless.
For everything there is something—
nature ensures that,  Calamine eases
the stinging of rash, Moringa a restless fever.
For everything there is something—
including that wasp’s nest expanding its hive
in your chest, the heart now a mangled roost;
your bloodstream, an angry swarm of drones
stampeding from all contact, seeking survival
in pocketed passages of isolated capillaries.
For everything there is something—
brown bag of L-theanine curbing hyperventilation
of your vascular organ, balancing blood pressure;
Passionflower hypnotizing nervousness into submission,
Lavender’s anti-inflammatory Shamans
sacredly shrouding fathoms of doubt with scent.
For everything there is something—
Nature being the conduit, soiled hands
embracing her thick trunk, bare feet
sinking into dirt and grass, breathing in time
with her natural algorithm, whispering,
“Think on this little exercise—repeat:
For everything there is something;
emotional uprisings are defeated by relief;
its war party poised to strike any given moment.”
Written by Ahavati (Tams)
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Twisted Dreamer
South Africa 1awards
Joined 5th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 15


I am the lines you rejected
The emotions your heart injected
I am a torn script
A product of your frustrations
I am squashed and thrown away
You deemed me not fit even for a bin
So I lay here on the floor

I am called a waste
I guess I am a waste- of thought
I am a "waste" after all
Written by NuBorn (BxckedbyGold)
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Twisted Dreamer
South Africa 1awards
Joined 5th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 15

If you have an anxiety,
can you describe it?

I was diagnosed with a Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, and I get anxious about a lot of things and most of the times I blame myself for things I have totally no control over. I wish to undo a lot of wrongs of the past, I have voices screaming in my head to tell me I won't amount to anything, I am useless and "I AM A WASTE" and these are actually words that are being reechoed into my sub-conscience and were once spoken by someone really close to me, whom I drew a lot of inspiration from. Every time I fail at something, even  something as little as solving a soduku puzzle, these words start being echoed back into my mind.

Who/What is causing it?

My ex-girlfriend once came to me and told me she was pregnant and later when she gave birth, I learned it wasn't my son. She then decided to do "what's best for us" and broke up with me. I got angry and start drinking heavily, got introduced to drugs and as way of financing my new addiction, got introduced to crime. I joined a notorious gang of glorified criminals and under their umbrella witness a lot of brutal crimes. I still see a lot of those flashbacks in my mind and sometimes when it's intense I fall into trances of those scenes.

How long?
This is my second year diagnosed. I joined the gang  about 4 years ago. And my ex's child is 6 year's old this year.

What is it like for you?

Basically it's shit! Being afraid to start anything because you are afraid you will fail and even worst if you do actually start something and fail. The voice echoes even louder, to tell you that you are just plain useless; why did you even attempt knowing you will fail. My flashbacks aren't getting any better too and I keep seeing faces beyond graves trying to pull me into darkness with them.

How are you coping?
For one I try to do things that carry less risks, to avoid the pain of going through another disappointment. I have since withdrawn myself from gang activities (although I know I can never be truly free from that). I am on the road towards rehabilitation from my drug use, although I keep having so many relapse but I do believe I will get there one day. I am also undergoing psychotherapy.

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1875

Active Shooter

But on a serious note,
How sad is it that we now have to have training on this matter…

Let put it out there, I don’t mind dying,
I do mind surviving all kinds of fucked up,
If you know me I’ve seen all types of things,
After all we never know when our time’s up.

It’s not that get really anxious,
But I tend worry for my kids,
It’s a pretty fucked up world,
When someone goes off the skids.

Let me explain in the way my brain can unload (no pun),
We’ve been told to run, hide or fight when we hear shooting,
Especially with the knowledge that when I work at a college,
Anyone can go crazy and straight up start executing.

But like I said - me, personally, I don’t mind me dying,
Asking myself what would I do if a man comes in spraying?
Which instincts will kick in, to fight or flight despite the hail?
Hell I don’t know maybe I’ll go down fighting and praying.

Yet my main concern has always been about my children,
What are the odds of something happening at their school,
What can I tell them? What I can show them? What I can do?
But teach them how to survive because life can be cruel.

Then I overcome my anxiety remembering I live in a society,
Where people help people because humans are generally good,
When I choose to believe in kindness and decency my worry declines,
The odds are great but I accept it as fate never knowing my time.
Written by wallyroo92
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