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What separates a good erotic poem from a shitty porn poem?

Dangerous Mind
United States 24awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 926

AscheZuAsche said:Almost all I see in the erotic poems sections is crass (and poorly written, if I do say so myself) "poetry" about sex.

You have not seen some of the much more subtle erotic poems that have a home here, and you believe yourself to be an arbiter of taste.

AscheZuAsche said:Has no one any taste? Please tell me there are some elegant ones?

See above

AscheZuAsche said:I mean, written well enough to not make me assume it was written by a horny teenager.

There are poets here who are both crass and incredibly talented writers. For a famous example of someone like this, read some Charles Bukowski. You seem to be equating crass and/or horny with poor quality, and that is a pretty superficial assessment.

AscheZuAsche said:And is an erotica considered separate from such things?

i.e. the words of a horny teenager? Of course. Erotica is viewed by many (myself included) as just as high an art form as anything else.

AscheZuAsche said:I mean, if it's good, it's erotica, but if it's crass, it's porno poetry... right? Or wrong? I am lost. .-.

Bottom line: read what you want to read. If the erotic poems are too crass for you, try the love category. Some of them even include references to love-making, so it can be erotica lite, which might work nicely with your tastes.

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