
Oral Storytelling vs (Oral) Literature vs Performed Poetry

Strange Creature
Joined 24th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 5

Hi fellow Spoken word artists! I have a question for all of you for a project. If you can take a moment to respond to this, I'd really appreciate it!

Do you consider Spoken Word to be closer to the Oral Storytelling traditions, or to Literature (as Oral Literature or Performed Poetry)? And how do you personally think about your own spoken word poetry - closer to one or the other?

Thank you!

poet Anonymous

I've been thinking about this myself lately. I'm currently studying my bardic level of Druidry. The bards, in Druidry, were the original storytellers. They were the weavers of spoken magic, the tale tellers, musicians, poets and fantasists. Spoken word is just that - communicating an idea, taking a thought and amplifying it, telling an engaging tale. The Druids hold dear the idea of the Awen - the creative inspiration of the bard. The source of all that was, is, and will be.

I for one, love spoken word. It's something I really enjoy doing, and something I have continued to do throughout my time on the DU. I feel so much more connected to my own words when I read them aloud. The idea of the Awen is actually very beneficial, and something I like to incorporate into my own writing, and audio. It makes me feel that little bit more connected to my own practices now, by echoing how all of the ancestors would have stimulated their own creativity.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

A great idea. Back in prehistoric DUP, there used to be the "Let's recite each other" thread which was for the very purpose you just mentioned. I don't know if it's still kicking about or not, but it was always a thread I enjoyed, and allowed people to experiment vocally and receive feedback.

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