If someone comments on several of your pieces is it...

85.19% • 92 votes • Flattering
12.04% • 13 votes • Irrelevant
2.78% • 3 votes • Creepy
Total votes: 108
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If someone comments on several of your pieces is it...

Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333

it all come down to why you write poetry. I write because it shows me how much I have evolved as a writer. It helps me hear my own voice.  I read poetry, and can distinguish voice.  Style cannnot camaflouge voice.  On this site, I read poetry, but rarely comment or thumbs up.  If I like your poetry, it's because of your voice, not your words.  Some poets on here, need to work on developing their true voice, and letting it out.  I read their poetry, but feel nothing, as if the words actually choke them.  What are you trying to say?  Don't let the words get in the way.  That's the best poetry I ever read, is when the poet don't let the words get in the way.  Another point I like to make, is first impressions.  It's the voice that makes that lasting impression.  I read the poetry on here, and I never care for the poet if I at first don't feel his or her voice.  Throw away rules, words, lines, punctuation, even wit and cleverness.  Don't try to impress me, I don't care for that.  Let me hear your voice, clearly.  If I can't hear your voice in one of your poems, any poem I pick at random, then why would I want to read anything else you write or will write in the future.  It will all be the same.  Let your voice come out, strip away expectations, formalities, approval seeking, or how it should be.  Nothing is how it should be.  Why should it be? Honor your unique voice.

Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2079

Like SugarSkull and LoBode...' it depends'...
I like receiving comments...I can usually pick said 'creepy' ones and it tends to happen with my erotic poetry but what i find a tad uncomfortable are those 'newbies' who've literally just joined and RL my work without commenting...for a period of time after the event i'll check out their writing but they never upload any of their poems...

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 31awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6700

It is Creepy: someone not only read but liked my poem and had it impact on them enough to raise a response. I mean c'mon what are the chances!
Though seriously, it is enormously flattering that they took the time and attention and effort, even if it is just a brief few words of liking it. If a creep is going to go through my poems and comment on a whole load of them, methinks they are the ones getting trolled.

poet Anonymous

I can get creepy with a lot of [my] flattering but I'm genuine in what I say or what I comment on.

I think it's Flattering when someone takes the time to backtrack on a poet/poetress's work; not everyone gets the opportunity to experience that.

Paul S...
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 29awards
Joined 13th June 2013
Forum Posts: 249

be as creepy as you like,
you don't know
where I

I mean
you don't,
do you..?

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 30th July 2015
Forum Posts: 103

dartford said:be as creepy as you like,
you don't know
where I

I mean
you don't,
do you..?

You never know....

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 30th July 2015
Forum Posts: 103

Thanks all for your comments, I've had a few laughs reading through And it's good, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being creepy when I read and comment on a big handful of someone's pieces in one sitting.

I personally find it flattering, so if you feel so inclined, you're welcome to stalk the hell out of my poems ;)

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1618

it is definitely flattering to me. My fellow poets' feedback is necessary to helping me build an audience. When someone takes the time to read my work and therefore comment on it, for good or bad, is a great compliment to me and I hope others feel the same.

Pariah Shadow
Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 31st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 1633

I always find it flattering, just the thought someone enjoyed, even a little small bit something I wrote is a good feeling, it is why we share our work isn't it? So I am always flattered, when someone keeps coming back its a good feeling.

Tyrant of Words
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 3672

Wow. I always thought I would be perceived as an ass if I didn't acknowledge my fellow poets work. I don't know what the P.C thing is to do now

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318

Most. Comments I receive on my poems are mainly flattering however they can also be a bit creepy once in awhile but then again I write erotic poems so I'm used to the creepiness up to point.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2010
Forum Posts: 748

I'd say it's flattering, unless of course they label lots of your work as complete shit.

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Well I plan on going into stalker mode by commenting on 20 - 25 poems of those I follow (as if I'm reading a different chapter in a collection of works) ... So y'all don't freak out

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

When I read poetry  it is because I make the fantasy and want to mate
with the female person.
I follow tasteful commints, only two to eight, short sweet.
This I do to  lubricate the social conversation
to ready to take it next level.
It  Is not work, to say in beginning, " I want make baby"
I try this, It never work.

Here are steps that work:
1: comment five poems, say: Very nice, I like when you write
"Leaping dog save baby in fire, leaping dog you are desire"
(Maybe your quote is different)

2: PM her, tell how you wait for next pome.

3: WAIT. this is ver very important.
If she take one month to write back,
you got to wait.

4: POUNCE.  IF she write back THEN you say
" I cannot live without your words"

5: After this, everything happen naturally.
She fly in to live with you, or visa versa
depend who have the better apartment.

6: If you are a girl who is stalking guy, these advices do not work.  
Sorry I cannot help you,
because the girls keep their methods a well guarded secret,
not to be revealed to any man.

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

rabbitquest said:When I read poetry  it is because I make the fantasy and want to mate
with the female person.
I follow tasteful commints, only two to eight, short sweet.
This I do to  lubricate the social conversation
to ready to take it next level.
It  Is not work, to say in beginning, " I want make baby"
I try this, It never work.

Here are steps that work:
1: comment five poems, say: Very nice, I like when you write
"Leaping dog save baby in fire, leaping dog you are desire"
(Maybe your quote is different)

2: PM her, tell how you wait for next pome.

3: WAIT. this is ver very important.
If she take one month to write back,
you got to wait.

4: POUNCE.  IF she write back THEN you say
" I cannot live without your words"

5: After this, everything happen naturally.
She fly in to live with you, or visa versa
depend who have the better apartment.

6: If you are a girl who is stalking guy, these advices do not work.  
Sorry I cannot help you,
because the girls keep their methods a well guarded secret,
not to be revealed to any man.


You just may have a piece here for the Stalker competition!

Loved the "better apartment" part

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