
Brain Lag

Rune L
Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 608

Guys as some of you read previously I have been struggling to find a place to live. I recently found a place to call home when the time comes, and a new, better paying job with more hours, and everything is awesome. So why don't I feel better? It's been a week since I found my new temporary home, and I've had the job for two weeks. My brain refuses to let me be any happier because of it. Why? Can somebody help me?

poet Anonymous

poet Anonymous

having a better paying job and a securer place to live can add to your happiness but it doesn't necessarily have to. and anyway...isn't happiness the thing most people spend their whole lives searching for or trying to maintain..

poet Anonymous

"Be happy. Not because everything is good, but because you can see the good in everything"

Duncan Alexander
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 1awards
Joined 4th May 2010
Forum Posts: 2144

Change can be scary. If you don't love yourself.

Guardian of Shadows
United States 87awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5600

After having given my opinion in your original thread regarding your struggles, my thoughts are still the same: you aren't struggling to find a place to live, but are struggling to live with what you already have.  The present discontentment you feel is your conscience telling you that much of what you perceived as problems, could be easily remedied by some humble pie on your part; instead of using the opportunity to draw your family closer by having some equal give and take on all sides, you're breaking things apart in a sense by going down this particular road.

You're being asked " is this your final choice?" Before you head out on this journey, because this one is of your own choosing. Staying with your parents and abiding by a few household rules vs. striking out on your own to escape them. Yes it isn't right that they're pushing their religion on you, but that to me seems like the only valid issue at hand & the rest is workable. There are even ways to work around the Jehovah's Witness bit--find out the real truth and get in there and infiltrate them.

Regardless, with the setup you have coming along, temp housing and better paying job, you now need to evaluate that--what do you do when the temporary expires, and will the job still allow you to go to college or will you end up blowing off more schooling for having to work to survive because you have nowhere to live?

And a final thought, if you choose the present option, at least look into qualifying for homeless status at college, for when the temp housing runs out--at least you can be given a free ride basically and probably a dorm room to live in, year round. My daughter's friend is doing this because her alternative was being forced into an old style Indian life of an arranged marriage to a man of her parents' choice and servitude to him.

Dealing with the JW's seems a lot less harsh than that, but no matter what you do, don't sacrifice your education for anything.

Good luck.

Rune L
Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 608

I don't have a choice anymore. I asked them if changing would be satisfactory and they said it was too late. I asked them several weeks ago. This is NOT my decision. It is my punishment. They are playing god and now it's time that I show them that they aren't as big and powerful as they believe they are. They are trying to ruin me and now I will exact revenge by showing them that I can live my life without depending on them. Believe me when I say this, they are kicking me out because they don't care about me and they want to see me suffer. The only thing I can do from here is thrive and I've planned everything out. Life will be monotonous for a while, boring in a word. But I have done some math. Assuming I can push through this, I can save $300 monthly. Within a year I can get my license and a car, and that will open up new doors. I'll be able to travel outside of the bus route, open the door to jobs at factories which will pay up to $5 more per hour, be capable of getting to and from work in less than 3 hours (yes, I ACTUALLY spend that much time on the bus to get home from work at this moment) and I'd be able to go places whenever I want or need. I no longer stand on the border between life and death, because I've come to realize that in two years time, before I turn 21, I'm home free. This is not the end,  this is just the rough reentry into the atmoshpere. I'm almost home, guys.

And I'm glad to say that a smile crossed my face as I wrote these words. Joy has found me here, because I know that there is hope!

Strange Creature
Joined 12th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 1

Consider reading "as a man thinketh"I

Guardian of Shadows
United States 87awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5600

Sorry, but all I see here is you making a choice to give yourself a harder start to life than you need to. Until you become a parent yourself, you will never fully understand some of the thought processes we as parents have. I'm not defending your parents' stance on religion, but rather just saying that as misguided as you see it right now, they do love you.

I get flac from my 20 year old daughter at times for various things, but when I explain my thought process to her, she's more understanding, and then I walk away and stay out of her face. Ignoring her a bit as much as I want to hug her constantly, tends to get her to come around on her own.

Perhaps your parents are of this mindset but are going a step further with the tough love, but never doubt for a moment that they cherish you, Prodigal Son, and they may be just letting you go because sometimes that's all we can do as parents.  Sometimes our children need to fail, fall down, get a taste of reality, etc, in order for them to really learn. Maybe you'll do ok, maybe you'll fall flat on your behind, but this is your choice for this road.

As I said before, stay in school--factory jobs aren't going to support you for life, so use your 3 hour bus rides for study time --work with what you have been given right now, remember you are never fully alone and don't take harder roads than you have to.

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