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Things are changing

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5152

So as some of you may know already, I'm engaged. I awake in the morning roughly three hours before John and I get online to browse wedding items. Well just yesterday when I went to a website to look all the pictures had been changed to gay couples getting married.
Now I am not homophobic in any way, in fact I have had long lasting relationships with girls and I have plenty of friends who are gay.
But this simply took away from those images of a traditional marriage and I felt personally uncomfortable.

Has anyone else experienced something similar??

poet Anonymous

Have you seen Kym Kardashian recently? If anybody is taking away the sanctity of marriage, it's that money grabbing tramp-stamp, not gay people, who love each other, and have fought for years simply to be able to show an expression of love.

I'm married myself. Did I find myself filing for divorce as soon as gays were allowed to marry? That's a ludicrous presumption. What's traditional anyway? Am I not traditional because I had a civil service? Am I not married in the eyes of God? Is the fact I had a quote from 'Alan Partridge' on my order of service rather than that God awful Corinthians "Love is patient, love is kind, love washes up after a roast and washes your underpants" bollocks make me some sort of unmarriable heathen?

FYI, I wore doc martens under my wedding dress. Tradition can blow me.

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5152

Miss_Sub said:FYI, I wore doc martens under my wedding dress. Tradition can blow me.


poet Anonymous

has anyone ever felt uncomfortable due to change?...sure, probably lots of people. ...all the time.

...the concept of marriage in general makes me uncomfortable, but I don't let that take anything away from the sanctity of my life.

do pictures on websites change weekly? ...yes, yes they do.

and who cares how other people choose to lead their lives, be it the Kardashians or anyone else.  

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14458

traditional, missus sub ..is a white wedding in church  ...cos its tradition, so.no you didn't have a traditional wedding ..unless your family have a tradition of civil servises

..if you don't choose a traditional wedding then don't be moanin' cos your wedding wasn't traditional


gay people are no different from straight people when it comes to fucking around on each other so I'd say just as many gay marriges break down. probably more cos ...well they can be a bit erratic

Lady three Os above makes a lot of sense

poet Anonymous

I'm not moaning in the slightest. If anything, I'm amused. My point is you don't have to feel trapped into a set of ideals, just because it's traditional, or how it's always been done.

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14458

yeah but tradition isn't bad in itself, there's nothing wrong with tradition, some go for it and some don't

I'd say we all have traditions or follow some sometimes  ..christmas ..christenings ...thanks giving etc

.obviously there are bad and sick traditions too  

poet Anonymous

I'll tell you the main argument I had with my mother when I got married. I didn't have a traditional wedding. I got married on the biggest lake in England, with a humanist service, and we did that because 1) I'm a Pantheist 2) my family is strict baptist and his family are strict Catholic and we just got fed up of offending people. Both of them kept hounding me about all the traditional aspects of a wedding: the first dance, the speeches, the cake... Because in their eyes that's what should be done....at the end of the day, it was about us coming together, and that's all I really wanted. And all the 'traditional' bumpf wouldn't have added anything to the value of the day.  

I am of course talking exclusively about weddings here. When it comes to Christmas traditions for example, that's different. That's something that adds value to my life as a family.

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14458

yeah but the traditional stuff would have added value to your guests day ....it wouldn't have cost you nothin' to take up.one or two of the traditions  ...did you have something old, new, borrowed and blue ?

 ....kinda selfish, missus

that said, I totally agree with you  ...fuck.what your parents want  ...and fuck what his parents want too!

fair play

poet Anonymous

Not entirely selfish. My dad walked me down the 'aisle' in a (off) white dress. Some things you have to give your parents when you don't know how long you have left with them.

Duncan Alexander
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 1awards
Joined 4th May 2010
Forum Posts: 2144

I agree with everything everybody is saying and find alot to ponder. On the original point though and in my opinion. If that were to happen to me I'd use it as an opportunity to find out what I'm really getting in to. What is it that upsets me about gay couples getting married, if it's not the fact that they're gay then what is it that I think my wedding has to be about that is different to anybody else? Am I losing focus?

Big Virge
Fire of Insight
Barbados 1awards
Joined 15th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 329

I believe there's a phrase that goes, "sumthin'" ... like this ...

"Tradition is the dead's way, of controlling the living"

Take from it what you will .......

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5152

I'm getting married in a church in a casual but white dress. However, I just was slightly upset that the happy images I was used to seeing of straight couples that reminded me of John and myself were gone.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2122

Danii said:I'm getting married in a church in a casual but white dress. However, I just was slightly upset that the happy images I was used to seeing of straight couples that reminded me of John and myself were gone.[/b]

It breaks my heart to hear that from such a young girl as yourself. Are you even 18? And I thought that the younger generation would've been more understanding of gay couples/marriages. I guess I was wrong..

What's puzzling me is that you said that you have gay friends and been with women. Wouldn't you want them to be happy?

poet Anonymous

BigVirge said:I believe there's a phrase that goes, "sumthin'" ... like this ...

"Tradition is the dead's way, of controlling of the living"

Take from it what you will .......

That actually makes a lot of sense.

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