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Gay marriage reigns Supreme

poet Anonymous

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Blame straight people. They're the ones that keep making the gay babies.

Guardian of Shadows
United States 87awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5601

^^I agree, Virge--and my overall thought process is, that it's my job to to live my life, my job to love those around me (or try to) regardless of their beliefs, inclinations, actions, etc., and it's God's job to deal with all of us on a personal level.    

I don't really care about the gay marriage thing--gays are already married, as in my case, to a straight person (me), so why should it matter who else they legally hook up with, just because of their mindset and preferences?  I personally don't want it in my intimate relationships, hence the turmoil I'm dealing with right now.  Part of it is an additional mindset, that some people, gay or not, just have too much pride in themselves to admit they might not be as perfect as they think they are, or can't face being wrong about something, so add that in with being gay, and there you have why some hide it, deny it, or don't even realize it until 25 years into a hetero-sexual marriage.  

For the part about the public display of affection:  I think that regardless of who it is, gay, straight, other, that too much slobbering and feeling each other up in public, is not necessary--have a little class and respect for those around you.  Not everyone is as open and free and wants to see that sort of groping going on--get a room.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645

"Blame straight people. They're the ones that keep making the gay babies."

smartest thing i've heard all day.....

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1531

BoFantastic said:they should abolish the institution of marriage, it's worse than slavery. gays didn't know how lucky they were, now the government owns them legally.

Actually, we the people are the government. We own ourselves and that's how it ought to be. Heterosexuals have been making a mockery of marriage for years. I hope gay marriage means enough for them to do a better job of being faithful to the one they love than we have. I never got married because my girlfriends all turned out to be cheaters. But at least I never became a divorce statistic.

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1531

The right to be married has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Everyone who is able to fall in love should be able to legally be married, and now, in America, they do. Being gay is not a choice, but getting married is. It's not a license for sex, that happened a dozen years ago. So marriage between gays must be about something other than just sex. That's what they have been saying all along. Many legal aspects of life are only available to legally married people. One example is visiting a sick relative in the hospital. There are many financial considerations that can only be accomplished through marriage. This legal decision only applies to the United States and if you live in another country with different laws and cultural traditions,  of course you will not feel the same as Americans. Americans are divided by our own political and religious beliefs that are so variable that political system is in a constant state of chaos and corruption. And in a country that consists of people from all over the world trying to mix all of our religious, political and cultural ideals in one big society, we need to have laws that can accommodate everyone equally. And that is what the Supreme Court is for. When people are being discriminated against, the court looks at what is happening and decides if it fits into the framework of the Constitution. If it doesn't fit precisely, the court has no choice but to create common ground for all to live on in equality. That is the basis for America. That is why we had to do away with slavery, from a legal viewpoint. Never mind the immorality of slavery, which was a horrible thing in itself, because we actually had to say the black people were not actually human beings just so slavery wouldn't be unconstitutional. It's always easier to just say someone is a freak of nature than it is to admit hey deserve the same rights as you do. That's the real power of the Constitution, it makes everyone equal. And if anyone treats another as anything other than an equal person with equal rights, our judicial system is there to stop it. That's why I can't imagine living in any other country. It's why I love America. It has nothing to do with pride. I despise pride and reject it without a second thought. Pride is a seed of hatred.

"Pride Is One Seed"

One seed is masked in infancy
With its intoxicating allure
Its sexy remedy
Impersonating ones esteem
Inseminating the mind with arrogance
An artificial substitute for confidence
Yet this sweetener is no equal
Stroking the ego
Through external heights that excite
Leading to a bitterness deep within
Fueling a growing resentment
For all that is physically different
Forgetting that at the core we are One
We are the same
Letting go of who you are not
Is the key to setting us all free
As part of you is a part of me and we
And in One we are all together
Our commonality is the seed of our equality
You are my equal and I am sorry
While the shame I carry for four hundred years of hate
Cannot be let go of by one alone
It must instead be released by One together    

jj johnson

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14457

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

but you are homphobic, innit. so probably a closet gay. its ok, you don't have to fight it

Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 24th May 2014
Forum Posts: 318

No one Deserves to die Because of Their Sexuality.
Gays Do deserve Their Rights. Just as Much as Anyone Else Does.
What if It was You that was Gay?
And Felt Trapped because you Knew That their Would be People who Would not Accept you.
What if It was Your Child.
What would you do Then.
try to be in someone Else's Shoes for a Chance.

Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 24th May 2014
Forum Posts: 318

Maybe I will Man.
And I'm Not GAY
I'm Bisexual.
Get It right dude.
And My "Lover."
Is Indeed a Boy and Neither Gay

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14457

free speech yes,  but adult conversataion , clearly you're too young to engage with any kind of respect.

so, like I say, settle down or fuck off  ..or be fucked off. last chance saloon

Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 24th May 2014
Forum Posts: 318

I get what Your Saying Craicdealer,
But With all do respect,
I'd Like It very Much to be in this Conversation.
I may be Young, But Not Young Enough to Understand

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14457

no. my moderator duties make me responsible for keeping the forums clear of trolls and homophobic scutter. that means you so like I say, cop on

give your opinion with a bit of respect or don't give it.

Ms_Imperfect, I didn't mean you. if you are young you're behaving older than the fool with the mouth  

Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 24th May 2014
Forum Posts: 318

I'm Sorry Craicdealer,
And As Matter a Fact I am.
I'm 13.
and Thank you c:

Guardian of Shadows
United States 87awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5601

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Like Craic said--keep yourself in check.  You've caught the attention of the mods, and that's not always a good thing.  Express your opinions without the hostility and personal attacks, or you'll find that your entire account here, will disappear, in addition to a couple of your posts in this thread that magically became invisible.

poet Anonymous

why be so public about it? well, if no one ever made anything public, we wouldn't have ever had change. it takes courage to stand up and be different and demand that things change. if people out there hadn't had the courage to be public about it, there would still be people suffering in silence.

poet Anonymous

Sometimes I get upset when people insult those of us that enjoy same sex pleasures... Then I remember that you can't reason with stupid, and I'm still fabulous, sooooo.... No skin off my nose

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