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Ask the person below you a question (2)

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2079

coming back later....

Pariah Shadow
Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 31st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 1633

Don't have a partner so no, but I think I would be.

Seen anything interesting today?

poet Anonymous

I just visited Spain and I found it to be amazing! and I would never say we are the worst at anything. We have so much to be thankful for!

Are you more of an exhibitionist or a voyeur? explain

Pariah Shadow
Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 31st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 1633

Neither, I have a fear of nudity both of being or being around it. If i am understanding your question correctly.

If dumb means incapable of speaking, why do people use it as an insult against someone's smarts?

poet Anonymous

They say there are no "dumb" questions? I have to say this might be one.
"Dumb" like a lot of words has multiple meanings, and one of them just happens to be "stupid".
Probably adapted over the years from the original meaning can't talk or can not do the simplest of human task.
Please do not take offense at my attempt at humor (this is a question about 'dumb')

What are three things needed to make you happy?

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 12th June 2012
Forum Posts: 1028

The Father Jesus and the Spirit.

Why is it on a map they don't put a compass so you know which way north is?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273

By default, the top edge of the map is North, unless they indicate otherwise with a compass.

What is the longest you have gone without speaking or writing a word?

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14457

generally the latitude/ longitude will indicate. failing that it's just a matter of looking for an area called North ...North Dakota, North Sea,  ...or any area where compass points are referenced, Eastern Europe, ...the East  ...South Carolina ...the west etc, simple things like that.

how long do you think it would take to fall through a hole bored through the earth from North to South Pole ?

Edit:  maybe days, possibly three

poet Anonymous

how long do you think it would take to fall through a hole bored through the earth from North to South Pole ?
Since a human falls (in a dive) about 200 miles per hour and the diameter of the earth is around 7900 miles pole to pole I would say about 39.5 hours.

What is your favorite saying

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273

At the center of the Earth, temperatures are at 5700 C. You'd be vapor by 10km in.

If you had to choose between dying your hair blue for a week or dancing on a table of your local pub until you fall off or get arrested, which option would you take?

poet Anonymous

blue hair.

try again with your favorite saying

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14457

Newton worked it out at approx 52 minutes
"am I bothered "

Why is a ton of gold heavier than a ton of feathers

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 12th June 2012
Forum Posts: 1028

It's not they are equal

Why do you ask trick questions?

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14457

It is not a trick question, it's perfectly valid: gold is weighed in a different tonnage that is heavier than your average ton

Do you think you need to work on your problem solving skills ?

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