
Discuss, Rod McKuen, another great poet passes away.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873    

(April 29, 1933 – January 29, 2015)

Another great poet has passed away.  Rod McKuen who often turned his poetry into music passed away at the age of 81.  His most recognizable work was Seasons in the Sun.  Since I first heard that song I have been a fan of Rod’s.  McKuen, like another of my favorite poets, Felix Dennis, was snubbed by the academics for being too silly and unsophisticated.  I think his popularity has proven them wrong.

Pretty good for a guy who quit school at age eleven.

For those of you who would like to see Rod performing Seasons in the Sun, follow the youtube link.

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

What a great poem from a great poet.  What is interesting, is that he developed his poetry style while living in France.  He and a poet from Belgium, were fascinated by a type of poetry that was popularized by French troubadours during the Renaissance.  To be honest, I'm not smart enough to understand it's scheme completely, but I understand it is a lot like Afghan Landays.  Made up of metered verses that can be customized by the poets who recite them.  That's how I've defined it, but I'm probably missing the mark and would certainly welcome anyone else's insight.    

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