
Rub It In

poet Anonymous

wrinkled swordsman smears
coyly, pomegranates drift
cherries singing, pink

Okay! I confess: I tapped a random word generator and it spat this haiku at me. Now can I claim it for my own copyright?
I saw it as erotica.

poet Anonymous

certainly more complex than the 50 shades trilogy, as for the copyright thing...why not.

poet Anonymous

I'll say it again: Spambots (and random jibberish generators) are the poets of the future. lol.

poet Anonymous

This reminds me of a similar occurrence in the world of media artists.
True story:
Judges stood in an art gallery eyeing new displays from amateur artists on tables.  Scupltures, paintings, mixed media presentations were among the pieces to be awarded.

The judges came wide eyed to a brown bag filled with groceries. "Oh, see how strategically the artist has arranged the items in the rather round sack. The celery stalks hang like a palm tree over banana which rests between two oranges. Outside the bag lies a bruised tomatoe, looking a bit lonely and wet. This seems to represent two lovers who have escaped to a tropical isle and the blushing, sad ex lover has been forsaken as rotten."

Turns out the bag was simply placed on the table temporarily by a patron who had to use the restroom. He had just shopped at the local grocery store and decided to browse the gallery on his way home.

He won first prize.

This simply shows that art (like poetry) is in the interpreting mind of the beholder.

poet Anonymous

thats hilarious, truly says a lot about modern art and sounds like a case where "perception replaces bare recognition".

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 3rd Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 130

Isn't your haiku exactly analogous to the objets trouve of the visual arts, Duchamp's urinal being the most famous example. So you have a clear precedent for claiming it as your own.

poet Anonymous

I was in Home Depot last week, looking at paint for my rooms. In the corner where the colors are mixed by employees rows of rectangular pieces of hard plastic stood on the service counter. I supposed they were used to hold paint cans in place when they were being shook on the mixing machines. They looked like frames, because the center of each was sunken in and had layers of color splatter. My mind saw all kinds of images within the frames.

I asked the service clerk if they would sell me a couple of the pieces. I figured I could title them according to what images I saw and set them up as art. Of course he shook his head and said "they are not for sale." I'll bet they went in the trash. What a waste of art.

poet Anonymous

Random Word Haiku for today.

sleeplessly, nightmare
blooms, gray shadows lying small
flute frowning, stumbling

---I'll title it "Pan Hits a Bad Tooth"

poet Anonymous

Oh shaddup, Holly. I can still bite you.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

lol... Here's one for today:

parasites slump, brutes
wait, pungent geese mumble, clowns
mystify bluntly

Here's the link if anyone wants to play random haiku:

poet Anonymous

Today's randomly generated smut:

proudly white plowboy
fornicates, free-spirited
seedy gnome bloating

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