
Thank all ye humans and non-humans.

poet Anonymous

So this is mostly stemming from the two part massive spiderweb of utter patheticness I managed to slap myself into posting. However, I don't have regrets. Fuck regrets. Past is past.
So if you managed to read all of that disater before i melted your eyes, ye know I'm pretty fucked up. More that a bit of a druggie, split personalities, too much caffeine and too little sleep. Too much shit going on in this sack of bricks i call life.. Since both my hands are already fucking hurt from punching the living shit out of walls, I wrote.
I wrote and I fucking let it out because this site is the only place that'd just absorb it. I suppose I best mention that  I got a professional, but I can't let go as much. Here, I can stay behind my screen. I don't have to get face to face with someone and spill out my putrid guts. I know three people on this site. Three, and it feels like more of a home than any other place I've tried to stick myself in. Dunno if that makes sense. Don't really care. Its simple, really. I'm not afraid here, because if I want I can pwoof and disappear. At school, I let loose, I get looks. People stare and worry and that's not how I want to live. I dont want to live with a doctor on my back, having to takes meds and do yoga or something like that. With professionals I never connected anyway.
This site....I can be me here.  Its different that way. I don't have to worry about hate here because written words are easier to ignore and like I said, I can just pwoof. I've been here barely a month and I blend in still but I am here, and I feel like I have one place now. And I wanna say thanks to all of ye persons. I'm a stranger to almost all of you but I have a place here, and that's a start. That's a start and I really don't have much else to go on. But it gave me hope somehow, somehow being a stranger gave me hope. So thanks, all of ye. Stay creepy.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 41

That's what we here for

poet Anonymous

And for that you all have my highest thanks. Not much, but its what I have to offer ^-^

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 41

It is enough my fellow!

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