
Decisions on decisions ?

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 22nd Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 23

I want to know what people think about parents not letting their teenage offspring join the military.
Like my situation for example.

I am a seventeen year old female which wants to join the navy.
My parents were on board with everything, but now they totally backed out. My birthday is next month so I can sign for myself. I was about to sign my contract tomorrow but they said they're not okay with it. So now I have to wait till I'm officially an "adult".
What makes me really mad is the fact that I already act like an adult. I work, I go to school full time, I pay my bills & take care of myself. But my parents don't understand that this is what I want to do with my life.
My mother told me that she doesn't want me to leave.
& she doesn't want to make this decision for me & if something goes wrong I'll blame her.
But this is what I want to do.
I am aware of the consequences & things that might happen because of the military, but I want this.

So again, my question. What do you think about this?

Guardian of Shadows
United States 87awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5598

I think you'll never fully understand your mother's viewpoint until you become one yourself. It's tough losing our children to the military, to college, to growing up--make sure this is what you truly want right now, because the military will own you for a while. Look down the road a ways too, and see what your other life goals are and if they'll work out with time in the service. You're young, and life will change many times, but you also have to start somewhere. Remember too, that you might get an unpleasant assignment too--my brother in law just got shipped to Liberia as a military nurse, to treat the Ebola patients.. Make an informed choice because it's not always as glamourous as the military ads will lead you to believe. Good luck!

poet Anonymous

I wish I'd had a mom (parents) like that...

Pariah Shadow
Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 31st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 1633

I am 18 and I wont be an adult until next june, the state I am from your are not an adult until 19, you have to obey the laws, and just imagine if it was your kid going off, to the navy no less.
I think you'd be skeptic as well, any way when your an adult you can do as you please but until then, it doesn't matter how adult you act, your not one, I work full times and everything, doesn't mean I am an adult. So just sit tight and wait till your birthday. That's all you can do.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16181

Like Miki...I wish I had a Mom. I wished I have listened to her more when she was around. Decisions are yours to make as an adult but it may not always be the right one. Your mother has lived longer and learned more, so listen to her. But ultimately its your decision: listen or leave.

Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333

i think what you really want is to travel, to have a change of scenery and the freedom to explore your world. it's only natural. i can't tell you what to do, the military has benefits and it is also a business. so they own you when you sign the dotted line, just make sure you you know what you getting into. i almost joined, but i don't like taking orders from nobody. i don't like mother fuckers telling me what to do, what to eat, when to shit, when to sleep, i don't got no tolerance for that type of shit, nobody need to tell me shit, I know what I need to know when I'm good and ready to know it. that's why I ain't join and why I don't like prison, hospitals, or courtrooms. so nobody can tell you what to do, you do whatever the fuck you want.

tay mmm
Strange Creature
United States
Joined 29th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2

They just seem to be worried. I'm sure they are proud of what you have and plan to accomplish, but don't want to let you go just yet. My parents are extremely supportive of what I want to do and would support this type of decision if I had made it, but they have pulled the rug out from under me before in another situation (doing a REALLY EXPENSIVE study abroad program). I was young and they didn't want me to end up regretting something when I already had to accept the mistake (spending my savings early or something). Granted, that's a stretch and not the situation you're in, but I'm trying xP

I would talk with them about how this would start your life and how you feel. That you wouldn't ever blame them for something you chose. They may not be able to do anything about it when you go, but maybe you can convince them before that it was the best decision for you and the rest of your life. And thank them for everything, even if they are still hesitant.
Sorry if this didn't help at all, but I hope it helped a little.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 21st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 41

My Father felt the same way but only because he was a veteran of Korea, and his father was a WWII Veteran. Both brought home physical and emotional wounds from those conflicts that were never healed. Both were also screwed by the government when they came home. He just didn't want me to go through the same thing.
It wasn't a matter of me living or dying. Sure you can get a lose a leg or a life while serving overseas, but that's a possibility every time you chose to step out of your house everyday. Especially if you're from where I was raised.
Whether you go or not just weigh the pros and cons. Many people who join the military these days come home jaded. America is in a perpetual state of war, which means that most likely, if you get shipped out, it will be to some dry a** desert country where they don't sell alcohol, or have nightclubs. You'll be getting hit on by Muslim men who generally have no respect for American women (Not by our standards anyways).
It would be different if the military allowed you to travel to new and exotic places like they used to, but that's hardly the case anymore. The second you enlist, you're being trained to fight terrorist abroad or American citizens at home (any enemy foreign or domestic).
I would go to a military academy first if I were you. It increases the chances of you doing something other than "grunting". You seem like a smart young lady. An officer's life would suit you just fine.
Just my opinion. Whatever you choose...
Happy Trails

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