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Revolting Americans

Tyrant of Words
Spain 8awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2915

In case of revolution don't touch that dial

poet Anonymous

Now repeat after me
I am free

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

the "big takeover" is a scam. there is plenty of revolutionary ambition in America, just no need to broadcast it

Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645

it's sad and it sux but you have to infiltrate the system to take over. no one is making titan strides on the street, but if you can put yourself in a marketable position without falling victim to corporate greed you can make a huge difference. not to say that every lil bit doesn't count but if jay z was focused more on homelessness and healthcare than getting your average listener to brush they shoulder's off [when they will never even own their own home]so he can purchase personal planes and basketball teams than
we might move forward....

the bottom buys the bullshit so the top can stay there....

Tyrant of Words
Spain 8awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2915

Seems Osuma wants more sanctions against Europe.

Looks like we have to wait a year to find out who shot the plane. Seems kind of sus to me, I know who I suspect, what with that many satellites floating about, yet conveniently switched off when this happened.

Fire of Insight
United States 1awards
Joined 10th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 29

I suppose that an answer for getting liberated from the system might be doing as Ralph Waldo Emerson did and focus more on self-reliance and nature. If we cease to have our lives so dependent on the motions of society and technologies, then we can start anew at the base and the simplicities of our existence, and we can renovate our government through certain enlightened revolutions.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2010
Forum Posts: 748

I assumed Carpe's original title was a deliberate pun based on the fact that the phrase can be read in two different ways and was therefore 'ironic'. As for all the 'Let's overthrow big business and grow our own food' nonsense, how many of you have smartphones, computers, nice fashionable earphones and all the other gadgets and conveniences made by people working for next-to-nothing in sweatshops on the other side of the world? These sweatshops are owned and run, of course, by big business. Let's face it, we're all part of a system that we're not going to overthrow, even if we could. The best we can do is try to conduct our individual lives and relationships in a way which has some love, honour and humility in it. Beyond that, the world will continue to go its own way.

Strange Creature
Joined 28th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 1

This discussion is wonderful. Why can't everyone feel this way?

Thought Provoker
Joined 10th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 261

Carpe_Noctem said:Remember when it was cool to throw tea into Boston harbour.
Thirty percent tax funding wars of non agression, all in the name of freedom and liberty..
Working three jobs at seven bucks a pop.
Long live the American dream, I hear the south will rise again.

Any idea when?

Tell me, are you referring to the Antebellum south of old where people such as the Muskogee, Choctaw and Cherokee were forced off their lands so slave owning white people could establish sprawling plantations?

If so, fuck that concept of the south.

Thought Provoker
Joined 10th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 261

Oh yeah, fuck Ron Paul and his flock's envisioned America as well. We really don't need a repeat of the founding father's America where women had no rights because they were deemed mentally inferior, where Black people were thought of as property/livestock and indigenous people were thought of as enemies, or obstacles that should be removed by genocide or else imprisoned on reservations.

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