
What determines:  Coincidence vs Fate

Fire of Insight
Joined 14th July 2013
Forum Posts: 466

Thoughts pls?

Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
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We are all one consciousness, collecting and sharing experiences, living on in seperate bodies, everything is predetermined by Fate.

Thought Provoker
Joined 11th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 257

we can measure coincidence to a degree through probability models, but you can't measure fate.
The problem with determinism is it becomes heavily integrated with the experience of apophenia, making distinct connections to points of information that otherwise have no apparent relation.
If all events that intersect at a given moment is predetermined, we should be able to identify and measure something about it. We live in an observable reality.

Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1797

fiveamtuesday said:we can measure coincidence to a degree through probability models, but you can't measure fate.
The problem with determinism is it becomes heavily integrated with the experience of apophenia, making distinct connections to points of information that otherwise have no apparent relation.
If all events that intersect at a given moment is predetermined, we should be able to identify and measure something about it. We live in an observable reality.

And what you've just shared is the only reason I choose to stay alive.

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 31awards
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Coincidence and determinism makes the atoms move the way they do, while a being's fate can be changed in order to make the whole move a slightly different way.
Coincidence moves people so they cross paths, fate and self-made fate at that leads to how they will then act once their paths meet.

You can calculate a person's path to water, but you cannot fully understand how they think.

Fire of Insight
Canada 4awards
Joined 14th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 628

I dont believe in fate the tinyest deviation from your daily routene
A split second last minute decision can change your life forever
Never to be the same again

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
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Who is to say though that the last minute change or hesitation is not predestined. It could be a string on the whole web of that existence. Things that are meant to be.

Fire of Insight
Canada 4awards
Joined 14th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 628

Maybe who knows like that show final destination?
What about time travel
Because back to the future is a good show as well

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 7th Dec 2009
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Honestly, I've always believed it was up to whether or not there was/is a Creator and the qualities of that Creator.

If we take the Judeo/Christian God I do not believe that Free Will is possible. The qualities of their god are incompatible with the existence of Free Will.

If you take the God of Hinduism then Free Will is possible as that is what makes the Karma system possible.  The qualities of that God are different from the other.

Without any Creator altogether all you have is coincidence

Duncan Alexander
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 1awards
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Everything that happens is fate but subjectively everything that happens outside myself is going to be fatedepending on what I choose to do. That's asuming I'm a little piece of everything, God. Also that there is reason to everything.

Thought Provoker
Canada 1awards
Joined 30th July 2014
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To loosely quote the oracle, "You've already made the choice. Your here to understand why you made it." lol, But in reality I like to believe  that life is full of possibilities and free will allows us to choose which path we want to go down and how far we want to go down it, before we branch off.

Austin Rura
Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
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yeah... maybe im to much of a realist for poetry...

if fates real some people are then fated to be evil.
i for one know for a fact that i have the total option of good or evil.
i can be greedy, or i can be charitable.
i can be murderous, or i can be lifegiving and friendly... etc.
with anything else other than fate/gods plan/etc. at least we still have the option of good or evil and arent just pawns in a playing field.
i go with coincidence %100 no matter how damning the evidence for divine intervention may seem.
MHO its just us, our decisions and our duty to make this world a better place for each other.
either we build it up, or we burn it down... fate be damned. its our choice.

poet Anonymous

There are many theories about both whether they are mutually inclusive or exclusive.  In the absence of logical explanation a situation ends up being labeled as such.  

But in my opinion, coincidences are nothing more than perfectly timed opportunities which are present at any given time.  Available to each and every one of us up for grabs but if perception is not present they become nothing but missed chances.  

Then one might ask, what is a chance or luck?  Are some people born lucky and other's aren't?  To some degree some are born where things naturally happen easier for them and most studies point that it depends how a person translates events in life with pessimistic and optimistic personalities.

I do believe that there is some amount of fate/destiny programmed in every one of us manipulated slightly by circumstances outside of our power such as our environment.  Although, we do have the power to control our fate/destiny to some degree and again for that to happen higher degree of awareness and perception need to be present.

Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333

both coincidence and fate use time, they use perfect timing down to the exact second. coincidence I find to be mechanical whereas fate is magical. coincidences can be important and noticeable but fate is life altering and mind blowing, even when sublime and silent. fate gets under your DNA and changes it, whereas coincidence only gets your attention. coincidence tackles you but lets you live to play another pass, fate changes the game, we no longer playing football with men, we playing with gods and angels.

Fire of Insight
Joined 14th July 2013
Forum Posts: 466

and I am so very sorry I am only reading this now..  you've met both, courted and entertained them and your conclusion is spot on......  curtsy bow to you..

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