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Why do we make life so complicated?

Lost Thinker
Joined 3rd Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 19

We ask unanswerable questions, expect things we'll never have or that will never happen. Wee think too much, keep looking back instead of looking forward and worry too much about the gigantic things, instead of focusing in one step at a time. We don't take enough risks, don't do half the things we actually want to do and then we get frustrated. We keep giving too much importance to what other people say, do or think and forget to just worry about ourselves first and accept that everyone's different, although not everyone will accept our differences. We could also be a little less jealous of other people (like those who don't worry about how complicated life is and just live and seem happier than us).

poet Anonymous

Life is as complicated as you make it. Personally, if you go through something that changes your life nothing much bothers you after that. Live the way you want to live, and dump the crap. Life's too short for anything else.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 21st Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 16

Some things now a days can pressure us so bad as to think we have to be that perfect for something. You would find yourself blurting out the sarcastic response of "Oh I'm sorry I can't be perfect." But the way one can make life less complicated, to me, is to do what you love and love what you do.

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