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Does a/multiple god(s) exist?

Somebody Useless
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 20th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 33

We as humans can only assume that a god does exit while on the other hand we can assume that he doesn't exist. We can also assume that there are multiple gods that do exist. But with all of the possibilities in the world who knows who is right. That's what I think of it.

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 31awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6699

Alright, I will bite the bait if no one else will.

We as humans believe and disbelieve far more than what you have detailed. To the atheists and to those who follow a reality based on logic, without any concrete proof such as God presenting himself/herself/itself then there is only an assumption of God.

For Non-Christians, but those of another religion such as Hinduism or ancient religious system such as that of Ancient Rome or Ancient Greece, multiple gods is integral to the belief system. Many ancient pantheons have multiple gods, and for the European/Middle Eastern religions the multiple gods were integrated into Christianity.

The multiple gods as one god has been covered by Christianity in the past in Europe, but often that is based upon a case of non-Roman gods as Roman gods. 'Sulis et Minerva' at Bath in England: the Celt goddess Sulis being equated with the Roman goddess Minerva.

On a completely sidestepping note, one away from religion, the idea of multiple realities means that what is right in this world (world as in reality) is not necessarily the same in another reality. Such as a reality where the world is exactly the same as this one but has no internet yet has something similar or such.

I could go on but am hardly an expert on this. Still, seems a shame to have a thread with no replies...

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 16th Apr 2014
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Sometimes I don't think anything exists. Not that I believe in evolution because it's just a theory. I think when we die that's it, nothing just blank, no heaven nor hell.I don't feel like anything exists because I think religion is just based on fear. Fear of the unknown is where religion gives an answer to the weak. I mean it'd be nice if it did, but such as Christianity the old and new testament was created by man, the Torah was created by man, churches are created by man and temples are created by man, dont you think the bible is biased based on the people who wrote it? as it promotes slavery, encourages rape, forces women to marry rapists, sell children, and kill people that practiced homosexuality?

Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 13

I believe god is an abstracted view of ones self, if your in touch with yourself your in touch with god.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 7th Dec 2009
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I believe that the concept of God is a projection of humankind; our desires, dreams, wishes, strengths, and all of their opposites too. There is  no empirical proof for the existence save for this one thing: the more we learn, apply, and know the more we can predict how things work.  That means there are concrete laws to the universe. What being could create the very laws that dictate how the universe works? Only one that created the whole thing.  I believe God is very similar to what we do here. We tell stories. we dictate how the story will unfold.  Do I believe that God has a gender? No, that seems very limiting for such a powerful being. Do I believe has a true physical form? No, again, if you could be anything in the whole of Creation why would you be any one thing for very long. Humans want God to look and act like us so we have justification to behave the way we do.

matthew bass
Fire of Insight
Honduras 7awards
Joined 22nd Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 334

I had an opinion on this, but Pierre expressed it much more eloquently than i am able to, so im just gonna say "what Pierre said"

Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
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It begins very slowly, progresses from barren to material world, my vessel. The further I get into heaven, the more I hear the radio and its brief segments; subliminal messaging of tracks, television shows and advertisements of shit I've already heard. They're briefing me on how far I have to go, what my current state of progression is. Then it comes in waves of nostalgia, everything I've done. Everything that went unpunished, everything that was ripped out from under me. have something to cherish. But life has a way of coming in at full force, in floods. I want more. I need more. To feed that black pit in the depths of my soul. To answer my questions regarding life, death and all in between. I want everything I believe in to be ripped out from under me. Cut into edible little pieces and fed back to me. I want to drown in a flood, any flood. Many floods, I die and die again, my screams drowned out under the water, above the water. In the sky under the black clouds and pouring rain. Then it falls away and I'm back in that same seemingly infinite progression of separated consciousness.

And then the heat starts to pick up, I can feel red. I can't see it, but the sensation and feeling is indescribable and I begin to feel a screaming desperation inside of my chest, it builds to the point of agony and keeps building, I feel the agony and pain, coupled with overwhelming heat and pressure. And the radio takes as long as possible to describe every fucking moment until I finally break free of this heaven-hell. I could literally feel my heart breaking just knowing my escape would be delayed, my stay in that black, fiercely indifferent pit of freezing cold and searing hot heaven-hell.  And finally, I separate from the Final pole and regain consciousness. That's what I believe happens when you die, or are separated from your material body. That's from my personal experience. No gods, no religions.. Just that endless pit of infinite agony. The indifference of it all is so overwhelming and constant, it traps me between ultimate pain and pleasure. Feeling everything and nothing.

And that fucking black pit. Rears its hideous splendour at me. Showing me everything I've done. Forcing me to look at myself with the most utter vehemence. I have never experienced anything more intense.

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

I have to say Evan, that was good.

poet Anonymous

I have come to accept a very pantheistic view of "God" in the last few years, a philosophy that has great respect for science. I've always had a very close relationship with nature and have found great comfort outside. Where as Christians believe that God is everything, Pantheists believe that everything is God. I genuinely believe that I use the word "God" as a descriptive term for how I feel about a sustainable planet. Nature is everything to me. It feeds us, heals us, sustains us. In the end I will die and be recycled into the Earth. So that's what I believe about the definition of "God". I'm also very open minded to the fact that people have different beliefs and viewpoints, I have a very accepting mindset.

We'll never know what's correct and what's not and I refuse to beat myself up about it anymore. I just believe what makes me happy.

Fire of Insight
Canada 4awards
Joined 14th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 628

I am god bow down puny mortals mowahahahaha

Fire of Insight
Canada 4awards
Joined 14th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 628

I think i agree with missy on this one kinda
Mother nature is queen bee

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 31awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6699

Although I am not particularly religious, I would be greatly saddened if there was undeniable proof that there was no God to such an extent that it completely removed religion from the human experience.

I mean sure, we live in an age where religion is looking rather outdated and a rather prickly pear with a somewhat bellicose and violent temperament at times, but to have no God I think would be awful. It would at least destroy a significant chunk of words if nothing else: why say something is heavenly with earnest confidence when the word heaven has become empty and a laughing stock.

Basically this thread started out as one about multiple gods as god and has turned into a case where there are no gods. I hate the idea that modern life has led us to a time where although we decry religion for its faults we also exile it from us and its benefits, leaving nothing but a blasted void. At least religion gives a hopeful if partial lie about existence about death, science hardly steps up to fill the gap, and other modern things focus far too much on the life and not the life-after.

Well, the rest of you said some stuff so that justifies this goobledy-gook maybe. Bah, ignore my ramblings it is unfashionable and almost unlawful here. In England there is knob-tossing and knob-darts, but before you book a plane ticket it is door knobs.

Guardian of Shadows
United States 87awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5601

I'm a Bible-believing Christian, but I still live in the real world too.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 9th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1391

Isn't one of those sadistic (and imaginary) things enough?

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