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What should be done?

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 2993

Those who are out and out guilty of such things should be taken out of society for good... institutionalized for the sake and safety of children.

It has to be radical to bring about prevention... make someone think before they do such cruel acts.  

Guardian of Shadows
United States 87awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5601

Personally I think the answer lies in prevention and deterring those from committing the crimes in the first place.  Instead of using animals for scientific experiment, why not use prisoners?  We have a whole host of them just waiting in their jail cells, and what better way to see the effect of research on humans, than to use one.  

Now I know some will say that's socially unacceptable and nothing short of what Hitler did, but the difference is, is that Hitler went after innocents; prisoners aren't innocents, and there are plenty of hardcore rapists, murders, child molesters, etc. that are putting a strain on our tax dollars to keep them alive in jail.

Might be a good deterrent to committing crimes in the first place, if you knew you were going to be used for testing if you get sent to jail.  A bit Draconian, but there's too much wrist-slapping and loopholes, letting these assholes run free.

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 31awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6699

Now this will probably sound idealistic but I would rather have it were people are not punished. Punish enough for a crime and suddenly the crime becomes more extreme: in for a penny, in for a pound. If child abuse gets you life (actual life not '30 years life') and murder gets you life why not abuse and kill. The problem is also the sense of peace in the West: the lack of desire to actually kill a problem by killing people, genocide is feared. So we just kill with kindess or rather limpness and general dampness of action.

Craic's idea is a great idea. Though there are some problems. An important one being that if you remove a 'defect' completely it does not necessarily mean what you have left is truly human, or a human who will not commit the same crime/action again through the defect methods. A benefit definitely is that it would bew a swift and decisive cure for the defect by screening and treating everybody.

Though as a dreamer and indealist, I like to think that if you distract a person or people from doing an action or by using their talents towards a different goal then the problem is eradicated and has no place to exist. Basically if all the child abuses are done by people with the gene 'tsb23' and causes them to be violent and aggressive, I would like them to be able to freely express that anger. Possibly make them the soldiers, but better if they do it through art or sport or something else. That way the 'tsb23' gene is repressed from causing pain to others without having to be removed. But thats aload of fancy words from me.

Quite possibly the general cause for child abuse in the West, or in Britain at least, could be due to a sense of dissatisfaction: the promised life but never achieved. The age old desire for sex, money, meaning, and general happiness which modern life with adverts, judgemental busybodies, and disdain for slightly harmful pleasures (smoking, drinking, some drugs) does not help with.

It does also help that we live in an age of checks and balances for the many, but none for the few truly powerful and rich. A world where service to society (police, hospital, fire, social services) comes with the stalking shadow of accountability where meekness is fine but going the extra mile is more than your job is worth.

If you want some answer from me then roll on the tyrant of tomorrow: where the world bends to their will and they own the world and want nothing more than to actually make it better and care about everything. Now back to the grim reality in the studio...

R. T.
Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 2nd Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 48

If they are found to be guilty without a doubt, give them a choice to be shot first or buried alive. This may not be the perfect answer but at the least those pieces of excrement will not ever become repeat offenders nor be a burden on society.

Thought Provoker
Joined 17th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 232


Twisted Dreamer
Canada 2awards
Joined 16th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 67

ugh just reading that first post there pisses me off.
god these people need to get their heads checked because if theyd do that to a child, theres something seriously wrong.
bloody bonkers, they are.

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 2awards
Joined 16th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 67

wait sorry, im new to this site. im trying to contribute, but i dont know how to delete posts i dont want x(

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 2awards
Joined 16th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 67

MadameLavender said:Personally I think the answer lies in prevention and deterring those from committing the crimes in the first place.  Instead of using animals for scientific experiment, why not use prisoners?  We have a whole host of them just waiting in their jail cells, and what better way to see the effect of research on humans, than to use one.  

Now I know some will say that's socially unacceptable and nothing short of what Hitler did, but the difference is, is that Hitler went after innocents; prisoners aren't innocents, and there are plenty of hardcore rapists, murders, child molesters, etc. that are putting a strain on our tax dollars to keep them alive in jail.

Might be a good deterrent to committing crimes in the first place, if you knew you were going to be used for testing if you get sent to jail.  A bit Draconian, but there's too much wrist-slapping and loopholes, letting these assholes run free.

i beleive texas allowed something of this sort.

Thought Provoker
Joined 10th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 261

Can't help but notice child abuse, especially if it happens near enough to one's location and then there's the horrible stories in the papers and television news. How such terrible news affects those it is presented to. Then there's the other child abuse and most news of it is usually limited if presented at all for various reasons. Not cases of twisted parents across town beating kids into bloody pulps or locking them up in closets while mom, dad, or both are swilling booze or on a meth binge.

The other abuse occurs far from your comfortable settings and not on your television or in your papers.

Entire families hacked to pieces by machetes in some east African ethnic cleansing. Children by the thousands succumbing to starvation and disease, many of them never reaching their third year. Children bombed into hamburger or maimed for life when a middle eastern city is blasted into rubble. 12 year old harem girls ravished by some oil rich Saudi sheikh. The boys buggered by Father McFeely down in the church basement.

Probably not a good idea to touch upon when commenting in a regulated group mindset where words of such may push against political leanings, trounce upon nationalism,imperialism and colonialism and capitalism, be it current or from some kingdom's seemingly glorious past causing other lands wounds, some long in healing if ever at all. Then there's the blind faithful, zealots and various clergy members. People, usually the privileged or those who have benefited from the abuse their countries, kingdoms, nations, empires or great religions have caused in other lands as well to the less desirable people within their own.  

Lost Thinker
Joined 18th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 9

MadameLavender said:Personally I think the answer lies in prevention and deterring those from committing the crimes in the first place.  Instead of using animals for scientific experiment, why not use prisoners?  We have a whole host of them just waiting in their jail cells, and what better way to see the effect of research on humans, than to use one.  

Now I know some will say that's socially unacceptable and nothing short of what Hitler did, but the difference is, is that Hitler went after innocents; prisoners aren't innocents, and there are plenty of hardcore rapists, murders, child molesters, etc. that are putting a strain on our tax dollars to keep them alive in jail.

Might be a good deterrent to committing crimes in the first place, if you knew you were going to be used for testing if you get sent to jail.  A bit Draconian, but there's too much wrist-slapping and loopholes, letting these assholes run free.

I agree with madamelavander. I don't think death is a solution and yes there are too many loop holes in the system. It could work as  a deterrent.

I may not be a parent yet because I have lost my 2 babies but still I can't imagine how someone is able to do such things to their child.

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