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What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

sexpoems said:I think what ravenofsorrow said was the best answer you've gotten for your trivial question. But here are my thoughts on reality and the universe. I believe we live, and everyone else in human history has lived the same life over and over again repeatedly. Hundreds, thousands, millions, even billions of times before. When we die, we die the same death as before, when were are born, we are born into the same life we lived before. We simply repeat the universe's grand design. I believe we are encoded in space time. Not in 1's and 0's though. It would be more simple and yet complex. As humans we have souls. I believe in souls. I believe souls somehow transfer to other bodies, when the other body is born. You don't have memory but you may dream of things that seem peculiar and strange. Some people have spoken about past life experiences but I'm not so sure if they can since I don't believe we have memory after death. Or a higher state of memory I have yet to fully grasp in my own life, that isn't like the memory in our brains. So with this thought, what could you do to change your reality when you die and relive your own life again? Would you do anything to change that, or you just don't care about your dimensional persona, the person that is you but not consciencely you? If you find this fascinating, please do read my poetry, you might find some answers to your questions, and some I have yet to post. My poetry is very philosophical.

You understand that the maths doesn't work with this, right? Think carefully...perhaps draw a small diagram...

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

RavenofSorrow said:God and his creation are One. Yet God hides himself from his creation to give himself the joy of discovering God. God is both Creator and the Created. This is also known as the Wisdom of Balance. The Uncreated God and The Created God are One, yet the creation is attached to the grand illusion of separateness. Whenever God's creation discovers God, God discovers himself all over again. God delights in the dance of hiding and discovering his glory. The Cosmic Dance of Shiva.

Your life is your part in this awesome Cosmic Dance. Your birth begins with your God Consciousness hid from you. If you have not discovered your unlimited potential in this life you will die, and your soul will go to the unseen state awaiting its chance for another birth. This is the gem of knowledge known as Reincarnation.

You are a child of God because you come from God and you can return to God. As God's child your destiny is to grow up to become God as Christ is God or as Buddha is God. Your choice.

To walk the same path the Buddha walked perfectly, you must renounce all attachments. Free yourself of attachment to this world 7 days a week, 24 hours a day and you will transcend suffering. Attachment leads to suffering. All that is subject to arising is subject to cessation. To transcend suffering one must cease the cycle of arising and cessation. Of birth and death. You become One with the Absolute Awareness. You return to your true source, you return to The Uncreated God. You achieve this Oneness through the practice of meditation. Zen is a blended path of Tao and Buddhism that allows one to achieve this Oneness through meditative practice.

The path of Christ requires you to repent of your evil and accept the sacrifice of Christ. Christ as God in the Flesh died for you, so you can achieve eternal life regardless of past lifes. Christ is the same eternal one who restored the earth after the Rebellion of Lucifer. Lucifer tried to stop all souls on Earth from achieving Buddhahood. Christ created on the seventh day the Sabbath to make it easier to achieve union with God. Instead of renouncing the world 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, you simply renounce the world and commune with God once every seven days. Christ is Lord of the Sabbath for he created the Sabbath for the benefit of mankind. 4,000 years later he allowed himself to be born into the world to die for the world. To die that we may have eternal life. The blended path of Judaism and Christianity teaches that we can be resurrected into the Kingdom of God as an eternal Co-heir of Christ.

Christio-centric pseudo-babble doesn't explain it for me.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 7th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 2808

I believe a mystical and unending sky man ate a star, farted nebulas and then shit us out, gassy souls and all.  We are special as each piece of fecal debris that was excreted into the commode that holds our universe.  When Sky man is done he will flush us all away.  Here is a relevant song and a video



Twisted Dreamer
Joined 18th May 2011
Forum Posts: 30

I don't know if anyone has said this before but I think the meaning of life lies with the question, not the answer. I think we're to try. And answer it without success. Hear me out first. What do people do while trying to find the meaning of life. Drop a fiver in a bum's cup, love thy neighbours, console a crying people. We become better people. It has no direct answer and because of that, there is no beautifully designed question.
To prove my point, imagine we had an answer. Let's say the meaning of life was oreos. (do not ask me why or how the meaning of life could be oreos). All of life, all the millions of years of evolution, and it's oreos!? No answer will please everyone. Suicides would be through the roof and blah blah blah. If it was love thy neighbour like you love yourself, well I was a self harmer so the next time I'm asked to lend the lawn mower they're screwed.
It's like the god question. Say we had proof god was real. Me and millions of other faithless would be up. Shit creek without a boat. Or say we proved god wasn't real. Every single person of faith, can you imagine that kind of loss. A god shaped hole in their lives.
What I'm trying to say is we're better without an answer. The meaning of life lies in the question, not the answer

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

oh i believe in god. there has to be some bastard up there laughing at all of this

Mr A
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 17awards
Joined 24th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 1878

Just because we haphazardly came into existence, don't try and validate yourself with words like meaning. Get on with dying, like every other special fucker.

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 19th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 453

all of your views are interesting. im glad I can look at it from different perspectives. ive had many fluctuations in my beliefs so its hard to really say what I believe because belief is not something concrete. my faith could change in an instant. like first I never believed in reincarnation.. then I did.. now im really not sure. now ive grown up Christian. I don't want to be one of those hippocritical stereotypical Christian who love to condemn others who seek the truth. ive read my bible. ive read the bhagavad gita, ive read the teachings of bhudda, some of madam blavatskys isis unveiled and the secret doctrine. I know I could be wrong on a lot of things.

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 19th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 453

i think as a Christian that my religion has sort of morphed into something it wasn't meant to be. theres still some of its purity left but so many unanswered questions. jesus says we are gods, but if i were to walk into any church and say i am a god i would be chased out. but nevertheless i still remain a Christian. maybe Christian/ bhuddist? idk i see a lot of good in meditation. a lot of Christians will say meditation is unChristian but even jesus meditated. but i think Christianity gets a bad rep nowadays because of the large number of idiots cllaming to be Christians that march around with signs that say God hates fags and stuff but that when that's an outright lie. he hates the sin not the sinner. that's a big difference. but idk where im going with this. i guess what im trying to say is maybe everyones right and everyones wrong at the same time. i mean that doesn't make sense but what does? i gues the only thing that's ceartain is that nothing is for certain..

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

TheWalrus said:Yes, answer this "question", WITHOUT the 42's please
I want your honest opinion on why we have physical bodies on earth.

because we can. It is possible, so it is. it got bored of not being so, so it gave it a run. Dance or crumble

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

TheWalrus said:I do not mean what our physical bodies look like, but why they are here doing our mind's bidding.  Why could we not just communicate mentally, without a physical body?

we just did

poet Anonymous

hemihead said:[quote-203474-sexpoems]I think what ravenofsorrow said was the best answer you've gotten for your trivial question. But here are my thoughts on reality and the universe. I believe we live, and everyone else in human history has lived the same life over and over again repeatedly. Hundreds, thousands, millions, even billions of times before. When we die, we die the same death as before, when were are born, we are born into the same life we lived before. We simply repeat the universe's grand design. I believe we are encoded in space time. Not in 1's and 0's though. It would be more simple and yet complex. As humans we have souls. I believe in souls. I believe souls somehow transfer to other bodies, when the other body is born. You don't have memory but you may dream of things that seem peculiar and strange. Some people have spoken about past life experiences but I'm not so sure if they can since I don't believe we have memory after death. Or a higher state of memory I have yet to fully grasp in my own life, that isn't like the memory in our brains. So with this thought, what could you do to change your reality when you die and relive your own life again? Would you do anything to change that, or you just don't care about your dimensional persona, the person that is you but not consciencely you? If you find this fascinating, please do read my poetry, you might find some answers to your questions, and some I have yet to post. My poetry is very philosophical.

You understand that the maths doesn't work with this, right? Think carefully...perhaps draw a small diagram...[/quote]

Actually, I don't believe we could ever understand the mathmatics involved with the universe's grand design, until we've transended our physical limitations, like say a technological singularity. The universe, and mathmatics, would have a simple formula we've yet just begun if not only scratched a small idea as to what that could mean.

Back to my idea, it's based on a secret history, I draw the evidence from my own life experience as well as what is published for the public hidden in coded langauges. I've experienced proof, but it was more personal so in that sense, maybe it wouldn't be considered valid in scientific terms, since it was in my world that the proof became to reveal itself, with such clarity, unheard of.

I believe we live in "One Dimension", and it simply repeats itself through infinity. You always hear about multiverses, mutliple dimensions, string theory all that hoopla, but I don't believe that not from what I know from a secret history. Somehow space time loops itself back and forth. Not sure how thats possible from human standards. Just a thought, I'm not here to convert the main stream into my "One Dimensional Theory". But, if you had the evidence like I did and knew where to look, it would be very stimulating. Just a thought. Nothing more.

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 17th May 2013
Forum Posts: 306

There are laws of nature. If there was a God why would he make laws for himself?

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14455


all gather round in a circle, LB if you'd start a nice rhythm on your drum I'll lead us into song

♫♫ cum-by-ahh  me lord cum by-ee ahh, someones cuming me lord cum-by ahhhh ♫♫

but yeah, there's a heaven, now drink the drink provided and we'll all get there that bit quicker ...drink it!!

sexpoems ..you got no drink ..there's a perfectly good reason for that

miz Grin , you got three..coz you drink like a fish

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2627

I was born a bit deranged where does that fit into the equation? if there is a hell how is that fair when your born evil?

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14455

it just does Crims , if you're gonna insist on questioning me please do it telepathically... no death drink for you  stand over there with sexypoens  

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