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Guardian of Shadows
United States 87awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5601

Seatbelts:  I wear one always, no problem with it, and I believe that it should be a no-brainer to use them after seeing all the messes in the ER from accidents where people don't wear seatbelts.  Enforcing it, well...I think there are other things we should enforce more, like stricter border controls and many of the other bigger problems in our country.  Nitpicking on people wearing seatbelts is less of an issue to me, and while it should be personal choice, I would hope that people choose to wear them, as opposed to not.

Use of religious buildings across religions:  I'm of the standpoint that the building isn't the church or the mosque, or the whatever, but rather the people who attend services in these buildings, are the "Church", the "mosque", etc.  I feel that you don't have to attend a physical building and meeting to practice your beliefs, and for those who like the group atmosphere, it doesn't matter where you meet--church, library, coffee-house, someone's home--what matters is that you are focusing on your belief system and not where you practice it.  Therefore, use of "religious" buildings across faiths and beliefs, are of no matter to me, and shouldn't negate the belief itself, based on where it's housed.  But, I do agree with Vee, that if a building is of historical importance, it should be preserved as a structure alone.

Next question:  If you had to furnish your home entirely from one store, which store would you choose to purchase from?

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 315

Repurposing Religious Buildings... um, no... too many issues

Religious Buildings should be maintained as historcal if retired, or if not significant enough, respectfully demolished in a manner similar to the way that National Emblems are "Retired"

I dislike the practice of Satanists repurposing abandoned Christian Sites covertly (if Christianity doesn't suit you, find a Real Religion that does, i.e. Wicca, Tao, neoNordic, Judaism, Islam, etc... do not just toss something togeher to piss off those that pissed you off)

Walmart... in addition to furnishings it has almost every thing you need

What religion do you currently espouse (including Agnostic (you do not know what form god exists in) and Athiest(you know that god does not exist in any form)), and has that changed over the course of your life?

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

Discordian...been disco since I first discovered the dance

Most overrated writer in your opinion?

Fire of Insight
Joined 14th July 2013
Forum Posts: 466

whoever wrote "50 shades of grey" yet high five them for the monetary gain...

does everyone close to you know you write?

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 315

i am the only writer... i think raven might do lyrics and chords, but she doesnt publish...
having "dog poet" in my aol profile is what drew her to me...

What do you think of being a Poet/Writer/Artist  
Height of Insanity (me)
Blissful Madness
Sweet Catharsis (me)
What you need to survive (me)
Ehh, um, so what

poet Anonymous


Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14457

I think its a most noble affair with language. for me poetry, writing and telling stories took me at an early age, maybe ten or eleven. then life took over. I assume if I'd had any interest in school I'd probably have followed it up but I was working hard and playing harder by sixteen.

so, a most noble affair with language. I'd survive without it but have enjoyed trying to master it over the last couple of years.

out of Elaine Page, Nicole Scherzinger, and Madonna who (in your opinion) sang Don't cry for me Argentina better

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

No clue Craic...haven't heard any

What's the last good joke that you've heard?

poet Anonymous

can't remember ....

do you know a good joke?

Guardian of Shadows
United States 87awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5601

Yes--what's the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts? Answer: beer nuts cost about $1.29 and deer nuts are under a buck.

Do you make new year's resolutions, or just go with the flow on everything?

poet Anonymous

I'd never make a new years resolution. I can think of few things that are more against my nature and personality than that...but I am a firm believer of daily self confrontations and I'm pretty tough on me

do you think we should still be doing more in Space exploration or are the funding cuts appropriate?

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2077

The main drive for space exploration is to find new and alternative resources and possibly an alternative home planet if the earth becomes uninhabitable... which is looking inevitable. I think there needs to be more focus and investment in looking after Earth and it's resources. We need to reduce our impact on our environment and find some genuine world leaders with the foresight to plan for the future, instead of being obsessed with staying in power or economic wealth. I think less investment in space exploration is a good thing... but where is the funding going? Can I just say the prime minister of Australia is an embarrassment and a joke of a leader... I said it.

If you you could put any person [dead or alive] into to power to lead your country who would you choose and why?

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

Neal Cassady... senses turns at high speeds, and great commentary

World's best wizard?

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 315

the current head of the RNC

what song inspired your favorite memory
(mine was when i explained "the Bullet with butterfly wings" rat in a cage line to raven, and she gave me the most passionate kiss ever that was 1993-1995... and i still remember it.)

Fire of Insight
Joined 14th July 2013
Forum Posts: 466

"Forever Young - Alphaville" remixed to the hilt slipping in at the height of a night at the first rave hosted in my country's, tripping..free..aware that I was capturing a moment of my youth

What is the most important lesson you learned as a youth?

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