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Naked and shameful

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 12th June 2012
Forum Posts: 1028

why does it have to be sex?
why can't it be a sin just cuz someone said not to do it and did dispite god said not to eat it
doing something told not to that has no pain not to is a sin

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 12th June 2012
Forum Posts: 1028

and secoundly when i'm home alonne i walk nude and sleep nude
its just my body i have to live with it
feet have good tread on tile i can feel and expeance the world better
i find it like looking at the scy without the red hue of smog
don't see whats wrong with to lovers being nude
sex has a time and place doesn't have to do with nudity

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 7th Feb 2011
Forum Posts: 5

I am a nudist..no shame..clothes are sad, restricting....nude is free and natural...

Strange Creature
Joined 26th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 6

I wonder sometimes apart from Adam and Eve,  has any of the animal tasted that fruit.
But from the story, its definite that even god can't read a woman's mind.
After they have eaten the fruit obviously it will be a sin to put it laterally so its has to be figuratively.

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

In Genisus..
The act of picking the fruit..
Being naked and experiencing sexual desire and intimacy...

Are examples of free will.
I believe designed that way.
That is why they were cast out of paradise..
They chose free will over having the answers and things available in abundance right in front of them.
Its also an allegory having much to do with agriculture..

We walked out of the garden..now armed with knowledge and free will. To take care of ourselves alone..we had chosen..God saw us as ready.
No punishment, sin is a word of degree and God knows we will..does not necessarily bring anger..but consequences we choose.
Birth itself is original sin..not the act of Adam and Eves fuck.

So the answer to your question Wolf..
In Genesis
Nakedness is a figurative state..
They might have been nude.
But i believe its an obvious allegorical book..
Nakedness a state of mind and state of infancy of knowledge of all things..
Not just sex.

An apple was never mentioned in the book..
And the serpent though phallic..
Was a voice other than God..
The Devil if you will.
Yes, that can be a penis at times...
But it can be a million other things.
The fruit represented knowlage..
Though knowledge of our bodies and sex are included..so are a million other things.

Thought Provoker
Joined 22nd Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 281

The story of the forbidden fruit is a politically correct version
of the actual tale that is still found in Jewish mystical texts
Satan was not necessarily evil,  
it was just his job, given to him by God,
to tempt, to test people's actual resolve,

Eve was tempted and seduced by Satan,
thats right, Satan fcuks Eve really good.
forget this Apple stuff. Eve gets it good by Satan.

Adam, has had some past experiences with this Satan dude,
and this is as follows.  Before Eve, Adam was courting this chick, Lilith,
and Lilith had this women's lib thing about all things should be equal.
Damned Equal.  It should be just perfectly OK for her to ride Adam on top,
for example.  Well, Adam, being quite inclined to want to occupy the top spot,
could not lay the ground rules for a long term relationship, with this first chick,
and so she went on to be Satan's girl.
Well, I am quite sure Adam feels pretty bumbed out at this second turn of events
with Eve.

The general idea of shame associated with sex is rampant in latin derived cultures.
In fact, the word for female genitals, 'Pudendum'  comes from a Latin word meaning 'shame'

Fortunately, the rest of the world has some variety, such as the belly dancers of pre-muslim Arabia, and India, who creaed the Tantric Holy texts, and had the Queen have public sex with a Stallion at their regal parties.  
In Polynesian cultures, right up until the 1800's when european sailors and missionaries came on the scene, as noted by Samual Longhorn Clemens, would come to the missionary's churches stark naked, wearing the foreign bird feather decorated womens hats, as novelties.

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Yes Clewless..you are exactly right about Satan..i guess i should word that as agreed.
And im a big fan of the Lilith story..left in some Jewish texts..but written out of christiin..boo!

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