Poetry competition CLOSED 28th September 2016 1:05pm
Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
View Profile Poems by Jade-Pandora
RUNNERS-UP: beautiful_accident and Poetryman

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Supernatural Encounter

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16188

Poetry Contest

write about a strange or supernatural encounter- your own experience or someone you know.
Write a poem about a supernatural encounter that you or someone you know experienced.  It can be as long as 800 words.. No collaborations, new poems and please title it. Most of all have fun.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16188


Lost and Found

she wandered in the mists of time
lost in swirls of painful memories
never knowing what to do or how
to go home or move on

until she met a lost sad soul
in the jungle where her bone lies
the encounter a screamy meet
as dead girl met a man alive

Her bones were found
a friendship bound
and she moved into the light
and he found his way out

(not an entry)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16188

Ghostly Houseguest

I've had several. Most were in a house I used to own. There was one time I was alone in my bedroom and felt someone sit on my bed. I was wide awake so I know it wasn't a dream. The blankets even pulled down with it. Another time I was home with my three small children alone and a lantern we had hanging was swinging back and forth but no one had been near it. And another time I heard strange rolling noises coming from my attic, like dozens of marbles rolling back and forth.
(not an entry)

Just a bump. Bump!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16188

Inviting DU members to send in entries.♥♥♥

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

Writing Tomorrow Today

Dear all,
There is a nother world out there,
that we are a part of, but we are separate creatures in that world,
with limited abilities to sense it,
sometimes we sense it

we call it supernatural

I had a supernatural.occurrance
of the seventeenth kind

A Post tramatic train wreck
brought questions to my mind

you see, what i wrote came to be
in a manner most tragically

The lines I chose
were frivolous prose

So what I mentioned,
was not evil intentioned

but lo and behold
as tomorrow unfold

The words that I wrote
sunk the national boat

It brought sadness to all
and roused a vigilante call

If only I knew what I knew
would travel in twists, landed and grew

Rather I think it was
The depths of the dark
You cannot see it without a spark

a tea leaf reading of effect and cause

Were they not my words?
They arose frome some deeper world
They only made sense as time unfurled

to warn me to tell you
that something is amiss

That the demon is roaming
and is about to lay his kiss

If only I knew before hand
what his actions would be

Afterwords the words matched up
but already we have the broken cup

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16188

Thank you for your entry rabbitquest. You might want to give it a  title.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16188

Thank you Nemo and Insane. Hope you title your respective poem. Thanks rabbitquest for titling you poem.:)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16188

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

I see.Well I hope you write a real one soon.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16188

poet Anonymous


A few thousand sullen rocks
lapsed seagulls targeting Eden,
cigarettes on chapped lips
rolling out into the bay

cross-legged on the shore
I moderate my breath
count elements in imagery,
sing to the near-deep:

"listen" she cries,
skies in remission,
gifts of gold and blue-
"you must open doors,
seek that which is
seeking you"


tunnels disintegrate
within an apparent world,
she tallies morning on lungs
expanding rhythmic waves
out of body, into sea

shawls pale skin in water
rising from sleeping murk
and upon altars of herself
aeons of knowing
stitched into ethereal

Fire of Insight
United States 20awards
Joined 21st June 2011
Forum Posts: 330


He isn't completely there or not there...
Somewhere in the corridor
Between memory and reality
He lives, walks, and breathes
stands too close, exhales too hot
causes this clammy cool unrest
I remind myself
He's gone .. sort of..

This love transcends terror
creates unease, discomfort
He said he'd never leave me
Sometimes I dare hope
Something greater will call him home.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16188

Thank you Ms Sub and Beautiful Accident for your respective entry.

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