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Challenge: Suicide Note

poet Anonymous

Ok POP, you qualified your position on the topic, now permit me to do the same.  I have known suicides as well, I have also responded to them in a professional capacity seeing first hand the remains of their actions and the impacts on their loved ones.  There is nothing romantic, empowering or noble about it.  It is a desparate act carried out by desparate people.  You can "love to think" whatever you want about your ex's last thoughts, and I can indeed remain "partial and Bitter" about a selfish act that victimizes without mercy.  This and similar comps are in no way "cathartic" nor will they save lives, of course this is my sole opinion, so write about what you want, and I will write what I want.  

Oh yea, don't worry abouy my "overt" pain, I get by ok, cheers man.  Mike (Dresdamanx)

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 26th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 13

This is not your fault this is mine I don't want you to cry or think of what could've been, there is no point in trying to console the inconsolable I thought I had it all under control and then I didn't. Ive tried to explain this so many times the torment and abuse from others I can not and will not take it any more. Worst of all what my inner self say about me my self loathing attitude well I am done. Im sorry I cant be here anymore.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 5th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 241

See you soon.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 23rd Feb 2010
Forum Posts: 16


I entered this world
With morbid thoughts
A mortal being
That just wanted to die
I lived a life
Never really wanted
Just awaited the chance
To say goodbye

Pariah Shadow
Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 31st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 1633

So long good bye
I lived my life in time
and now its time
so long good bye
fed all the crap
survived the attacks
but now its time
so long good bye
to those I love I love you
to those I hate I didn't like you
at all
right or wrong
I die by my own hand
so long goodbye....

Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 24th May 2014
Forum Posts: 318

No one Cared about me..
Don't Try to Downplay it.. Because I know Its a Fucking Lie. When people Find me Dead they'll Scream an Cry,
The People at School will Feel Bad.. " It Should've been Me.." " I should've Known."
That's a Lie. Because You Never Cared. You were Never There. And Now I'm Dead.
Mommy, I'm Sorry,
Daddy I hate you.
Sissy I love you,

Love, Angel.

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 15th Feb 2015
Forum Posts: 305

For all those times none of you came when I needed you
I bet you'll come one last time I no longer need you
To view my sleeping corpse arms crossed and still
regretting the things you never said and now will ever again

I could not reach you through my sorrow and suffering
and your arms never quite reached out far enough
to help me to shore in the cold waters drowning me
or icy fingers touching and pulling me ever down

My life was a vomit of responsibility and expectation
but who has the right to dictate those terms?
My lifepath altered by one sworn to be forever by
Selfishness necessitating my forever vigilance

I'm sure some of you are not shocked: I gave enough warnings
but who has time to interpret and heed the calls of the damned?
My friends are numbered few but I curse all the rest
for my friends now suffer my inability to tolerate the heartless

I'm sorry for the mess
I wanted to pour my heart out one last time
It seems I have suceeded

william swann
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 19th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 22

Another Bad Idea  
Another Bad Day

Another Bad Parade

Tonight, Relief
Strange Mazes
Strange Faces  

Tonight, Silence

Burn My Pictures
Burn My Words

Burn My Corpse

Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 1st Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 172

Dear world,

Unveil my happenings
And comprehend the truth
That the darkness is not what terrifies me and you

Make me empty and vacuous of Morality’s descendants
I beseech thee my lord to leave me flinching
And cringing beneath the light of suicide like vengeance

I fear not the deadly hate
That consumes my spring
But this is the day I do scream
For love to leave me
As god of the Beneath

Listen to the trees
And read with me
The taste of nation’s suicides
Written on all my fucking lies

Leave me alone
To live at home
And pretend to deem it more than stone
I use daily to consume my soul
As if to win it back from Satan’s throne

Darkness is what I call home
But home has sewn my lips together
In fear of my turbulent weather
That bows to the gods of burning feathers
And a phoenix that does not rise

Consume me
And pray for the potential
To bring back the ugly
I left so gratefully
In closets that follow me

I am the hollow tree
That speaks truth to the nothing
Laughing hysterically
Three days dead
And happily consumed by the enzymes that fed
All things Ignorance called human

When a mortal dies
The last thing to go is not their eyes
But instead their ears
And the ability to hear
Us screaming in fear
Of what is on the other side
In hopes that we will not be ostracized
By Death and chain link gate entrances
To our demise

Every forty seconds
Someone decides to commit suicide
So give me some time
Because someone just died
And I would hate to mess with Kronos
Who opens up my soul
And consumes the light inside
Never healing the need for sighs
That end in a long line to Gehenna’s black skies

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 24th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 23

Dear family and friends
I've been going through alot and i just held it in
I've held in so much that there is no help for me
So this is good bye
I dont want to be a burden
These thoughts have came into my dreams
So now I'm acting on my thoughts like I've been taught
You can find my body in the woods by the stream
Where I'd have cut my throat and bleed into the water
Hopefully you get to me before a bear or wolf or something gets to me and takes me away
I love you guys

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 9th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1391

He came
He saw
He shat himself before he left.

poet Anonymous

"The dog wouldn't stop snoring."

"Im so tired I could..."

poet Anonymous

"Like that one kid, I just want to punch god it the face"

Fire of Insight
Belgium 1awards
Joined 4th Feb 2015
Forum Posts: 1040

Just tried to delete my facebook account and failed. - I'm immortal, I'm afraid. Sorry!

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 11th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 13

What if the greatest thing I could do for this world
is to take myself out of it?

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