Poetry competition CLOSED 10th October 2015 5:46am
RUNNER-UP: _shadoe_

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poet Anonymous

A year ago he wrote,

“I want to lay you down on the bed
and run my fingers up and down you.
Then I’ll begin massaging your inner thigh…”

Then a PhotoBooth shot of him
without a shirt and a wicked grin

But we still haven’t met

Because we each live
with other people
who would want to know
where we’re going
and why

Neither of us
has the courage
to betray people
who don’t really care
about us but whom
control us

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1781

Congrats to Vee your poem just really hit the mark...
Congrats to katja your poem was also on the mark
Thank you to all who participated, a lot of great entries!
It was a great turn out!

poet Anonymous

Oh wow, thank you so much Jackie, this certainly was a huge surprise given the fact that all the entries were fantastic.  
I'm sure it was not an easy decision.
Kudos to everyone who wrote in this comp..Cheers..till next time :)

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